March 18, 2008

Start A Hauling/Shopping/Taxi Business!

Here is a simple business anyone with a van or SUV can perform: haul stuff for other people who don't have a way to do it themselves.

You could move lawn mowers, bags of garden soil, playground equipment, Christmas trees, musical instruments, furniture, big dogs from the groomers-you get the idea.

Starting this home business is easy. Make sure your vehicle is in good shape. Be sure your car insurance is up to date. You don't want any trouble if your vehicle should get into a fender-bender.

Now, print up flyers advertising your business. Place the flyers in furniture stores, garden centers, grocery stores, Laundromats, and wherever else you can find a bulletin board. College bulletin boards are prime hunting grounds for business. Also, place ads in your local newspaper.

Once your business takes off your customers will soon be telling their friends, "Hey, I know a guy with a van who will haul it". Word of mouth is a priceless form of free advertising.

How much you should charge for your service depends on what you're hauling and how far you have to haul it. You want to keep the price reasonable, or word will spread of your high prices and your customers will go elsewhere. Reasonable prices and friendly reliable service will build your hauling service fast.

Here's another way to put your gas-guzzler to work: Start a grocery shopping service.

Your customers would call or fax their grocery order to the supermarket. Your customer gives you the money to pay for the groceries. You go to the store and pick up the order for your client.

The growing senior population would love this service. Make sure you place ads in the paper and flyers in supermarkets, Laundromats, and senior citizen clubs.

Here's one more way you can put your vehicle to work! If you have a safe driving record you could provide a taxi service for senior citizens and any latchkey kids who need to get to an after school activity.

You could charge five or six dollars per trip. Give your frequent travelers a break by offering a free ride after a certain numbers of trips.

It would be wise to provide the parents of any kids you transport proof you can be trusted. If the parents say it isn't necessary then insist they check out your driving record, car insurance, and whether or not you have a criminal record. You are protecting yourself by doing this. Bad things happen. You don't want to get caught in the crossfire.

Make sure your vehicle is comfortable and clean for your travelers. Have a fully outfitted first aid kit, a primed fire hydrant, and a toolbox in your car. Accidents do happen, people, even to the safest of drivers. You need to consider the safety of your passengers so insist everyone buckle up.

Prove to be a reliable and trustworthy taxi service and many other parents will soon have you shipping their kids to and from soccer practice.

Hauling furniture, grocery shopping, and a taxi service. You use your vehicle to do these chores for yourself all the time. Start making money doing them for others!

For More Free Resources visit

Advertising Through Google Adwords

Adwords are a simple and effective way of advertising on the net, which help to reach a vast audience and it does not cost much. Due to the popularity of Google Adwords if you paste an ad on the search and content sites of Google and its related network, you can advertise your products and reach a large number of buyers without spending too much on advertising. You can reach your potential customers at the right time precisely when they are looking for a product, increasing your chances of making a sale.

There are hundreds of people looking for bargains on the net and Adwords help you to reach these people. Through them you can find a market for your products. Your ads are placed above or next to relevant search engines on Google, and whenever someone clicks on your ad you get a potential buyer. This process is very simple, in minutes your ads can be running, and reaching hundreds of thousands of online and offline customers. If your ad is not clicked on, you do not pay. Thus you do not have to spend too much and are in complete control. You can also study their performance any time to see that if you are benefiting from them.

To start, you have to pay a nominal activation fee. After this you do not have to pay any monthly charges, and you can choose from a variety of ad formats. The ads can be in the form of an image, a video or just a text ad. You can change your ad anytime you want. You can keep a record of the google adwords performance by checking at your online account control center.

There are different ways in which you can place your ad on the site. Moreover, in pasting a keyword related ad, you choose the keywords for your ad, and decide the amount you pay for each click. The higher you pay, the more the chances of the system displaying your ad on the site. In placement of targeted ads, you choose the exact content site where your ad will be placed. You also decide the maximum amount you will pay for each click, or for per thousand page views.

To be able to target your potential customers and get better website roi, keep certain points in mind when placing ads. Some tips include relating your Ad text to the webpage where it is placed targeting a wide variety of audience. Another thing you should do is experiment with your text formats to see which works best, and include product prices and special offers to attract customers.

You can see the performance of your ads through PPR or placements performance reports. If they are useful and are they giving you some business then you can continue to have them on your site. If you feel they are not giving you any business, you can delete them from your site. You can also help Google to keep track of your progress by using a conversion optimizer. There are some more technical terms you need to have knowledge about like the CTR or the 'click through rate' which tells you about the actual number of times people actually click on your ad. The CR or 'conversion rate' is the percentage of people that actually buy something on your site.

Guido Nussbaum is a successful internet marketer and specialized on teaching others how to increase website traffic for free. Check out his website at Easy Viral Traffic

Start A Hauling/Shopping/Taxi Business!

