March 31, 2008

Tips To Keeping Your Sanity While Working From Home

Though working at home may seem like a dream job, and well it is, one can lose their sanity in the attempt to become a success. There are boundaries that should not be crossed when sacrificing to reach our goals.

The misconception that if you're work from home you are not actually working has been circulating and it is just plain wrong. The comments ,"Must be nice to nap whenever you want to." or "Sure wish I could take it easy like you do.." get flung at internet marketers on a regular basis. The thought that if you work at home you must not really be working has grown into a pulsating big green monster. Jealousy of the work at home situation makes many 9 to 5 workers feel as though home business owners must really be slackers. In reality home business owners work very hard, if not harder than most 9 to 5 workers.

Working from home does give one flexible hours. Sometimes you can work 2 hours one day, and no hours another day. However, there are many times at home entrepreneurs are working weekend hours when other people are out having fun. Home business workers are working late nights while others watch T.V. or absurd morning hours when most people are cuddled warm in bed. Those who work at home do have the luxury of flexible hours, and they also have the curse of flexible hours. They spend a lot more time working than if they were in an office.

Because of this constant work at any hour of the day schedule it is easy for home business owners to get stressed out. They may feel some times as if they are losing their sanity due to the odd work hours and need to keep their lively hood a float. Here are a few tips to keep a firm hold on that sanity.

Eat Well, don't blow off healthy meals just because you're busy. Make the effort to take a break and eat your meals. You will always be busy, and the 'right' time may never come around, without making the effort you could miss all of your energy boosting meals. Remember, you may be making oodles of money working through meals, but eventually your brain is going to stop functioning at ultimate performance if you deprive it of the nutrients it needs. Then what will happen to your home based business? So take a break, eat a meatloaf and your veggies, your brain will thank you.

Exercise, you don't have to be an aerobics guru to appreciate the benefits of some good exercise. When we get busy the first thing we throw to the wayside is exercise, how sad is that? Exercise is a great energizer, and it is habit forming. Make exercise a habit and you will find that you are thinking clearer and feeling better everyday. Both of those ingredients make a healthy marketing entrepreneur.

Take breaks when you need them. Do not force yourself to work past your limits. Burning yourself out will do nothing but pull your business down. Not to mention a burned out person is just asking for more sickness and less energy. The whole saying of 'Wok through the pain' or 'It's mind over matter' are just that, sayings. Your body will tell you when it needs a break, and it is your duty to supply that break and do something you enjoy. You will see that you will return to work refreshed and ready to tackle your assignments for the day.

Stick to a regular schedule, you may have flexible hours, but a regular schedule will keep you on track and getting things done. If you do not have a an approximate schedule to follow, you may find that chaos may reign and work will be less likely to get done on a regular basis.

Treat yourself right and take care of your needs so that you can operate at maximum efficiency. Enjoy the luxury of working at homeFeature Articles, and keep your sanity well in tact.

Source: Free Articles from

Jason Pearson is an online marketing expert who wants to share his secrets with the world. To find out more...

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Ezine Advertising: 10 Steps to Writing Powerful Ezine Ads to Grow Your List

Advertising in email newsletters with ads is one of the greatest adverting bargains available today. It can be a very effective strategy to help you grow your mailing list and drive traffic to your website. There are thousands of ezine publishers eagerly standing by to take your money for a classified ad in their publication.

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Classified ads have been around as long as I can remember. Whether you're reading a newspaper or perusing the back of a magazine, you see classified ads. Before the advent of online marketing, placing classified ads in print publications was the method many people used to sell their products or services.

What has worked for years in traditional marketing is also quite effective in online marketing. Advertising in email newsletters with ads is one of the greatest adverting bargains available today. Moreover, it can be a very effective strategy to help you grow your mailing list and drive traffic to your website.

There are thousands of ezine publishers eagerly standing by to take your money for a classified ad in their publication. And, writing an ezine ad isn't quite as easy as it looks. How do you know the ad will be effective, and how do you create an ad that will result in a desired action?

Here are 10 steps to help you write a profitable classified ad for an ezine:

1. Choose your publication. Finding the right publication that goes out to the right target market is the key first step in this process. Optimally, you want an active list of at least 10,000 double opt-in subscribers who are accustomed to receiving regular ezines from the publisher (publishes weekly). Unfortunately, not everyone opens every email that they receive, so ask the publisher about her "open rate," which is the number of subscribers who actually open and read the ezine. A respectable and reasonable open rate is 30-40%. A great place to look for ezine publishers who sell ads in their email newsletters is Charlie Page's Directory of Ezines,

2. Be one of few, not one of many. Check out the publisher's sample email newsletter, as well as back issues, before you decided to advertise. How many ads does the publisher run in one issue? For maximum effectiveness, choose one that runs 5 or less ads per issue. This gives you a much better chance of being seen when your ad is competing against a smaller number of ads.

3. Craft an attention-getting headline. Your headline is the part of your ad that must grab your reader's attention immediately. Otherwise, the reader scans right past your ad to the next one. Use action words that emphasize a solution to a problem that your target market has. Or, ask a question that attracts the reader's interest. In order for your ad to be read, your headline must effectively answer the reader's most basic question, "What's in it for me?"

4. Outline your benefits in the body. Don't use the body of the ad to promote your products or service. You'll get the best results when you offer readers something that they can get immediately at no cost, like an ebook, audio, special report, ecourse, etc. Readers never want to learn more for the sake of learning. They want to get to the benefits you promised, or what it will do for them, instead.

5. Create a call to action. Tell the reader what to do next -- what action to take. Typically this means directing them via your URL to a web page to take this action. This step is even more effective if you create a sense of urgency -- give them a reason to act immediately.

6. Keep it short. Most ezine ads vary between 25 and 50 words, including your URL. This means that you have limited space to create maximum impact.

7. Design your landing page. Make sure your landing page listed in your call to action speaks specifically to the readers of that ezine. Don't send them to a generic page of your site and expect them to be able to figure out where to go on that page and what to do. Greet them by name, i.e. Welcome subscribers to ABC Marketing Ezine, and reiterate who you are, what you're offering, and how they can receive your offer.

8. Track your results. Truly effective advertising is only effective if it creates your desired result. Be sure that you have a tracking mechanism in place, like ad tracker software, so that you can see exactly how many people took action on your ad and exactly where they came from. If your ad tracking system is integrated with your shopping cart, you'll also be able to track how many sales resulted from your ad.

9. Test and change. You may actually come up with 10 or 20 variations as you design your. Don't discard any of them, as you may find them useful in the future, especially as you test which versions of your ad are effective. Test different headlines or different calls to action over a period of time in the same publication and see which versions get the best results.

10. Run multiple times. A one-shot ad never works. Plan to advertise at least 4 consecutive times in an ezine to see how you do. The more the ad appears, the greater the likelihood that the ezine reader will notice it. Over time, you will begin to see which versions of your ad are more effective with what kinds of target markets.

Ezine advertising is a proven, low-cost strategy to help you market your online business, grow your listsBusiness Management Articles, and increase your profits. Start writing your classified ad today!

Source: Free Articles from

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Improving Your Life With A Home Based Business

There really is no surprise why so many people are quitting their 9 to 5 jobs to work from home. You will experience far more benefits with your own home based business than you ever imagined with a 9 to 5 job. Everything from working for yourself to spending more time with the family can be experienced by having an internet home business.

There really is no surprise why so many people are quitting their 9 to 5 jobs to work from home. You will experience far more benefits with your own home based business than you ever imagined with a 9 to 5 job. Everything from working for yourself to spending more time with the family can be experienced by having an internet home business.

The first thing you will notice when working at home is the infinite amount of freedom you possess. You have the ability to work when you want, do whatever you want and take the business in whichever direction you choose to. The key is to remember the business depends on your hard work. You will be presented with distraction because of the freedom, but you have to remain focused and determined to accomplish the task at hand.

Part of the freedom includes being your own boss. The feeling that your life is in your hands and not controlled by your employers is an immense relief. No longer do you have to work on projects that you have no interest in. The sky is the limit for where you take your business.

While the competition is extremely stiff online, the internet never sleeps. As mentioned above, this gives you the opportunity to take your home based business to whatever heights you choose to. There is nothing stopping you from working long days to get what you want.

