April 19, 2008

Women Entrepreneur: Pulling It All Together

there you are, in a boardroom meeting with a few of your business colleagues, and in walks a woman. As you observe her, you think to yourself, " Now she's really got it together. This woman has got it all figured out. She's got this one nailed to the floor." What do you see?

As you know a businesswoman's appearance is her business card; only much larger in size. It's also a part of the first impression package. Without even actually knowing someone, you can gather a great deal of information about them: whether they're confident or not, if they take themselves seriously, if they know what they want, if they are responsible, or whether they're happy. Of course, appearance says a lot, but it's not just about what's on the surface of an individual that matters. It's about what lies beneath, and body language says plenty. Now if you have your superficial act together, then your body language should match. For instance, would you take someone seriously that has all the confidence in the world, but looks like a bum? Not on your life.

In the business world, body language is tantamount to your success. What you are saying must be congruent with the picture you are showing, and role you are playing. Many of us forget, potential clients and business partners are looking for this. So therefore you must be congruent, that is you must know what you want, be confident in yourself and what you do, as well as take yourself seriously. This includes looking your best, and staying fit as it exhibits that you care about your well being. This is translated as being concerned about the welfare of others. Clients tend to think, "If they care about their well-being, then they must care about their business." This means clients and customers. It is important to realize that your clients and business partners are always making connections about you. They are attempting to draw logical conclusions regarding doing business with you.

The brain is our internal switchboard; it's also our central control. It sorts and applies information about incoming stimuli to decision-making. In many instances, people don't have any memory to recall upon when making decisions about others. By and largely, the client/professional relationship is very much this way, especially in the beginning. The brain works almost frantically sizing up people and situations from a very small amount of information. Although this prospect seems daunting from an entrepreneurial aspect, it's actually just the opposite. This is your time to shine for the spotlight is upon you.

Three Important Pointers:

1. Eye Contact is Essential: Look at whomever you are addressing square in the eye. This is how you are connecting from a visual standpoint. But most essentially, this says you are solid in your position, are being forthcoming and authentic. "I'm an open book." It also is an indicator that you are paying attention to what someone is saying to you.

2. Smile. Be Energetic and Upbeat. This says that you are happy with what you do. It also says, "If you find out more about me, you will be happy too." Yes, people are firm believers that happiness is catching.

3. Don't Slouch. How many times have you heard this growing up? This says you are confident and proficient. Slouching and poor posture is often associated with laziness and irresponsibility.

Being your own boss, and the queen of your empire requires you to think as your clients and business partners do. In other words, instead of looking at yourself face on as in a mirror, view yourself from another perspective---from over there.

Copyright (c) 2008 Aunice Reed

Visit: www.myunlimitedsuccess.com to Learn How to Increase Your Entrepreneurial Success. Aunice Reed is a Professional Success Coach & NLP Master for Women. Visit Her Blog: www.womensspecialtygroup.typepad.com

Communication Skills in Business

Communication skills are an absolute must for any business. It is not only necessary for senior executives but also essential for middle level and lower level management executives.

A senior level executive has to communicate with investors and managers. At the lower levels one has to communicate effectively with their peers.

For selling any product or services good communication skills are a must. It is not the most intelligent and capable people who succeed in business. People who can communicate and make good impression are the one's to succeed.

Good communication skills are not just considered an additional weapon in your armory, but they are absolutely essential to succeed.

To negotiate any deal, to meet the suppliers and get the best terms and conditions or to meet your own teams to generate ideas for the next quarter, good communication skills come in very handy.

In business people generally have a quite a few issues to sort out with their clients, government agencies and suppliers etc. Good communication skills are required to resolve any of these issues successfully.

If your communication skills are inadequate it would be hinder your ability to resolve these issues successfully

Communication skills require listening capabilities. So is the ability to speak skillfully is not very easy. Particularly talking to an angry set of people or frustrated people could be far more difficult.

Communication skills have to be developed and honed over a period of time. Even though most people in business think that they are good communicators, this does not have to be necessarily true.

You have to identify the defects in your communication skills and modify it, while retaining the good parts.

If you are a good communicator people will listen to you and engage you in a dialogue. It means that you will be confident of facing any situation.

The author has a master's degree in science. Blogs at wilybusiness.blogspot.com/ bnsridhar.blogspot.com/