Here is a simple business anyone with a van or SUV can perform: haul stuff for other people who don't have a way to do it themselves.

You could move lawn mowers, bags of garden soil, playground equipment, Christmas trees, musical instruments, furniture, big dogs from the groomers-you get the idea.

Starting this home business is easy. Make sure your vehicle is in good shape. Be sure your car insurance is up to date. You don't want any trouble if your vehicle should get into a fender-bender.

Now, print up flyers advertising your business. Place the flyers in furniture stores, garden centers, grocery stores, Laundromats, and wherever else you can find a bulletin board. College bulletin boards are prime hunting grounds for business. Also, place ads in your local newspaper.

Once your business takes off your customers will soon be telling their friends, "Hey, I know a guy with a van who will haul it". Word of mouth is a priceless form of free advertising.

How much you should charge for your service depends on what you're hauling and how far you have to haul it. You want to keep the price reasonable, or word will spread of your high prices and your customers will go elsewhere. Reasonable prices and friendly reliable service will build your hauling service fast.

Here's another way to put your gas-guzzler to work: Start a grocery shopping service.

Your customers would call or fax their grocery order to the supermarket. Your customer gives you the money to pay for the groceries. You go to the store and pick up the order for your client.

The growing senior population would love this service. Make sure you place ads in the paper and flyers in supermarkets, Laundromats, and senior citizen clubs.

Here's one more way you can put your vehicle to work! If you have a safe driving record you could provide a taxi service for senior citizens and any latchkey kids who need to get to an after school activity.

You could charge five or six dollars per trip. Give your frequent travelers a break by offering a free ride after a certain numbers of trips.

It would be wise to provide the parents of any kids you transport proof you can be trusted. If the parents say it isn't necessary then insist they check out your driving record, car insurance, and whether or not you have a criminal record. You are protecting yourself by doing this. Bad things happen. You don't want to get caught in the crossfire.

Make sure your vehicle is comfortable and clean for your travelers. Have a fully outfitted first aid kit, a primed fire hydrant, and a toolbox in your car. Accidents do happen, people, even to the safest of drivers. You need to consider the safety of your passengers so insist everyone buckle up.

Prove to be a reliable and trustworthy taxi service and many other parents will soon have you shipping their kids to and from soccer practice.

Hauling furniture, grocery shopping, and a taxi service. You use your vehicle to do these chores for yourself all the time. Start making money doing them for others!

For More Free Resources visit
Making money on the internet is like making money anywhere else. You've got to know what you are doing, why you are doing it, how to do it, and where to do it. So how and where do you learn these things?

Well, people learn how to run an internet business, or business in general in many different ways. Some pay thousands of dollars and invest years of study to get a college education in the field of business (usually just to graduate and go to work for someone else). Others learn how to run a business from a family member that has already invested the "sweat equity" in the business, made all the mistakes, and now have a successful operation. Still others are self-taught. They read, listen, ask questions, observe, research and seek out the knowledge they need to start a business and to make it profitable.

If you have seen or tried money-making opportunities on the web and failed (meaning you didn't make your investment back or one dime for that matter) then there is obviously a problem. Was it the business? Was it you? Was it lack of knowledge, resources, guidance, motivation, dedication, fear, ignorance, etc? Only you can answer that. The important point about that statement is you have to find the answer to that question. Why did you fail? If you can honestly answer that question then you at least have a starting point to solve the problem and move forward. The next time you engage in a business venture you will at least know why the previous one failed and you can avoid that mistake again.

One opinion I have as to why countless people fail at home-based, online businesses is because they don't have the proper knowledge and guidance to show them how to make it work. People are making money on the internet. You can't tell me that they are all Harvard business graduates! There has got to be, even just a few, average Joe's like you and I that don't necessarily have all the smarts and resources to make millions on the web just by joining some online opportunity. How are these people doing it!?

I think one reason is that the successful people follow a system - a proven system that has been tested over years and has remained viable. A system that promotes mentorship to the persons that join it. A mentor that is available to walk you through the steps and guide you in exactly what to do and when to do it. If it worked for one person, why can't it work for the next? Find a business system that is duplicable and repeatable - one that has made money for someone else. If it can be duplicated then it should work for you.

Above all, do your due diligence! You wouldn't buy a business franchise without spending hour after hour reviewing all aspects of the business model, would you? If you would stop now - you are destined for failure. You have to analyze each and every opportunity you are considering and determine if it is a viable business opportunity. Then and only then can you have a chance at making any money with a home-based, internet business.

Peter Harris is not an internet marketing guru or a millionaire. He is just an average guy committed to improving his financial future through hard work, dedication, commitment and the internet. He is not a licensed businessman but is a member of many money-making fantasies!