However, you do not want to overwork yourself just to get to a new level. The great thing about the internet is having the freedom to work when you want at your own leisure. Knowing that you can now spend time with your family rather than being chained to the office will put a smile on your face. Now you can make it home for dinner, make it to your kids' extracurricular activities, and spend the night out on the town with your better half.

Lastly, having your own internet home business gives you the chance to take on multiple tasks. What a benefit it is to be able to break out of the routine that you have been in and start to develop your own future. Having your own business entails you being the boss, writer, marketer, and customer service. The Internet never fails to provide new experiences day in and out.

This is just the tip of the iceberg for how you will benefit from having a home based business. You have the ability to make thousands of dollars a week from the comfort of your own home. As long as you have the desire and motivation to avoid the distractions that will ariseFree Articles, the sky is the limit for where you take your internet home business.

Source: Free Articles from

About the Author: With many years experience online, Dominic Turner is an expert in Money Making Online Business Sites. He runs the successful and informative money making online business site, Life Changing Plan where he reviews the best opportunties.

March 30, 2008

The Hardest Part Of Getting Started In An Affiliate Marketing Business Is Getting Started

I know. I know. The title of this article looks like a big typo. Just give me a minute to explain what it is that I mean by that.

When I started out with my affiliate marketing business, the biggest first step or obstacle for me was deciding exactly what I was going to do. I knew that I wanted an internet business that I could run on autopilot, with just a little work on my laptop each day, after I got everything rolling. I knew that I wanted my own website with affiliate links. I wanted an auto responder to handle my newsletter and training. I wanted a team of caring people to work with that would help me when I got in pinch. I wanted quality products to sell that I would be comfortable selling to my own mother. I wanted the products to pay out high commissions so that I didn't have to sell 1 million widgets or whatever to make a nice income. And I wanted a success formula to follow that was proven to work for other people.

I know I wanted a lot! But I was certain that I was going to start my own business and I was certain that I was going to make it work. I wanted to get it right the first time. I knew with all the garbage and scams out there that finding everything I wanted was going to be a difficult task. I'm not saying that all the other programs out there are scams. What I am saying is that there are a lot of scams out there though. The good news is there are also a lot of great people out there that are willing to help you succeed if you will just let them. Just be careful!

For a beginning affiliate marketing business owner trying to get all these details worked out can be overwhelming. I know it was for me. I researched everything for hours and hours trying to find the best auto responders, the best, most profitable programs, the best program for designing a website, the best methods of free advertising and so on and so forth. I studied and studied till my head was about to explode! I was suffering from a disease that has killed many affiliate marketing business startups, Information Overload.

Then I discovered a wonderful secret to making money with your own affiliate marketing business. Don't try to figure it all out on your own! I repeat, Don't try to figure it all out on your own! Find somebody successful that has a simple program with a turnkey, duplicative system already setup for you. Then all you have to do is plug into their system and be persistent and success will come. This will save you a lot of time, money and headaches. There are a few great programs out there that can set you up with everything you need to get started one step ahead of the competition. The key is to find the affiliate marketing business system that's a perfect fit for you. Everyone is different. Just do a little research and these systems are not hard to find.

I was fortunate enough to find a great team of people to work with where everything I wanted and more was supplied to me. Everyone is not that fortunate though. Many, many people start out with their own affiliate marketing business and really get put through the ringer. They waste thousands of dollars on get rich quick schemes or hop around from one failed opportunity to the next. Just find a reputable program with training and a great system and stick with it no matter what. The money is there to be made just be careful.

Aaron Kirk can help you get started in your own turnkey affiliate marketing business with your own website, your own email auto responder and complete support and training… Guaranteed. For complete FREE details visit:">

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Selecting A Top Small Business Opportunity In Malaysia

Many multinational companies are offering distributorship to individuals to market their products in Malaysia.

The best small business ideas are in the field of network marketing where it is inexpensive for you to enter and the rewards are high. An individual can start with any of these companies as low as RM99 and work themselves up to an income of over RM3000 in no time.

You don't need a lot of money for a head start into network marketing. All you will need is a bit of desire, a small business plan such as goals and a plan of action and a good team to support you.

The opportunities in small business such as a network marketing opportunity are huge. You can earn a few hundreds dollars a week or aim to earn a few thousand a week. It's an even playing field that allow an average individual to succeed.

You can use a number of ways to market your business and the ideas are many. You may consider doing a part of your network marketing business online as many of the companies offer their distributors a website portal to have a web presence where you can choose to market products on the web.

Some of the best small based business opportunities are to get involved with a company as it opens for business in your country. In Malaysia this opportunity arises daily as it's quite fashionable for companies to spring up as mushrooms only to die as the competition gets hard.

To make money chose a company that has a proven track history and learn everything about its products, its business plan before you start sharing the benefits with others.

People get attracted to your home based business opportunity looking at your integrity as well as the income the company can give them for their efforts. A network marketing business can provide a handsome profitable income that could turn residual over a period of time as the network of customers increase.

You may do a search for the top network marketing companies if you are considering taking up a part time career in home based business. There are a number of publications on the net that you can do your due diligence from.

The" how to" make money through network marketing is not so important when you are starting out. You must be very clear why you want to get into a secondary income stream. It's certainly going to be a bit taxing on you as you may have to give up a bit of free time to get this off the ground.

Unlike traditional business you will have to trade time to build this business and must allow 2 to 5 years to build a residual income stream of over RM200, 000 per year. I do realize that there maybe many other ways to earn this type of income. Certainly this is the best way as you build it over time with very little financial risk. There is no stopping the income once it starts flowing in.

Though the entry into a network marketing company maybe rather low it certainly does not mean that your future income is capped. Network companies are considered as high income producing business opportunities these days. It is proven that more millionaires are created by network marketing than any other type of business opportunity.

If you choose the right type of company you will find that the opportunity will outlive you. What a fantastic legacy to leave your children as a gift when you pass on. The interesting thing is that you too enjoyed the income when you were alive.

The author is a successful publisher on a number of subjects. He would like to share his reviews on what to look for in a home based business before jumping in and helping you to sustain business profitability

How Many Provisional Patents Will Be Filed In the Next Decade?

Being a part of the corporate world is becoming less and less sexy, and it's certainly no guarantee of security. The cool factor now lies in ability to run your own show. Mass media suggests that a real road to wealth and security is not climbing a corporate ladder, but rather becoming an entrepreneur, building your own businesses, and collecting real profits. Another way to prosper is to invent products, license the technology, and collect royalties -- a great source of passive income, while focusing on coming up with your "next big thing."

Whether you are creating new products for licensing, or marketing your own products, protecting your intellectual property is a very important step in the process of IP (Intellectual Property) commercialization.

"Many inventors "hit the wall" as they spend all their savings on inventing and testing a prototype, and they become short of cash when it comes time to do patenting" shares Olga Kostrova, founder of, a unique on-line platform for collaborative innovation, that provides the tools and processes that accelerate innovative ideas into business reality.

"The problem is that many inventors focus on the technical details, trying to perfect their designs, and they wait too long to file the patents, The window of opportunity can quickly close because competition is usually just around the corner. There are many stories of simultaneous inventions by people who are unaware of the other's work -- and the first one to the patent office wins. Often it all gets down to "time-to-market". You snooze-you loose. You have to react very fast or all the years spent in the lab might not justify the investment."

Solving this problem became a core principle in's approach to innovation; filing provisional patents is one of the quick and easy solutions.

Many of the ideas that inventors believe will revolutionize their industry are not new or unique. A patent search can be very useful to identify what's been done before. Yet, IdeaMama's members often spot companies that never bothered to file any patents - they simply created the product, threw it on the market, and gained market share.

Nevertheless IdeaMama advocates basic IP protection prior to disclosing potential valid ideas to its community of innovators, service providers, and investors. Bur, rather then spending thousands dollars for inventions that might never get commercialized, inventors have an option to file provisional patents and use them to protect inventions prior to filing a full patent. While this form of intellectual property protection is only an intermediary step, the benefit of a provisional patent is that it grants inventors the right to use the phrase "patent pending" in their marketing materials and sales pitches. A provisional patent is not read for its content on filing; it is awarded a filing number and a date of receipt that later can be used as prove of a date of IP conception.

"Since IdeaMama Club was founded, it has generated a lot of buzz.," says Olga. "The software still has some bugs, and the site is still in its infancy, but it works well enough for now. What draws attention is the fact that the site is a lot of fun to use, and it provides real benefits for the subscribers." is more than just an on-line business network; it's a unique collaborative virtual incubator for inventions and business ideas, and it is enhanced by many innovative tools and features.

