March 12, 2008

Unleashing The Entrepreneur In You Means Finding The Right Business For You.

You are an entrepreneur at heart. You know it, you can feel it, you can sense it. You can feel your heart about ready to pound out of your chest when you think about all the things that you KNOW you can be doing, IF you had control of your time and had the finances. Your friends and family see it in you also. You believe that you were destined for something bigger, something better, something that would allow you to leave a LEGACY of your life behind... long after you are gone!! You know that it is your time.

"Tim", you say, "you are right! I know that I am destined for something greater, but how do I find the right opportunity?" That is a good question. You really do have to find the opportunity or the business that is right for you. There are literally thousands, even hundreds of thousands of thousands of work from home or home based businesses available to you. But how do you know which one is right for you?

Here are 3 questions that you need to ask yourself:

1. As you are building your business, HOW CAN YOU HELP OTHERS?

"What? Help others? I thought that I was in business for my benefit?", you may say. And yes, you are. But remember what Zig Ziglar says: "Help enough people get what they want and you WILL get what you want!" Now, for some people, getting what they want may be to lose some weight, some may want better health, and some may want wealth. What ever it is that they want, have the attitude of helping them get what they want. And this opportunity has to in some way give you the chance to help them do just that!

2. Very key item here! "Is this product or service that you will be providing be something that YOU can believe in?" Now this is EXTREMELY important because if you don't believe in the product/service that you will be providing, believe me when I tell you, your potential customer or prospect will be able to sense it!! There are too many people to count who have tried to sell or represent something that they didn't believe in, and eventually failed or gave up, quit, or blamed the product/service or the company or the support team. Truthfully, most likely the product/service was quality, but it wasn't right for them and they NEVER believed in it and people they talked to could tell.

Finally, and the thing that is most important to look for in a business opportunity is.....CAN YOU TEACH OTHER PEOPLE HOW TO DO THIS?

Think about this: A store owner can't be at his/her store every day all day (well he/she could, but would not have a life to live), so he/she needs to train someone to be able to run the store while he/she is gone. A smart business owner will "leverage" his/her time by hiring people to do the majority of the work so that he/she can focus on ways to build his/her business. Therefore, the person he/she puts in charge must be able to teach others to do specific jobs also so that the store runs efficiently and productively. So your opportunity choice has to have a system that you can use, and one that you can teach to others easily (helping others) to be able to do the same thing, causing you to be successful. When you can use a PLUG AND PLAY system to help you recruit, sign-up people, and train, then MOST of the hard work is done!! Then all you have to do is to teach others how to PLUG AND PLAY. In NO WAY am I saying that no effort is needed to be successful because EVERY beginning takes effort to build a foundation and get things rolling. BUT, can you imagine the POTENTIAL of a system like that, once you have taught others how to apply it and they have taught their others to apply it? The longer you work that system, and the more people you teach (and help them teach others) how to use the same system, IT WILL BECOME self perpetuating! Imagine the growth of your business in 6 months, 12 months, 18 months!! It will grow exponentially, and it will be 100% automated!

So there you have it:

1. How can you help others?
2. Is the product/service something that you can believe in?
3. Can you teach others to do the same thing?

There are many fantastic companies and opportunities with teachable systems out there, so find the one that is right for you.

I hope this article was useful in helping you decide, FIRST, if you are ready to unleash the entrepreneur in you. SECOND, to help you know what to look for in an opportunity. Thank you for reading my article.

If you would like to learn about the system that I use, visit my website.

Tim Vigil

Please feel free to contact me or leave a comment! Here is to your SUCCESS!

Helping people become successful is my passion, getting healthier while building wealth is my business.

Mothers Working at Home: A New Trend

Many family women are now deciding to have some change of plans. They are basically resigning from their regular working schedules and are opting to be mothers working at home. Indeed, it is very tiring to spend the whole day at the office while worrying and feeling guilty of not having enough time to spend with your kids, right? To date, mothers working at home is now becoming a trend. These essential women have finally realized that they could better handle the formative years of their young ones if they would do the task by themselves instead of letting other people do it for them. The moment of your kids' growth would only come once and you should never miss it or else you could never turn back the time.

These days, it is very much obvious that many married women with kids prefer to stay at home to work.

Working Moms Leave their Workplaces Faster than the Men

For practical reasons, women opt to pursue their careers without the hassle. Instead of working on a fixed schedule, they rather bring their office at home. As surveys have discovered, the women are up to this trend at a faster pace than the men. Moms always want to keep the formative years of their little kids under their watchful eyes and that is why instead of getting the services of a nanny or any care worker, they would rather become flexible and decide to stay at home.

