March 30, 2008

The Hardest Part Of Getting Started In An Affiliate Marketing Business Is Getting Started

I know. I know. The title of this article looks like a big typo. Just give me a minute to explain what it is that I mean by that.

When I started out with my affiliate marketing business, the biggest first step or obstacle for me was deciding exactly what I was going to do. I knew that I wanted an internet business that I could run on autopilot, with just a little work on my laptop each day, after I got everything rolling. I knew that I wanted my own website with affiliate links. I wanted an auto responder to handle my newsletter and training. I wanted a team of caring people to work with that would help me when I got in pinch. I wanted quality products to sell that I would be comfortable selling to my own mother. I wanted the products to pay out high commissions so that I didn't have to sell 1 million widgets or whatever to make a nice income. And I wanted a success formula to follow that was proven to work for other people.

I know I wanted a lot! But I was certain that I was going to start my own business and I was certain that I was going to make it work. I wanted to get it right the first time. I knew with all the garbage and scams out there that finding everything I wanted was going to be a difficult task. I'm not saying that all the other programs out there are scams. What I am saying is that there are a lot of scams out there though. The good news is there are also a lot of great people out there that are willing to help you succeed if you will just let them. Just be careful!

For a beginning affiliate marketing business owner trying to get all these details worked out can be overwhelming. I know it was for me. I researched everything for hours and hours trying to find the best auto responders, the best, most profitable programs, the best program for designing a website, the best methods of free advertising and so on and so forth. I studied and studied till my head was about to explode! I was suffering from a disease that has killed many affiliate marketing business startups, Information Overload.

Then I discovered a wonderful secret to making money with your own affiliate marketing business. Don't try to figure it all out on your own! I repeat, Don't try to figure it all out on your own! Find somebody successful that has a simple program with a turnkey, duplicative system already setup for you. Then all you have to do is plug into their system and be persistent and success will come. This will save you a lot of time, money and headaches. There are a few great programs out there that can set you up with everything you need to get started one step ahead of the competition. The key is to find the affiliate marketing business system that's a perfect fit for you. Everyone is different. Just do a little research and these systems are not hard to find.

I was fortunate enough to find a great team of people to work with where everything I wanted and more was supplied to me. Everyone is not that fortunate though. Many, many people start out with their own affiliate marketing business and really get put through the ringer. They waste thousands of dollars on get rich quick schemes or hop around from one failed opportunity to the next. Just find a reputable program with training and a great system and stick with it no matter what. The money is there to be made just be careful.

Aaron Kirk can help you get started in your own turnkey affiliate marketing business with your own website, your own email auto responder and complete support and training… Guaranteed. For complete FREE details visit:">

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Selecting A Top Small Business Opportunity In Malaysia

Many multinational companies are offering distributorship to individuals to market their products in Malaysia.

The best small business ideas are in the field of network marketing where it is inexpensive for you to enter and the rewards are high. An individual can start with any of these companies as low as RM99 and work themselves up to an income of over RM3000 in no time.

You don't need a lot of money for a head start into network marketing. All you will need is a bit of desire, a small business plan such as goals and a plan of action and a good team to support you.

The opportunities in small business such as a network marketing opportunity are huge. You can earn a few hundreds dollars a week or aim to earn a few thousand a week. It's an even playing field that allow an average individual to succeed.

You can use a number of ways to market your business and the ideas are many. You may consider doing a part of your network marketing business online as many of the companies offer their distributors a website portal to have a web presence where you can choose to market products on the web.

Some of the best small based business opportunities are to get involved with a company as it opens for business in your country. In Malaysia this opportunity arises daily as it's quite fashionable for companies to spring up as mushrooms only to die as the competition gets hard.

To make money chose a company that has a proven track history and learn everything about its products, its business plan before you start sharing the benefits with others.

People get attracted to your home based business opportunity looking at your integrity as well as the income the company can give them for their efforts. A network marketing business can provide a handsome profitable income that could turn residual over a period of time as the network of customers increase.

You may do a search for the top network marketing companies if you are considering taking up a part time career in home based business. There are a number of publications on the net that you can do your due diligence from.

The" how to" make money through network marketing is not so important when you are starting out. You must be very clear why you want to get into a secondary income stream. It's certainly going to be a bit taxing on you as you may have to give up a bit of free time to get this off the ground.

Unlike traditional business you will have to trade time to build this business and must allow 2 to 5 years to build a residual income stream of over RM200, 000 per year. I do realize that there maybe many other ways to earn this type of income. Certainly this is the best way as you build it over time with very little financial risk. There is no stopping the income once it starts flowing in.

Though the entry into a network marketing company maybe rather low it certainly does not mean that your future income is capped. Network companies are considered as high income producing business opportunities these days. It is proven that more millionaires are created by network marketing than any other type of business opportunity.

If you choose the right type of company you will find that the opportunity will outlive you. What a fantastic legacy to leave your children as a gift when you pass on. The interesting thing is that you too enjoyed the income when you were alive.

The author is a successful publisher on a number of subjects. He would like to share his reviews on what to look for in a home based business before jumping in and helping you to sustain business profitability

How Many Provisional Patents Will Be Filed In the Next Decade?

Being a part of the corporate world is becoming less and less sexy, and it's certainly no guarantee of security. The cool factor now lies in ability to run your own show. Mass media suggests that a real road to wealth and security is not climbing a corporate ladder, but rather becoming an entrepreneur, building your own businesses, and collecting real profits. Another way to prosper is to invent products, license the technology, and collect royalties -- a great source of passive income, while focusing on coming up with your "next big thing."

Whether you are creating new products for licensing, or marketing your own products, protecting your intellectual property is a very important step in the process of IP (Intellectual Property) commercialization.

"Many inventors "hit the wall" as they spend all their savings on inventing and testing a prototype, and they become short of cash when it comes time to do patenting" shares Olga Kostrova, founder of, a unique on-line platform for collaborative innovation, that provides the tools and processes that accelerate innovative ideas into business reality.

"The problem is that many inventors focus on the technical details, trying to perfect their designs, and they wait too long to file the patents, The window of opportunity can quickly close because competition is usually just around the corner. There are many stories of simultaneous inventions by people who are unaware of the other's work -- and the first one to the patent office wins. Often it all gets down to "time-to-market". You snooze-you loose. You have to react very fast or all the years spent in the lab might not justify the investment."

Solving this problem became a core principle in's approach to innovation; filing provisional patents is one of the quick and easy solutions.

Many of the ideas that inventors believe will revolutionize their industry are not new or unique. A patent search can be very useful to identify what's been done before. Yet, IdeaMama's members often spot companies that never bothered to file any patents - they simply created the product, threw it on the market, and gained market share.

Nevertheless IdeaMama advocates basic IP protection prior to disclosing potential valid ideas to its community of innovators, service providers, and investors. Bur, rather then spending thousands dollars for inventions that might never get commercialized, inventors have an option to file provisional patents and use them to protect inventions prior to filing a full patent. While this form of intellectual property protection is only an intermediary step, the benefit of a provisional patent is that it grants inventors the right to use the phrase "patent pending" in their marketing materials and sales pitches. A provisional patent is not read for its content on filing; it is awarded a filing number and a date of receipt that later can be used as prove of a date of IP conception.

"Since IdeaMama Club was founded, it has generated a lot of buzz.," says Olga. "The software still has some bugs, and the site is still in its infancy, but it works well enough for now. What draws attention is the fact that the site is a lot of fun to use, and it provides real benefits for the subscribers." is more than just an on-line business network; it's a unique collaborative virtual incubator for inventions and business ideas, and it is enhanced by many innovative tools and features.

The club is dedicated to connecting visionaries -- people who brainstorm on innovative ideas, plan new projects, structure and market the products of their collaboration as unique investment opportunities, and finally bring collective inventions (babies) to market.

In a next few years IdeaMama's management expects to see over a million international members worldwide.

Posting detailed text, photo, audio, and video profiles and getting connected with other members is free on Paid subscribers can enjoy many additional services.

The trend in the business world today is obvious - employees leave the corporate world to seek more independence as freelance professionals. As a result they face a few challenges: making a considerable income without a decent marketing budget, lack of sales and marketing skills, stiff competition, and the necessity for wearing many different hats.

The reason became the new "big thing" in the business community, after only few months of operation, is its philosophy. The vision promoted by the club is "collaborate versus compete." Find where you can add value to your competitor's service, pull your resources together, find new clients, bring them together, and enjoy a win-win situation.

Members not only enjoy each other and the process, while learning and co-creating, but they also receive tremendous financial opportunities. Participating members may have equity in their newly designed businesses or they may work on a profit sharing basis -- time and expertise can be very valuable and compensation is determined by the team members. IdeaMama encourages members to have a few revenue streams and to efficiently diversify their risk and resources.

We all know that the wealthiest people are those who were not scared to leave their well-paid jobs and jump into crazy new ventures.

"Creating wealth for millions of members and designing a new exciting lifestyle full of adventure and joy for all parties involved is the ultimate goal of IdeaMama," says Ms.Kostrova."

The club supports innovation in various industries: biotechnology, commerce, education, energy, entertainment, environment, finance, health and medicine, information technology, materials, space, transportation, and many others.

Because already generates a lot of buzz as a virtual destination that identifies and builds winning technology start-ups, it is natural to expect that hundreds of thousands new provisional patents will be filed collaboratively by IdeaMama's subscribers. All members that participate in inventing and IP commercialization get rewarded in IdeaMama's virtual economy not only with virtual currency but with real shares issued in members' ventures.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office might be understaffed to handle all new patents, but it is refreshing to see that someone is helping promote the process of innovation itself -- IdeaMama can impact millions of people, and give them all the knowledge and tools they need to realize big dreams and follow their destiny.