The club is dedicated to connecting visionaries -- people who brainstorm on innovative ideas, plan new projects, structure and market the products of their collaboration as unique investment opportunities, and finally bring collective inventions (babies) to market.

In a next few years IdeaMama's management expects to see over a million international members worldwide.

Posting detailed text, photo, audio, and video profiles and getting connected with other members is free on Paid subscribers can enjoy many additional services.

The trend in the business world today is obvious - employees leave the corporate world to seek more independence as freelance professionals. As a result they face a few challenges: making a considerable income without a decent marketing budget, lack of sales and marketing skills, stiff competition, and the necessity for wearing many different hats.

The reason became the new "big thing" in the business community, after only few months of operation, is its philosophy. The vision promoted by the club is "collaborate versus compete." Find where you can add value to your competitor's service, pull your resources together, find new clients, bring them together, and enjoy a win-win situation.

Members not only enjoy each other and the process, while learning and co-creating, but they also receive tremendous financial opportunities. Participating members may have equity in their newly designed businesses or they may work on a profit sharing basis -- time and expertise can be very valuable and compensation is determined by the team members. IdeaMama encourages members to have a few revenue streams and to efficiently diversify their risk and resources.

We all know that the wealthiest people are those who were not scared to leave their well-paid jobs and jump into crazy new ventures.

"Creating wealth for millions of members and designing a new exciting lifestyle full of adventure and joy for all parties involved is the ultimate goal of IdeaMama," says Ms.Kostrova."

The club supports innovation in various industries: biotechnology, commerce, education, energy, entertainment, environment, finance, health and medicine, information technology, materials, space, transportation, and many others.

Because already generates a lot of buzz as a virtual destination that identifies and builds winning technology start-ups, it is natural to expect that hundreds of thousands new provisional patents will be filed collaboratively by IdeaMama's subscribers. All members that participate in inventing and IP commercialization get rewarded in IdeaMama's virtual economy not only with virtual currency but with real shares issued in members' ventures.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office might be understaffed to handle all new patents, but it is refreshing to see that someone is helping promote the process of innovation itself -- IdeaMama can impact millions of people, and give them all the knowledge and tools they need to realize big dreams and follow their destiny.

March 29, 2008

Usability Testing

Usability Testing is a term used to describe the methodology employed to evaluate a website, or screen-based product, with its intended users. The testing measures how 'usable' or 'intuitive' a product is and how easy it is to reach their goals.

The key difference between usability testing and traditional testing (bug testing, break testing etc.) is that usability testing takes place with actual users or customers of the product. Whilst traditional testing might be undertaken by a developer, designer or project manager, usability testing removes any bias by collecting feedback direct from the end user. There are a few types of usability testing:
Comparative Usability Testing

A comparative usability test is used to compare the usability of one product with another. It can be used at a high level where a new product is tested against competitor products, or at a low level, where two web page designs are tested to establish which provides the best user experience.
Explorative Usability Testing

Before a new product is released, explorative usability testing is undertaken to establish what content and functionality that a new product should include to improve beyond its competitors. Members of the target audience are recruited to test current products, and similar products. They are given realistic scenarios to highlight any gaps in the market that can be taken advantage of and illustrate where to focus design effort. Explorative usability testing normally takes place as part of a User Requirements Capture exercise.
Evaluation Usability Testing

This is a test of a new or updated product either during the production lifecycle, or prior to its launch. This usability test introduces users to the new design to ensure it is intuitive to use and provides a positive user experience. The aim of the evaluation usability test is to ensure any potential issues are highlighted and fixed before the product is launched.


Throughout the project life cycle there are many advantages of usability testing including: feedback direct from the target audience to focus the project team; internal indecisions can be resolved by testing users with a problem to see how they react to the different options; and issues and potential problems are highlighted before the product is launched. However, the business advantages of usability testing can be seen at the end of the project; it increases the likelihood of usage and repeat usage, it minimises the risk of the product failing, and users are better able to reach their goals, which results in the business meeting its targets.


Usability testing provides many benefits, but there are a few disadvantages in using this methodology, which should be noted. Firstly, testing is not 100% representative of the real life scenario, e.g. a mother will not have her two young children running around like she might have at home. Also, usability testing is deeply qualitative, so does not provide the large samples of feedback that a questionnaire might, but the feedback can be far more accurate and insightful.


Usability Testing can be used in a variety of ways during your project lifecycle. Despite not being able to mimic real life usage, usability testing is still the best method of ensuring your product or website supports users in achieving their goals quickly and easily. When businesses meet the needs and expectations of their usersFree Web Content, they are more likely to develop a successful product.

Source: Free Articles from

Keith McGregor is a partner of Strawberrysoup, a web design agency with offices in Chichester and Bournemouth. Strawberrysoup specialise in creative web design, content managed websites, search engine optimisation, search engine marketing and graphic design

Applying For Business Loans - What To Bring With You

Lenders are being very picky about which businesses they will give business loans to. To make a good impression to your loan officer here is a check list of what to bring with you.

With the current credit crunch lending institution are being very choosy about those who are going to receive business loans. This is why it is imperative that when you are applying for the loan that you have all the needed information with you so that you look like a well organized business. There are a variety of forms and information you should have and here is a checklist that you should use to get ready to apply for a business loan.

Officer's Information-You will need to have all of the personal information for every officer of the company. With the new banking laws put into effect after 9/11 it is certainly required before you can even get started. This information should include photo copies of each officer's driver's license and social security cards. You will also need to have the last three years of personal tax returns for each officer; this is because the officers are going to be required to sign personal guarantees for the loan.

Company's Incorporation Papers-Each state has their own requirements for how to incorporate your business. You will need to provide the lending institution with a certified copy of the Articles of Incorporation that you have filed with the state. These copies usually have the state seal and will also have the date that your corporation was official recognized by the state.

Federal Paper Work-You will also need to supply the lender with all your federal filings. This will include your EIN (Employer Identification Number) and if you are filed as an "S" Corp you will also need proof of that filing. Usually just a copy of your acceptance of an "S" Corp is needed and the receipt you receive from the IRS for you EIN.

State Paper Work- Many times you will need to show the lender that you have properly filed all the necessary paper work with the state. This can include your sales tax number and your unemployment numbers. The reason for this is because the lender wants to make sure that you business is running completely legitimately so there will be no state or Federal liens that can be placed on you.

Company Tax Returns- You are also going to need to show your company's tax returns for the previous three years. Make sure that you have a full copy of them. Other tax payments that you should have ready for them to see are any tangible or intangible taxes you have paid or any property taxesFind Article, it is important that these are currently paid and not outstanding.

When you are applying for business loans looking well organized makes a great impression with the loan officer. Take all of the above listed items and make a copy for the bank to keep. This looks like you are well prepared and also saves valuable time while you are at the bank. It is getting harder to get business loans but if you come in looking well organized you are more apt to receive a favorable result.

Source: Free Articles from

Craig Thornburrow is an acknowledged expert in his field. You can get more free advice on Business Loans and a Small Business Loan at
Being able to use credit cards for business purposes is very important for conducting business. Find a card that helps your company keep more of its' money is also important...

Being able to use credit cards for business transactions is an absolutely necessity. Not having access to a credit card can be devastating for a business owner especially if you need to make purchases online. Many suppliers now require you to have a valid credit card to even open an account with them. As a business owner you are going to need to decide which type of credit card is going to meet your needs and which ones you will actually qualify for.

When you are applying for a business credit card you should know that unless your company has already established credit your personal credit history is going to be the determining factor on whether or not you are approved and if you are approved how much of a credit limit you will actually receive. So which ever officer of the company has the strongest credit rating is the one that should actually fill out the application.

When you are looking for a credit card for your business you should look at which company has the best annual fees and interest rates. There are many credit cards that are available with no annual fees and you can oftentimes find cards that have a very low introductory interest rate that stay low even after the into period ends. This is important because as you know any money that you are able to save for your company is money that you are able to add to your bottom line.

Another thing you should consider is whether or not the credit card company has any other incentives available. For example most credit card companies offer some sort of reward program. Some offer airline miles and other offer you the ability for cash back or even merchandise. Look for a card that can actually help your company to save money. If you don't need to travel for your business then a credit card that offers free miles will not help the business. However, if you have a credit card that gives you cash back for a certain percentage of all your purchases this can lead to actually cash back for the company.

When you use your credit card for business purposes most credit card companies will send you an itemized statement at the end of the year showing your expenses broken out for you. This is a great way to learn how your company is spending its' money. For example they will usually break your expenses into accounts for you such as gas, office supplies, or perhaps dining. You will be able to quickly look over this report and track where you may be able to save money for company.

Finding a credit card company that has a beneficial card for you and your company is important. Make sure that the card you are applying for has every money saving advantage as possible. Remember, having a credit card for business related expense is important for doing businessComputer Technology Articles, have the right type of credit is also important.

Source: Free Articles from

Craig Thornburrow is an acknowledged expert in his field. You can get more free advice on a business credit card application and the best business credit card at

March 28, 2008

Domain Money Maker Review - Good Or Bad?

After looking into what the software has to offer, I decided to write this Domain Money Maker review. With the goal of finding out if it is a genuinely viable way to make money, I wrote this brief review to help you decide if Domain Money Maker is a product that is right for you.

People have made a ridiculous amount of money off of domains. With all of the potential revenue to be made, why not put your domains to work earning cash for you? Domain Money Maker allows you to quickly and easily put up a website for your domain, while using dynamic RSS feeds to update your site constantly based on your keywords. Setting up the script is simpler than you ever imagined.

The script has nine professionally designed templates there for you to choose from, and modifications are easy to modify. This gives your script a personal feel unique to your site. Installation of Domain Money Maker takes just seconds, and has been given tons of great reviews by satisfied customers. Consistently, Domain Money Maker has been rated five out of five stars.

Domain Money Maker gives you everything you need to start making money, including a massive bonus package that features a ton of extra software you can resell. In fact, you get more than 100 scripts and programs to use on unlimited domains! Most php software limits your use to one site and charges hundreds of dollars. As you know, any good domainer has hundreds of sites. Why not have software you can use on all of them?

I can't sing the praises of Domain Money Maker loudly enough. Literally, the software package has way more than you'll ever need at a price that is so affordable you'd be crazy not to try it. I highly recommend Domain Money Maker to any domainer looking to maximize the profitability of the sites they own.

To learn more, visit the official Domain Money Maker website at today.

5 Tips For Paid Bloggers

I started blogging for personal reasons: to keep in touch with long distant friends and relatives. Then I added a Smorty:

Tip #1

Understand the industry you want to be paid to blog for.

Let's assume you enjoy health and nutrition and have read up on this topic for years. In fact, you know many facts and "insider secrets" by heart and often share this information with friends, relatives, and strangers in your local health food store. That's a topic you could easily be paid to write about. Because of your vast knowledge, the posts will come easy and when they don't you're magazine subscriptions will offer plenty of food for thought.

Tip #2

Never accept a non-compete contract.

As a blog writer, you will make your living writing for various blogs. A non-compete clause will prevent you from writing about the same topic on another blog and that's not good for business.

As a health and nutrition specialist, you may write for a vegetarian blog, a holistic treatment blog, a vitamin company's blog, and even a diet blog. There's no competition there, right? And no "conflict of interest", correct? The non-compete clause won't even apply.

But what if you're asked to write for another vegetarian blog? That's when the non-compete clause kicks in and prevents you from earning a better living. Is there really a conflict of interest? Not if you don't post the same information on both blogs. You can write for five different vegetarian blogs and still not show a conflict of interest. It's all about choosing a different angle on the same idea and writing about it.

Tip #3

Never rely on revenue sharing as your sole source of income.

You're job as a blog writer is to write about topics relevant to the blog's theme and interact with commenters. Your job isn't to market and advertise the blog. That's the company's job. If the company isn't pulling its weight, the ad revenue will not exist and if the ad revenue doesn't exist, neither does your salary. It's best to be paid a flat fee, but if the company you truly want to work for only pays in ad revenue, negotiate a monthly stipend plus a percentage of the ad revenues.

If you're going to get paid based on ad revenue or clicks, and you're job is to also promote and market the blog, you should start your own blog. That way, you get to keep all the income you earn and don't have to share the revenues with a company who isn't doing anything to help promote the blog—aside from hosting (which you can get for as little as $7 a month and free if you stick to blog networks.)

Tip #4

Get paid in advance.

Negotiate a contract to get paid at the beginning of the month for that month's blogging. That way, you will never be out money for a project you've completed. And remember, if the company can pay the web host, the electricity bill, the web designer, the internet provider, and so forth, the company can afford to pay you!

Tip #5

When writers' block hits, to a search online.

Sometimes bloggers get what's known as "writers' block". Writers' block simply means you've run out of ideas to write about. It happens to the best of us, but it doesn't have to hurt your career as a blogger for hire. When writers' block occurs, get online and search for blogs, websites, and forums related to your blog's topic. After a half hour to an hour of readingComputer Technology Articles, you'll have plenty of ideas to write about.

Is It Time For You To Get Paid To Blog

The online blog advertising, promotional and marketing website today announced the release of its promotion campaign, Get Paid To Blog at smorty The campaign is geared toward businesses and individuals who have their own Blog and would like to earn extra income from Smorty promotions. "I think this is a great opportunity for those who maintain items like a Blog," "I know there are a lot of people out there who write daily Blogs. This is a good way to make extra spendable income with very little effort and without our promotions looking like they are intruding or over crowding their Blog space." Promos by smorty works similar to other ad programs. The owner of the Blog, places a small piece of html code that will generate a series of advertisements or promotions to be displayed. Each time a visitor to that participant's Blog clicks one of the promotions, the participant gets paid. A Blog, which was shortened from the term web log, is when someone has a website where they contribute written content in a chronological order. That content, when a visitor goes to it, is then displayed in a reverse chronological order. Advertise on blogs, which became very popular and mainstream a couple of years ago, are a way for businesses and individuals to provide commentary or news on a specific subject. A lot of Blogs function more like personal online diaries, where Blog writers, or better known as "bloggers", enter in their own personal accounts of a particular subject. Blogs are mostly text input, however many include pictures and links to other useful and related content. Although blogging is nothing new, Tucker believes tapping the blogging market for advertising revenue is. "The last statistics we read showed that there are over 400,000 Blogs worldwide covering every topic you can possibly think of." Tucker continues, "A lot of people do not realize they can use the extra space on their Blog for money, get a nice income from advertising revenue." The fact remains that not only is blogging here to stay it is growing larger each day. This increase in growth creates a number of possibilities for the bloggers and advertisers alike.


To learn more about how you can earn extra income with Smorty, Promos by Smorty campaign, visit their website get paid for blogging at

March 27, 2008

Usability Testing

Usability Testing is a term used to describe the methodology employed to evaluate a website, or screen-based product, with its intended users. The testing measures how 'usable' or 'intuitive' a product is and how easy it is to reach their goals.

The key difference between usability testing and traditional testing (bug testing, break testing etc.) is that usability testing takes place with actual users or customers of the product. Whilst traditional testing might be undertaken by a developer, designer or project manager, usability testing removes any bias by collecting feedback direct from the end user. There are a few types of usability testing:
Comparative Usability Testing

A comparative usability test is used to compare the usability of one product with another. It can be used at a high level where a new product is tested against competitor products, or at a low level, where two web page designs are tested to establish which provides the best user experience.
Explorative Usability Testing

Before a new product is released, explorative usability testing is undertaken to establish what content and functionality that a new product should include to improve beyond its competitors. Members of the target audience are recruited to test current products, and similar products. They are given realistic scenarios to highlight any gaps in the market that can be taken advantage of and illustrate where to focus design effort. Explorative usability testing normally takes place as part of a User Requirements Capture exercise.
Evaluation Usability Testing

This is a test of a new or updated product either during the production lifecycle, or prior to its launch. This usability test introduces users to the new design to ensure it is intuitive to use and provides a positive user experience. The aim of the evaluation usability test is to ensure any potential issues are highlighted and fixed before the product is launched.


Throughout the project life cycle there are many advantages of usability testing including: feedback direct from the target audience to focus the project team; internal indecisions can be resolved by testing users with a problem to see how they react to the different options; and issues and potential problems are highlighted before the product is launched. However, the business advantages of usability testing can be seen at the end of the project; it increases the likelihood of usage and repeat usage, it minimises the risk of the product failing, and users are better able to reach their goals, which results in the business meeting its targets.


Usability testing provides many benefits, but there are a few disadvantages in using this methodology, which should be noted. Firstly, testing is not 100% representative of the real life scenario, e.g. a mother will not have her two young children running around like she might have at home. Also, usability testing is deeply qualitative, so does not provide the large samples of feedback that a questionnaire might, but the feedback can be far more accurate and insightful.


Usability Testing can be used in a variety of ways during your project lifecycle. Despite not being able to mimic real life usage, usability testing is still the best method of ensuring your product or website supports users in achieving their goals quickly and easily. When businesses meet the needs and expectations of their usersFree Web Content, they are more likely to develop a successful product.

Source: Free Articles from

Keith McGregor is a partner of Strawberrysoup, a web design agency with offices in Chichester and Bournemouth. Strawberrysoup specialise in creative web design, content managed websites, search engine optimisation, search engine marketing and graphic design

Applying For Business Loans - What To Bring With You

Lenders are being very picky about which businesses they will give business loans to. To make a good impression to your loan officer here is a check list of what to bring with you.

With the current credit crunch lending institution are being very choosy about those who are going to receive business loans. This is why it is imperative that when you are applying for the loan that you have all the needed information with you so that you look like a well organized business. There are a variety of forms and information you should have and here is a checklist that you should use to get ready to apply for a business loan.

Officer's Information-You will need to have all of the personal information for every officer of the company. With the new banking laws put into effect after 9/11 it is certainly required before you can even get started. This information should include photo copies of each officer's driver's license and social security cards. You will also need to have the last three years of personal tax returns for each officer; this is because the officers are going to be required to sign personal guarantees for the loan.

Company's Incorporation Papers-Each state has their own requirements for how to incorporate your business. You will need to provide the lending institution with a certified copy of the Articles of Incorporation that you have filed with the state. These copies usually have the state seal and will also have the date that your corporation was official recognized by the state.

Federal Paper Work-You will also need to supply the lender with all your federal filings. This will include your EIN (Employer Identification Number) and if you are filed as an "S" Corp you will also need proof of that filing. Usually just a copy of your acceptance of an "S" Corp is needed and the receipt you receive from the IRS for you EIN.

State Paper Work- Many times you will need to show the lender that you have properly filed all the necessary paper work with the state. This can include your sales tax number and your unemployment numbers. The reason for this is because the lender wants to make sure that you business is running completely legitimately so there will be no state or Federal liens that can be placed on you.

Company Tax Returns- You are also going to need to show your company's tax returns for the previous three years. Make sure that you have a full copy of them. Other tax payments that you should have ready for them to see are any tangible or intangible taxes you have paid or any property taxesFind Article, it is important that these are currently paid and not outstanding.

When you are applying for business loans looking well organized makes a great impression with the loan officer. Take all of the above listed items and make a copy for the bank to keep. This looks like you are well prepared and also saves valuable time while you are at the bank. It is getting harder to get business loans but if you come in looking well organized you are more apt to receive a favorable result.

Source: Free Articles from

Craig Thornburrow is an acknowledged expert in his field. You can get more free advice on Business Loans and a Small Business Loan at

Using Credit Cards For Business Purposes

Being able to use credit cards for business purposes is very important for conducting business. Find a card that helps your company keep more of its' money is also important...

Being able to use credit cards for business transactions is an absolutely necessity. Not having access to a credit card can be devastating for a business owner especially if you need to make purchases online. Many suppliers now require you to have a valid credit card to even open an account with them. As a business owner you are going to need to decide which type of credit card is going to meet your needs and which ones you will actually qualify for.

When you are applying for a business credit card you should know that unless your company has already established credit your personal credit history is going to be the determining factor on whether or not you are approved and if you are approved how much of a credit limit you will actually receive. So which ever officer of the company has the strongest credit rating is the one that should actually fill out the application.

When you are looking for a credit card for your business you should look at which company has the best annual fees and interest rates. There are many credit cards that are available with no annual fees and you can oftentimes find cards that have a very low introductory interest rate that stay low even after the into period ends. This is important because as you know any money that you are able to save for your company is money that you are able to add to your bottom line.

Another thing you should consider is whether or not the credit card company has any other incentives available. For example most credit card companies offer some sort of reward program. Some offer airline miles and other offer you the ability for cash back or even merchandise. Look for a card that can actually help your company to save money. If you don't need to travel for your business then a credit card that offers free miles will not help the business. However, if you have a credit card that gives you cash back for a certain percentage of all your purchases this can lead to actually cash back for the company.

When you use your credit card for business purposes most credit card companies will send you an itemized statement at the end of the year showing your expenses broken out for you. This is a great way to learn how your company is spending its' money. For example they will usually break your expenses into accounts for you such as gas, office supplies, or perhaps dining. You will be able to quickly look over this report and track where you may be able to save money for company.

Finding a credit card company that has a beneficial card for you and your company is important. Make sure that the card you are applying for has every money saving advantage as possible. Remember, having a credit card for business related expense is important for doing businessComputer Technology Articles, have the right type of credit is also important.

Source: Free Articles from

Craig Thornburrow is an acknowledged expert in his field. You can get more free advice on a business credit card application and the best business credit card at

March 26, 2008

3 Conversation Starters for Cold Calling

When we decide to ditch our free cold calling scripts we need to find new ways to start our conversations. As a representative to your company you need to make sure that your prospects feel comfortable talking to you. Over the past few decades people have grown weary of the annoyances of cold callers. They have less patients and no longer want to hear the free cold calling scripts when they answer their phone.

So you need to ensure that you are truthful with them and change your goals. Before you can effectively pitch the new prospect you need to know whether or not your product or service can help them. Many try and sell a product or service to anyone who will listen and while sometimes we are able to generate a sale it is not an effective way to do business.

Here are a few ways to start up conversations:

1. "Hello I was wondering if you could help me?": Most prospects are willing to take some time out of their busy day to help someone. This also feels less threatening or pushy to the prospect and is less likely to cause the "defensive wall" to go up.

2. "Hello I was wondering if you would be open to some new ideas that could save you money on your health insurance": This is also an effective way to get the prospect to open up. Most people are willing to hear new suggestions if it will save them a few bucks in the process. However it is up to you to recognize if the prospect will benefit from your product or service.

3. "Hello I noticed that you may be experiencing difficulty with…" This way is a good conversation starter. It will show the prospect you care about what is happening. However you need to be sure that you identify a problem they are facing and then present a viable solution.

Talking with the prospects will reveal the truth sooner then later. It will show the prospect you are genuine in what you are saying unlike cold calling scripts. Conversation will also help you relate to the prospects and help build trust in the first call. Conversation relaxes the situation in insurance selling or any other selling you do. Although we are not always sure how a call will turn out holding genuine conversations with the prospects will help you determine if they are a fit.

Ari Galper, founder of Unlock The Game, makes cold calling painless and simple. Learn his free cold calling secrets even the sales gurus don't know. To receive your 10 free audio mini-lessons visit

Product Launch Formula - Why You DO Need A Plan

Launching a product online without a plan is like trying to build a house without a blueprint. You're likely to be VERY disappointed with the results. He's the best Product Launch Formula that I've encountered.

Let's say you're building a home. Do you do it from a blueprint or build it in a whimsical fashion? Every builder I know uses a blueprint.

However, very few Internet marketers sit down and create a plan before launching a product or service. Even if the launch is successful... it could've been significantly more profitable if every aspect was optimized from the outset.

Unfortunately, it you're not experienced in creating a buzz for your products before you launch them, then you'll have to create your blueprint from guesswork and trial and error. If that doesn't sound appealing to you, then there is another option...

The Product Launch Formula by Jeff Walker.

The methods taught in product launch formula are like being handed a blueprint to building a home that is most likely to succeed at being sold for the highest price.

Once you create a product launch plan, you'll literally be empowered with the ability to force people to pay attention to your products, instead of just hoping they'll discover them. Not only that, a successful product launch is more beneficial to your customers.

Think of it this way - if you are truly offering something valuable that you know will benefit your target audience if they follow your advice, and you don't do everything you can to give them the opportunity to use your product, then you're doing them a great disservice. That's part of the "Strategy of Preemminence" that Jay Abraham teaches all of his clients.

If you've introduced a product in the past without using a product launch formula, compare it to the next product you launch when you use Jeff Walker's product launch formula. While the extra money you should enjoy will be nice, perhaps equally as important is the sense of excellence you will feel knowing you pulled it off and achieved more success.

Even if you don't purchase Product Launch Formula, you can receive value just from the name of the product alone. At the very least you should come up with your product launch formula and a deliberate plan of action to create a buzz around your products before they are available to the marketplace.

How are you going to do this? How are you going to channel demand for your product weeks and months before it is even available? Will you release videos and other valuable content beforehand to get people's attention? How do you plan on reaching the widest audience to let them know that soon you'll be offering them a new or better solution?

These are all questions to consider when launching a product. The answer to these questions all need to be incorporated into your Product Launch Formula plan.

Source: Free Articles from

Willie Crawford is an internationally-acclaimed speaker, author, seminar and radio show host, and leading Internet marketing joint venture and product launch expert. Learn more about doing product launches and how to get your offer sent to 120,000 at:

Internet Banner Advertising: Captivate Your Visitors

The majority of people regard internet banner advertising as a stagnant and extinct form of advertising. Inadequate and inefficient banner advertising is dead and buried while banner advertising itself is thriving full of activity and animation.

Even though it is immeasurably less directed than search engine optimization tactics and pay per click campaigns for ranking well in the top search engines, banner advertising is still an additional strategy.

Banner advertising is a progressive marketing technique to support products and services through the power of the internet employing banners in a promotional campaign.

A robust notion and well-constructed banner ad is the elementary conceptualization of banner advertising for generating traffic to your website, as well as a vehicle to brand yourself. An important element to consider; writing ads that pull facilitates that you acquire another skill or at the bare minimum learn the basic fundamentals so that your advertising is not a fruitless endeavor.

The key to outstanding banner advertising is to place your banner on web sites that target your market, and configure a banner that entices people to notice it and then click on it. Another traditional theory is to design banners with a captivating graphical display.

Superior banners need to be "alive" to seize the attention of the visitor and to showcase a mixture of rich images and material. An image can paint a thousand words and it's a critical component in terms of banner advertising. There are two meaningful styles of banners; static banners and dynamically-rotated banners.

Static banners remain the same for every visitor and every time a page loads. The dynamically-rotated banners will vary for each visitor. The main benefit with dynamic-rotation is the variety of dissimilar banners you are able to promote to each viewer.

It would be wise to employ a range of advertisers or a diverseness of banners for a single advertiser. A combination of the two will help to maximize your bottom line.

To apply banner advertising for income generating profitsFind Article, get a handle on your markets cross section and test out distinct banners. This is a suitable area to get your feet wet so that you have the information and 'know how' of which keywords to target for your internet marketing campaign.

This will guide you to concentrate your marketing assets on promotions and bold new ventures that drive home a nice return on investment (ROI) and beautify your site to convert more seekers of knowledge and abundance.

Banner advertising is not weary and worn-out; in fact it's still a powerful online marketing tool. Some of the atrocious eye-destructive banner ads are still in existence but the savvy and well educated internet entrepreneurs have long forsaken those marketing efforts. Instead you will find sleek and sexy banner ads that are targeted yet intense with good taste.

Follow these simple guidelines and relish the spectacular placement of your banner ads appearing at the top segments of the most heavily trafficked sections of elite websites.

Source: Free Articles from

You can learn more advanced online banner advertising tactics at Don's => Big Ticket To Wealth website. Don Downes is an industry leading internet marketer and President and CEO of Downes Marketing Group. His mission is to establish leaders into full time home business entrepreneurs.

Secrets Of Massively Profitable Viral Marketing Online

The majority of people regard internet banner advertising as a stagnant and extinct form of advertising. Inadequate and inefficient banner advertising is dead and buried while banner advertising itself is thriving full of activity and animation.

Even though it is immeasurably less directed than search engine optimization tactics and pay per click campaigns for ranking well in the top search engines, banner advertising is still an additional strategy.

Banner advertising is a progressive marketing technique to support products and services through the power of the internet employing banners in a promotional campaign.

A robust notion and well-constructed banner ad is the elementary conceptualization of banner advertising for generating traffic to your website, as well as a vehicle to brand yourself. An important element to consider; writing ads that pull facilitates that you acquire another skill or at the bare minimum learn the basic fundamentals so that your advertising is not a fruitless endeavor.

The key to outstanding banner advertising is to place your banner on web sites that target your market, and configure a banner that entices people to notice it and then click on it. Another traditional theory is to design banners with a captivating graphical display.

Superior banners need to be "alive" to seize the attention of the visitor and to showcase a mixture of rich images and material. An image can paint a thousand words and it's a critical component in terms of banner advertising. There are two meaningful styles of banners; static banners and dynamically-rotated banners.

Static banners remain the same for every visitor and every time a page loads. The dynamically-rotated banners will vary for each visitor. The main benefit with dynamic-rotation is the variety of dissimilar banners you are able to promote to each viewer.

It would be wise to employ a range of advertisers or a diverseness of banners for a single advertiser. A combination of the two will help to maximize your bottom line.

To apply banner advertising for income generating profitsFind Article, get a handle on your markets cross section and test out distinct banners. This is a suitable area to get your feet wet so that you have the information and 'know how' of which keywords to target for your internet marketing campaign.

This will guide you to concentrate your marketing assets on promotions and bold new ventures that drive home a nice return on investment (ROI) and beautify your site to convert more seekers of knowledge and abundance.

Banner advertising is not weary and worn-out; in fact it's still a powerful online marketing tool. Some of the atrocious eye-destructive banner ads are still in existence but the savvy and well educated internet entrepreneurs have long forsaken those marketing efforts. Instead you will find sleek and sexy banner ads that are targeted yet intense with good taste.

Follow these simple guidelines and relish the spectacular placement of your banner ads appearing at the top segments of the most heavily trafficked sections of elite websites.

Source: Free Articles from

You can learn more advanced online banner advertising tactics at Don's => Big Ticket To Wealth website. Don Downes is an industry leading internet marketer and President and CEO of Downes Marketing Group. His mission is to establish leaders into full time home business entrepreneurs.

Internet Banner Advertising: Captivate Your Visitors

The majority of people regard internet banner advertising as a stagnant and extinct form of advertising. Inadequate and inefficient banner advertising is dead and buried while banner advertising itself is thriving full of activity and animation.

Even though it is immeasurably less directed than search engine optimization tactics and pay per click campaigns for ranking well in the top search engines, banner advertising is still an additional strategy.

Banner advertising is a progressive marketing technique to support products and services through the power of the internet employing banners in a promotional campaign.

A robust notion and well-constructed banner ad is the elementary conceptualization of banner advertising for generating traffic to your website, as well as a vehicle to brand yourself. An important element to consider; writing ads that pull facilitates that you acquire another skill or at the bare minimum learn the basic fundamentals so that your advertising is not a fruitless endeavor.

The key to outstanding banner advertising is to place your banner on web sites that target your market, and configure a banner that entices people to notice it and then click on it. Another traditional theory is to design banners with a captivating graphical display.

Superior banners need to be "alive" to seize the attention of the visitor and to showcase a mixture of rich images and material. An image can paint a thousand words and it's a critical component in terms of banner advertising. There are two meaningful styles of banners; static banners and dynamically-rotated banners.

Static banners remain the same for every visitor and every time a page loads. The dynamically-rotated banners will vary for each visitor. The main benefit with dynamic-rotation is the variety of dissimilar banners you are able to promote to each viewer.

It would be wise to employ a range of advertisers or a diverseness of banners for a single advertiser. A combination of the two will help to maximize your bottom line.

To apply banner advertising for income generating profitsFind Article, get a handle on your markets cross section and test out distinct banners. This is a suitable area to get your feet wet so that you have the information and 'know how' of which keywords to target for your internet marketing campaign.

This will guide you to concentrate your marketing assets on promotions and bold new ventures that drive home a nice return on investment (ROI) and beautify your site to convert more seekers of knowledge and abundance.

Banner advertising is not weary and worn-out; in fact it's still a powerful online marketing tool. Some of the atrocious eye-destructive banner ads are still in existence but the savvy and well educated internet entrepreneurs have long forsaken those marketing efforts. Instead you will find sleek and sexy banner ads that are targeted yet intense with good taste.

Follow these simple guidelines and relish the spectacular placement of your banner ads appearing at the top segments of the most heavily trafficked sections of elite websites.

Source: Free Articles from

You can learn more advanced online banner advertising tactics at Don's => Big Ticket To Wealth website. Don Downes is an industry leading internet marketer and President and CEO of Downes Marketing Group. His mission is to establish leaders into full time home business entrepreneurs.

March 25, 2008

8 Killer Tips To Increase The Profits Of The Home Business Website

It is amazing how successful internet home business websites have so much in common. I have analyzed hundreds of times the websites of the best performing internet business owners and seen these similarities.

It is a miracle how the most successful home business websites have so much in common, despite of the fact that they look so different. This cannot be a co-incident.

One common feature is that these successful sites are likable and somehow easy to use. Everything looks so clear, so it is easy to judge whether you like it or not.

They look so simple, that I often ask, what special they have and how they have become so successful? It seems that the simpler and the more user friendly the site is, the better chances it has to create big sales.

Very clearly one big success factor is that the finetuning work should concentrate to take away all the unnecessary elements and non-selling links.

1.Winning Element: Attention Grabbing Title.

The title is absolutely the most important element of the site. It should contain the promise and to describe the content of the site.

A Great Title informs in a catchy way that this website includes the benefits about this topic.

The headline should be written well and it should stand out from the rest of the copy. It also should be the first element, which catches the visitor attention in seconds, because if it does not do that, the visitor continues the surfing.

2.Winning Element: Well Written Copy.

The Internet is the information highway, so the role of the copy is very important, this is the world of the words. The copy should draw the readers attention immediately to the benefits your offer give to him.

The style is important and the target is to build up the trust from the first contact. The copy should make the reader enthusiastic about the benefits but it should not use hype style overpromises, because they will destroy the trust.

3.Winning Element: Easy Site Navigation.

This is the technical must, because nothing drives the visitors away faster than the bad navigation. The site structure should be clear and logical, so that the visitor knows all the time, where he is and to where he could go from here.

The menu should be the same on every page and clearly accessible and also easy to understand. The terms should be clear, despite of the fact that you may want to use internet home business keyphrases.

4.Winning Element: Call To Action.

After the copy has presented the main benefits it is the time to call the reader into action. Yes to tell him directly what to do and not to leave him guessing, how should I go on? Action is everything and we have to call the reader to do that.

One good way is to lower the bar, i.e. to offer a cheap or free trial opportunity for some weeks, before the reader will buy the product. The efficiency is the better, the more often you call the reader into action.

5. Winning Element: Images.

One picture tells more than thousand words. You should include photos of every product you sell, because they make the products more real, than the copy alone.

To make the navigation easier, you can use thumbnails instead of big images, which link to larger images. This speed up the page loadings.

6.Winning Element: Optin Form.

Most of the internet home business visitors needs at least five contacts before they will buy. However if they are interested about what you offer, it is important to get their name and email address through an optin form on the visible place of the site.

In this process you have to give them a gift, an email course, a free e-book or something like that, which again will sell your offer later on. Now you can send them messages during a long period of time, which clearly makes the process more productive.

7.Winning Element: About Us Section.

The idea of every internet home business site is to build trust over a long period of time. This requires that you tell enough about yourself and give your contact information for further questions.

All big home business brands are build by stories, so can you also do. The idea of the story is to give enough information about you and to show that there is a real person working for the customers. This shows people that there is a real people behind the business.

8.Winning Element: Site Freshness.

People and search engines love unique, fresh information. A successful home business website goes through regular changes and additions. The visitor sees immediately that it is up to date.

It is useful to look the competing sites in your internet home business niche, because they are a great source of new ideas. Another idea is to make sure your site can stand out from the crowd.

The marketing is very important but the key is still the quality of your internet home business site. It makes the people to come back and it is the real placeArticle Search, where they can reach you and your offers.

Source: Free Articles from

Juhani Tontti has researched the competing home business sites and is eager to help you to establish a money making site. Click this link of my home business site.

9 Killer Ways To Market Internet Business Successfully

There is the word run in the title, which shows the source of successful internet business. It is a constant flow of planned actions rather than any one time operations.

The internet business success is very simple. Just pick the winning strategy and execute it during a long period of time and you will reach your target 100 %.

The strategy sets the guidelines how you run the internet business and avoids you to select wrong ways. It may feel boring, but the repetition of the same tactics is the way to reach the success. It is a long process, mostly learning, and requires lots of persistence.

The joined application of several effective internet business tactics working together can create a foundation of unstoppable, related website traffic, that leads to being able to stop working on your website and to start enjoying lifetime automatic residual profits.

This is the ultimate goal of all successful internet business marketers. All internet marketing tactics and tips are already invented. There are a lot of internet business owners, who have already reached their goals.

When you now want to run a successful internet business, just pick the tactics, which will fit for you.

This is the list of internet business strategies, which I have run successfully:

1.Build A Personal Website.

After you have made the business plan and decided the marketing strategy, the major job is to build a website, which follows that strategy.

This is really important: because the content is the king, your site visitor must feel that the content really offers him a useful information so that he too can succedd. To become a brand.

2. Know The Content Of The Site.

The site content should also have a tactic, which means that the structure follows some easy to follow system. The idea of course is to be able to present the business idea effectively and to make the navigation easy to the visitor.

Now it is easier for the owner to remember the structure, which helps him later, when he plans the marketing tactics.

3.Select An Auto Responder.

There is one big idea to increase the productivity of your work: automate everything you can. Most of the internet business owners run one man operations, which means that the time they can use for a single work is limited.

One good tool is autoresponder, which sends different messages to your optin email list even, when you are sleeping. Make sure your internet business principal can offer a well written and long lasting ezine set with your links included. Select an autoresponder with a rich selection of features, for instance a possibility to send broadcast messages.

4.Use Optin Form.

The idea of optin form is to collect email addresses for the future contacts. This means that you can send permission based emails during a long period of time. Like at school, the effectiveness of advertising comes from repetition.

The ideal way to collect these names is with a form on your website. The receiver needs from five to seven contacts before he starts to act. 5. Participate Internet Business Forums.

Forum is a great source of information and contacts but it is not a place to advertise your products. On the other hand the forum is the meeting place of internet business owners and a great place to help others and build trust and brand.

6.Use Social Bookmarking.

Social bookmarking sites offer a great place to build contacts and backlinks. By writing proper teaser texts and using targeted and realistic keywords, you can climb to the first page of Google with an easy work.

I would recommend to use about 10 different sites to make this tactics to work effectively.

7.Use Article Marketing.

Writing articles is an effective tactics to increase the website traffic. Articles have many benefits, which no other tactics can offer. The most important is their persuasion power in the preselling.

The backlinks are extremely important because they can increase the site`s search engine ranking, pre-sell the content of the landing page and bring targeted site visitors resiually.


The meaning of blogs comes from the fact that a blog is easy to set up and easy to use, you don`t need a domain name and it si totally free. To write an optimized blogpost takes twenty minutes and can have hundreds of readers. The blog can also include ads, AdSense ads and product links.

9.Link Building Is Crucial.

Related backlinks are the business relations of your internet business website. The more you have themFree Articles, the better. The higher quality they are the better. In the link building the quality is an absolute king. This means that the site you have and it`s content makes the visitors come back and put the link on their sites.

Source: Free Articles from

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. The Strategy Determines Your Destiny! Find More Information And Tools About Successful Tactics From My Internet Business Site.

Getting Your New Home Based Business Ideas Going Today

If you are looking for a new home based business idea, choosing a home based internet marketing activity could be your best opportunity.

If you are looking for new home based business ideas, choosing a home based internet marketing activity could be your best opportunity. Literally thousands are making this choice for themselves and their financial future each day.

Having made this decision, most small home based marketers opt to at least start out on their ventures by themselves, without the expense or obligation of involving a professional marketing firm. That is where the beauty of online internet marketing comes in. It is possible to start out yourself and give it a try, without spending a ton of money. However, there are a few issues you must carefully consider.

First and foremost, always read as much of the fine print as possible. Sometimes free, is not what it seems. Having said that, use free web page sites when possible. Personally, I think it is a great idea to create and manage several free web page sites for some fun hobby/social type activity as a first start. Doing this gives you invaluable experience at what it takes to maintain and utilize an internet marketing web space for your future, financially lucrative new home based business idea activities.

You will quickly gain experience with customizing and personalizing web pages, marketing yourself, your ideas, and using the websites for free flow exchange of information. All perfect knowledge for use later with blog sites as well.

Blog websites can themselves be an extension of your typical home business activity. In effect, they are an online diary with frequent entries which can be used for not only exchanges of ideas among members but revenue producing opportunities as well. Well placed advertisements for programs such as Google Adsense or other affiliate links of your own can be added to blog websites as well.