But then with their desire of maintaining the flow of their income, they become open to the many business opportunities that are made available to them. Home businesses are of the trend also.

A Little Warning to Moms who Opt to Work at Home

Evidently, the Internet holds much information especially in line with home based businesses. There has to be some cautions to be taken though. There are plenty of scams that are scattered within the cyberspace and you should not fall as a victim to that. Do not be an easy prey to the quick deals in the internet which promises that you would soon get rich. These hypes are of course scams which you need to stay away from.

The hype is the most basic red flag which you must make yourself aware of. Some things are simply too good to be true and in the end you would realize that they really are.

Another red flag to watch out for is when you cannot get the access to the information that you desire to have. When you get in touch with a website or any person who insists that you do business with him or her and then your queries are never satisfied, it only means one thing—it may be a scam and any unstable business opportunity. It may just leave you hanging at any time. What you must do is to stop at once and never again look back to such negotiation. You need to be careful when attempting to invest on online businesses.

One of the common jobs online which prove to be boring is reading emails, filling out surveys, stuffing envelopes, clicking on the links and banner ads, and many others. Some profitable ventures are copywriting, freelance writing, photography, and a lot others.

Making Certain that You are Prepared for This

Ask yourself first of what you really would like to do and on what activities you prefer to spend your time on. Would you be happy clicking on all the ads, reading mails, filling out surveys, and many of these stuffs? Would you not be more productive if you intend to concentrate on some web business and then sell your own product? Or would you like to become an affiliate as well? There are plenty of business opportunity ideas which you may always concentrate on.

Nevertheless, becoming a mother working at home is a goal which you need to get yourself obviously focused on. It is never an easy venture so you would have to gather all your guts in venturing in this business deal. There are friendly websites for mothers who prefer to work at home which you could check from time to time for the wonderful opportunities that you may avail of.

For more information on business opportunity for women please visit:

Working at Home Mothers: Top Ten Things You Need to Know

Women just like you obviously have so many reasons that would prompt you to become a working at home mother. You have tons of options to choose from as you prefer to simply intend to spend time working at home. You just have to become organized so that your career move would become a lot better. In these days when computer technology is at its best, you are all the more fortunate because the options are easily laid out. And since most home based jobs allow flexibility, moms like you would enjoy the available time that you could spend with your kids and other loved ones.

Even though you would only be working for some time during the day, still, you are guaranteed with a handsome income. Therefore, the longer hours you designate for your work, the more money you could earn. The real reason behind your decision to work at home is due to your desire to give the necessary quality time for your kids. Hence, it is up to you to organize your own schedule.

Here are the top ten things which working at home mothers ought to know.

Observe proper pacing. Do not overburden yourself with too much work load. Take note that you are working at home because you are after watching over your kids and spending more time with them. Do not also be cramming up with commuting back and forth to anywhere as this would only exhaust you and leave you with very minimal time to spend with your family.

Take advantage of the nap time of your kids. When your kids are sleeping after eating their lunch, you could take the chance of working. Or after a day's end, you may spend the time with your family by updating each other with the day's activities and then go back to your work after everyone has taken a deep slumber.

Manage your time wisely. Do not be seating in front of your computer every time all throughout the day. You could assign a specific time to do this so that all of those could be attended to.

Set up a reliable voice mail system. This would allow you to retrieve the calls as soon as you sit in front of your computer.

Schedule a coaching session. Since you are a newbie in the business, you might as well enroll yourself in coaching lessons so that you could better work out with the business in its maximum advantage.

Get online help. The internet is still the best source of information for any home based business that you plan for. Do not fret and consult it once in a while.

Decide on what business would be best for you to handle. You cannot do something which does not interest you in any way.

Be willing to listen to learn the ups and downs of the business. There could be a tendency when you may lose your investment or it could be that you would earn profitably. Whichever is designed for you, you must stay open minded.

Learn from other people. You could best learn from the stories of other people who have had their own experience with home based businesses. There is nothing wrong if you take their advices after all.

Stay organized. If you know how to handle all aspects in your new work, you would not be burdened with problems which you would find hard to resolve in the end.

Working out with a website would be a benefit. You may create the pages in the middle of the night when your kids are asleep. You could then set up an autoresponder so that the important messages may be delivered to your clients as they are deemed necessary. The idea is you could create the impression that your business is alive for twenty hours and seven days in a week. With this you could sleep peacefully knowing that you are not losing your clients.

Working at home mothers should recognize the importance of handling the home based set up business. There are websites which you must consult to further strengthen your knowledge on the line of business that you have finally decided to work on.

For more information on business opportunity for women please visit: