April 07, 2008

Who are Big Ticket to Wealth, Carbon Copy Pro, Passport to wealth, Wealth Masters International, EDC

These companies all bring in large amounts of cash to the person that markets them in the proper way. A couple of these companies have one up and two up systems, multi level marketing systems, and matching override commissions.

I will break each of these companies down in a way that you can understand them. I will first start with Carbon copy pro. I tried Carbon Copy pro just from the beginning and you have to purchase a $49 video just to read a little about the company. I received this video, "Inside Out", in the mail and watched each excerpt. I still have it on my desk sitting in the corner. This is a break down of Carbon Copy Pro. M1 sells for $1995, M2 sells for $8995, and M3 sells for $19995, and you can also expect to pay over $100.00 a month for this service. Carbon Copy Pro pours large amounts into advertising. They want you to pay the $8995 for the home business which they call Wealth Masters International or WMI. Once you get to that level you will need to have a $2000 to $5000 budget for advertising budget. Now with the $19995 I will not even go into that because most people can not afford to pay that kind of money to start an internet business. Now you can make your decision on this opportunity.

The next company I will tell you a little about is Passport to Wealth. Passport to wealth has an Australian compensation plan called a 2 up system. Where they got this idea from is the insurance and securities industries because both of these are very direct, powerful, and simple. Their magic number is 3. With this number you must send up your first 2 sales and you finally get to collect your first monies from your 3rd sale. With this sale that is where your downline starts. If this is for you to pass up your first two sales then you may want to try passport to wealth.

The next company I will tell you about is called Liberty league. You will receive a three cd set, a workbook, journal for writing in, and a few other items to place in your hands and a small carrying case. The program is a self guided tour of you. With Liberty League you have two plans on which you can join. First of all you have an enrollment fee of $49 which allows you to become an associate and to get qualified for your commissions you will have to pay $1520. Liberty league also uses a two up program, which still means you must send up your first 2 sales before you even make any money back. After your third sale you finally qualify for your commissions and now your cost is up to $3520. After that you must attend two conferences which are called Liberty which will cost you $8000 and Summit will cost you $13000. With Liberty League you need five sales to start making money.

The next company I will discuss is EDC Gold or Earn Daily Cash. EDC is also a 1 or a 2 up system. You have to pass up your first 2 sales which cost you $997 each which is $1994 to the person that got you in to the program and at that same time you loose those prospects. You also have all of the hosting, and administration, and the reoccurring monthly fees. You will not make the money as described in the other opportunities.

Now with the last company that I will tell you about is Big Ticket to Wealth. With Big ticket to wealth you have three different entry levels. The first level is $797 which is the National Level, the second level $1197 which is the Executive Level, and the third level is $1997 which is the Presidential level. With the first level you send your sponsor and his sponsor $300 each and the remaining goes to administration. With the second level you will send your sponsor and his sponsor $500 each and the remaining to administration. With the final level you will send $900 to your sponsor and the same to his sponsor and the remaining to administration. With these different levels you will also have residual monthly income from them. The reason this is called a matching override is because you receive from you downline the same as your sponsor, so since your sponsor is getting the same as you are he will be there for you with any question you may have. Your sponsor will never leave you hanging because if you are making money so is he. You also have the help from our CEO Gerald Van Yerxa. Gerald Van Yerxa will help you if your sponsor is unavailable for any reason. We have a toll free number that you can use to get the office when you need them. They will get back to you in a reasonable amount of time, normally the same day. Our marketing strategies change from day to day. We will change what we need to just to stay up to date with the market. If you do not have the knowledge to work online we can help with all of the videos that we have in our back office and with that you will be able to do what is needed to succeed. We have just added travel vouchers that you can use to bring in cash from all of the different businesses out there. With the presidential level you have unlimited vouchers that you can sell, use for yourself, or even give away to prospective clients. I believe this is by far the best online opportunity on the internet. We have a daily webinar and conference that you can participate in and get a number from the screen during the webinar and go on a trip to many locations around the world at no cost to you other than the small redemption fee, taxesArticle Submission, and your incidentals that you incur. So if you are interested in this opportunity then follow the link below.

Thanks and God Bless you all.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


Overcoming Buyer Hesitance to Get That Final Sale

How to overcome buyer's hesitation

Expert marketers and sales people know that product resistance is often part and parcel of selling your products and services. It's usually due to a particular concern on the reliability, usability or usefulness and feasibility of purchasing product that's preventing your prospective customers to finalize a sale.

Most of the time, your buyers are able to express their reluctance verbally. Some of the time however, it's up to us to read their gestures and facial expressions to determine if they're leaning towards the product or against it.

As negative as hesitance to purchase is at first glance to a business, if you look deeper and analyze such reactions, you'll find that such reluctance is actually a good thing. Having your customers react as such means that even through objecting, your target clients are actually listening to what you're saying and are considering your product if not for a few concerns they have. And knowing how to address these concerns, saying the right things and appeasing your cusotmer's doubts, can certainly allow you to resume the transaction and finish off with a sale.

How do you deal with your customer's concerns?

Trained sales agents know this. And as a business owner you should too. Most often than not, the concerns brought up by your consumers may not be the real issue that causes such doubt. In fact, it may just be that they're not sure how to communicate that they need to know more about the benefits of your products and services.

This silent, unknown choke-up then makes it difficult for your target clients to agree to what you are offering as they are distracted by questions in their mind. Unless you extract those doubts, then understand and overcome the issues causing their objection, you will never be able to get your target customers past the reluctance that stands between a failed and successful transaction.

Commitment Issues

It's hard to communicate effectively if the person you're talking to is listening only through a crack through the door. Unless you get your consumer to have an open mind to what you're trying to say, your message will only fall in deaf ears. This is certainly the most challenging part of the selling process.

When your prospect hesitates to make the purchase and responds with a resounding 'no', you should be able to handle and overcome it. Most successful business owners can vouch that when you are able to rise above the rejections, you'll more likely to get customers who are not only one-time buyers, but repeat business clients as well.

Overcoming communication barriers lead to a more open mindFree Articles, trust and confidence. And most of the time overcoming this barrier only requires more compassion and understanding on the customers needs and train of thought.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

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You Must Have A Unique Selling Proposition For Your Business To Succeed

Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is your product's most powerful benefit, combined with unique aspect of your business. Unique selling proposition tells your customer why he should buy from you rather than other folks who are selling.
You start an online business with your newly created or acquired product. You build a good website and you do good advertising.Congratulations! You have a decent amount of visitors.You cannot hide your enthusiasm. The sales would just follow.But they do not.You check your stats daily.You try to compare conversion rates and think, "Sales should have happened by now".You may have occasional sales but to make that a regular occurrence you need to build an element in your businessUnique Selling PropositionUnique selling proposition tells your customer why he should buy from you rather than other folks who are selling.Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is your product's most powerful benefit, combined with unique aspect of your business.A lot of things can be made USP from "cheap price" to "good after services".What you are going to make yours depends on the product, your competitions and their USPs and what you can afford to do as USP.But I can help you with few things which are required to create a USP.What is your product and what does it do?Write all the features of your products and the benefit that it would impart.What is the benefit to your customer?How does your product improves life of your customer. Does it help him saving his time or work faster or improve his relations, help him earning money and so on. You can write these as they strike your mind.What is unique about your product?Why should a customer buy your product over the hordes of similar products. Remember! If your product does not have a competition then the product itself becomes a USP of your business until competition develops.What is unique about you?It would appear difficult to answer this question at first. But you must diligently work on this till you are able to find or produce a good answer. Your experience, your reputation, your integrity, your support service etc. List the things that you think you are good at. There should be a strong and convincing reason so that your customers decide to buy from you.Choose the best feature in each category. Combine the three into one phrase.Congratulations! You have a USP.Crafting a USP is not a easy job. Most of internet marketers who have " me too" websites would find their situation similar to what we imagined in first para.As you work towards your USP it would also improve your focus and your vision about your own business. So! If you have not worked upon it till now, start searching for it.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Arun Pal Singh is an internet marketing consultant and web author who runs website http://www.homeforprofits.com to help online entrepreneurs with information and ready made products. Visit http://www.homeforprofits.com to find how his information can provide the leverage that your business needs to grow and expand.