Least we forget that the blogging sites can be used for free advertisements for your own additional web pages which contain promotional home based business opportunity ideas which you have put in place.

Beyond the basic do-it-yourself ideas, most of us will at some point seek professional help for adding higher quality to our websites. This might include such things as banner ads, graphic layouts, or higher quality logo designs. This does not have to be the high priced professional marketing companies. In fact, my personal preference is to look around at various online forums for individuals with incredible capabilities for very affordable prices. Many are highly capable and willing to take on even the smallest web design and graphic work projects for pennies compared to the large marketing firms.

Having gained an initial sense and flavor of what it takes from having free websites up and running, you will be ready to advance your knowledge into establishing your very own profitable new home based business idea ventures. As a word of advice, continue to seek as much "free" information and literature on home based internet marketing as possible. Read everything you can. Learn as much as possible from other people's experiences. After all, the greatest lessons are those learned from the failures of others, rather than those of our own. Before you know it, you will be an expert at home based business opportunities.

Source: Free Articles from

Stephen Wright is President & CEO of You can own your very own work at home business opportunity website! Or perhaps you already have a website and need more traffic and revenues? Visit InternetMarketingUSA today. Get free information and techniques proven to make you successful. Get started now at:

March 24, 2008

8 Killer Tips To Increase The Profits Of The Home Business Website

It is amazing how successful internet home business websites have so much in common. I have analyzed hundreds of times the websites of the best performing internet business owners and seen these similarities.

It is a miracle how the most successful home business websites have so much in common, despite of the fact that they look so different. This cannot be a co-incident.

One common feature is that these successful sites are likable and somehow easy to use. Everything looks so clear, so it is easy to judge whether you like it or not.

They look so simple, that I often ask, what special they have and how they have become so successful? It seems that the simpler and the more user friendly the site is, the better chances it has to create big sales.

Very clearly one big success factor is that the finetuning work should concentrate to take away all the unnecessary elements and non-selling links.

1.Winning Element: Attention Grabbing Title.

The title is absolutely the most important element of the site. It should contain the promise and to describe the content of the site.

A Great Title informs in a catchy way that this website includes the benefits about this topic.

The headline should be written well and it should stand out from the rest of the copy. It also should be the first element, which catches the visitor attention in seconds, because if it does not do that, the visitor continues the surfing.

2.Winning Element: Well Written Copy.

The Internet is the information highway, so the role of the copy is very important, this is the world of the words. The copy should draw the readers attention immediately to the benefits your offer give to him.

The style is important and the target is to build up the trust from the first contact. The copy should make the reader enthusiastic about the benefits but it should not use hype style overpromises, because they will destroy the trust.

3.Winning Element: Easy Site Navigation.

This is the technical must, because nothing drives the visitors away faster than the bad navigation. The site structure should be clear and logical, so that the visitor knows all the time, where he is and to where he could go from here.

The menu should be the same on every page and clearly accessible and also easy to understand. The terms should be clear, despite of the fact that you may want to use internet home business keyphrases.

4.Winning Element: Call To Action.

After the copy has presented the main benefits it is the time to call the reader into action. Yes to tell him directly what to do and not to leave him guessing, how should I go on? Action is everything and we have to call the reader to do that.

One good way is to lower the bar, i.e. to offer a cheap or free trial opportunity for some weeks, before the reader will buy the product. The efficiency is the better, the more often you call the reader into action.

5. Winning Element: Images.

One picture tells more than thousand words. You should include photos of every product you sell, because they make the products more real, than the copy alone.

To make the navigation easier, you can use thumbnails instead of big images, which link to larger images. This speed up the page loadings.

6.Winning Element: Optin Form.

Most of the internet home business visitors needs at least five contacts before they will buy. However if they are interested about what you offer, it is important to get their name and email address through an optin form on the visible place of the site.

In this process you have to give them a gift, an email course, a free e-book or something like that, which again will sell your offer later on. Now you can send them messages during a long period of time, which clearly makes the process more productive.

7.Winning Element: About Us Section.

The idea of every internet home business site is to build trust over a long period of time. This requires that you tell enough about yourself and give your contact information for further questions.

All big home business brands are build by stories, so can you also do. The idea of the story is to give enough information about you and to show that there is a real person working for the customers. This shows people that there is a real people behind the business.

8.Winning Element: Site Freshness.

People and search engines love unique, fresh information. A successful home business website goes through regular changes and additions. The visitor sees immediately that it is up to date.

It is useful to look the competing sites in your internet home business niche, because they are a great source of new ideas. Another idea is to make sure your site can stand out from the crowd.

The marketing is very important but the key is still the quality of your internet home business site. It makes the people to come back and it is the real placeArticle Search, where they can reach you and your offers.

Source: Free Articles from

Juhani Tontti has researched the competing home business sites and is eager to help you to establish a money making site. Click this link of my home business site.

9 Killer Ways To Market Internet Business Successfully

There is the word run in the title, which shows the source of successful internet business. It is a constant flow of planned actions rather than any one time operations.

The internet business success is very simple. Just pick the winning strategy and execute it during a long period of time and you will reach your target 100 %.

The strategy sets the guidelines how you run the internet business and avoids you to select wrong ways. It may feel boring, but the repetition of the same tactics is the way to reach the success. It is a long process, mostly learning, and requires lots of persistence.

The joined application of several effective internet business tactics working together can create a foundation of unstoppable, related website traffic, that leads to being able to stop working on your website and to start enjoying lifetime automatic residual profits.

This is the ultimate goal of all successful internet business marketers. All internet marketing tactics and tips are already invented. There are a lot of internet business owners, who have already reached their goals.

When you now want to run a successful internet business, just pick the tactics, which will fit for you.

This is the list of internet business strategies, which I have run successfully:

1.Build A Personal Website.

After you have made the business plan and decided the marketing strategy, the major job is to build a website, which follows that strategy.

This is really important: because the content is the king, your site visitor must feel that the content really offers him a useful information so that he too can succedd. To become a brand.

2. Know The Content Of The Site.

The site content should also have a tactic, which means that the structure follows some easy to follow system. The idea of course is to be able to present the business idea effectively and to make the navigation easy to the visitor.

Now it is easier for the owner to remember the structure, which helps him later, when he plans the marketing tactics.

3.Select An Auto Responder.

There is one big idea to increase the productivity of your work: automate everything you can. Most of the internet business owners run one man operations, which means that the time they can use for a single work is limited.

One good tool is autoresponder, which sends different messages to your optin email list even, when you are sleeping. Make sure your internet business principal can offer a well written and long lasting ezine set with your links included. Select an autoresponder with a rich selection of features, for instance a possibility to send broadcast messages.

4.Use Optin Form.

The idea of optin form is to collect email addresses for the future contacts. This means that you can send permission based emails during a long period of time. Like at school, the effectiveness of advertising comes from repetition.

The ideal way to collect these names is with a form on your website. The receiver needs from five to seven contacts before he starts to act. 5. Participate Internet Business Forums.

Forum is a great source of information and contacts but it is not a place to advertise your products. On the other hand the forum is the meeting place of internet business owners and a great place to help others and build trust and brand.

6.Use Social Bookmarking.

Social bookmarking sites offer a great place to build contacts and backlinks. By writing proper teaser texts and using targeted and realistic keywords, you can climb to the first page of Google with an easy work.

I would recommend to use about 10 different sites to make this tactics to work effectively.

7.Use Article Marketing.

Writing articles is an effective tactics to increase the website traffic. Articles have many benefits, which no other tactics can offer. The most important is their persuasion power in the preselling.

The backlinks are extremely important because they can increase the site`s search engine ranking, pre-sell the content of the landing page and bring targeted site visitors resiually.


The meaning of blogs comes from the fact that a blog is easy to set up and easy to use, you don`t need a domain name and it si totally free. To write an optimized blogpost takes twenty minutes and can have hundreds of readers. The blog can also include ads, AdSense ads and product links.

9.Link Building Is Crucial.

Related backlinks are the business relations of your internet business website. The more you have themFree Articles, the better. The higher quality they are the better. In the link building the quality is an absolute king. This means that the site you have and it`s content makes the visitors come back and put the link on their sites.

Source: Free Articles from

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. The Strategy Determines Your Destiny! Find More Information And Tools About Successful Tactics From My Internet Business Site.