March 24, 2008

8 Killer Tips To Increase The Profits Of The Home Business Website

It is amazing how successful internet home business websites have so much in common. I have analyzed hundreds of times the websites of the best performing internet business owners and seen these similarities.

It is a miracle how the most successful home business websites have so much in common, despite of the fact that they look so different. This cannot be a co-incident.

One common feature is that these successful sites are likable and somehow easy to use. Everything looks so clear, so it is easy to judge whether you like it or not.

They look so simple, that I often ask, what special they have and how they have become so successful? It seems that the simpler and the more user friendly the site is, the better chances it has to create big sales.

Very clearly one big success factor is that the finetuning work should concentrate to take away all the unnecessary elements and non-selling links.

1.Winning Element: Attention Grabbing Title.

The title is absolutely the most important element of the site. It should contain the promise and to describe the content of the site.

A Great Title informs in a catchy way that this website includes the benefits about this topic.

The headline should be written well and it should stand out from the rest of the copy. It also should be the first element, which catches the visitor attention in seconds, because if it does not do that, the visitor continues the surfing.

2.Winning Element: Well Written Copy.

The Internet is the information highway, so the role of the copy is very important, this is the world of the words. The copy should draw the readers attention immediately to the benefits your offer give to him.

The style is important and the target is to build up the trust from the first contact. The copy should make the reader enthusiastic about the benefits but it should not use hype style overpromises, because they will destroy the trust.

3.Winning Element: Easy Site Navigation.

This is the technical must, because nothing drives the visitors away faster than the bad navigation. The site structure should be clear and logical, so that the visitor knows all the time, where he is and to where he could go from here.

The menu should be the same on every page and clearly accessible and also easy to understand. The terms should be clear, despite of the fact that you may want to use internet home business keyphrases.

4.Winning Element: Call To Action.

After the copy has presented the main benefits it is the time to call the reader into action. Yes to tell him directly what to do and not to leave him guessing, how should I go on? Action is everything and we have to call the reader to do that.

One good way is to lower the bar, i.e. to offer a cheap or free trial opportunity for some weeks, before the reader will buy the product. The efficiency is the better, the more often you call the reader into action.

5. Winning Element: Images.

One picture tells more than thousand words. You should include photos of every product you sell, because they make the products more real, than the copy alone.

To make the navigation easier, you can use thumbnails instead of big images, which link to larger images. This speed up the page loadings.

6.Winning Element: Optin Form.

Most of the internet home business visitors needs at least five contacts before they will buy. However if they are interested about what you offer, it is important to get their name and email address through an optin form on the visible place of the site.

In this process you have to give them a gift, an email course, a free e-book or something like that, which again will sell your offer later on. Now you can send them messages during a long period of time, which clearly makes the process more productive.

7.Winning Element: About Us Section.

The idea of every internet home business site is to build trust over a long period of time. This requires that you tell enough about yourself and give your contact information for further questions.

All big home business brands are build by stories, so can you also do. The idea of the story is to give enough information about you and to show that there is a real person working for the customers. This shows people that there is a real people behind the business.

8.Winning Element: Site Freshness.

People and search engines love unique, fresh information. A successful home business website goes through regular changes and additions. The visitor sees immediately that it is up to date.

It is useful to look the competing sites in your internet home business niche, because they are a great source of new ideas. Another idea is to make sure your site can stand out from the crowd.

The marketing is very important but the key is still the quality of your internet home business site. It makes the people to come back and it is the real placeArticle Search, where they can reach you and your offers.

Source: Free Articles from

Juhani Tontti has researched the competing home business sites and is eager to help you to establish a money making site. Click this link of my home business site.

9 Killer Ways To Market Internet Business Successfully

There is the word run in the title, which shows the source of successful internet business. It is a constant flow of planned actions rather than any one time operations.

The internet business success is very simple. Just pick the winning strategy and execute it during a long period of time and you will reach your target 100 %.

The strategy sets the guidelines how you run the internet business and avoids you to select wrong ways. It may feel boring, but the repetition of the same tactics is the way to reach the success. It is a long process, mostly learning, and requires lots of persistence.

The joined application of several effective internet business tactics working together can create a foundation of unstoppable, related website traffic, that leads to being able to stop working on your website and to start enjoying lifetime automatic residual profits.

This is the ultimate goal of all successful internet business marketers. All internet marketing tactics and tips are already invented. There are a lot of internet business owners, who have already reached their goals.

When you now want to run a successful internet business, just pick the tactics, which will fit for you.

This is the list of internet business strategies, which I have run successfully:

1.Build A Personal Website.

After you have made the business plan and decided the marketing strategy, the major job is to build a website, which follows that strategy.

This is really important: because the content is the king, your site visitor must feel that the content really offers him a useful information so that he too can succedd. To become a brand.

2. Know The Content Of The Site.

The site content should also have a tactic, which means that the structure follows some easy to follow system. The idea of course is to be able to present the business idea effectively and to make the navigation easy to the visitor.

Now it is easier for the owner to remember the structure, which helps him later, when he plans the marketing tactics.

3.Select An Auto Responder.

There is one big idea to increase the productivity of your work: automate everything you can. Most of the internet business owners run one man operations, which means that the time they can use for a single work is limited.

One good tool is autoresponder, which sends different messages to your optin email list even, when you are sleeping. Make sure your internet business principal can offer a well written and long lasting ezine set with your links included. Select an autoresponder with a rich selection of features, for instance a possibility to send broadcast messages.

4.Use Optin Form.

The idea of optin form is to collect email addresses for the future contacts. This means that you can send permission based emails during a long period of time. Like at school, the effectiveness of advertising comes from repetition.

The ideal way to collect these names is with a form on your website. The receiver needs from five to seven contacts before he starts to act. 5. Participate Internet Business Forums.

Forum is a great source of information and contacts but it is not a place to advertise your products. On the other hand the forum is the meeting place of internet business owners and a great place to help others and build trust and brand.

6.Use Social Bookmarking.

Social bookmarking sites offer a great place to build contacts and backlinks. By writing proper teaser texts and using targeted and realistic keywords, you can climb to the first page of Google with an easy work.

I would recommend to use about 10 different sites to make this tactics to work effectively.

7.Use Article Marketing.

Writing articles is an effective tactics to increase the website traffic. Articles have many benefits, which no other tactics can offer. The most important is their persuasion power in the preselling.

The backlinks are extremely important because they can increase the site`s search engine ranking, pre-sell the content of the landing page and bring targeted site visitors resiually.


The meaning of blogs comes from the fact that a blog is easy to set up and easy to use, you don`t need a domain name and it si totally free. To write an optimized blogpost takes twenty minutes and can have hundreds of readers. The blog can also include ads, AdSense ads and product links.

9.Link Building Is Crucial.

Related backlinks are the business relations of your internet business website. The more you have themFree Articles, the better. The higher quality they are the better. In the link building the quality is an absolute king. This means that the site you have and it`s content makes the visitors come back and put the link on their sites.

Source: Free Articles from

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. The Strategy Determines Your Destiny! Find More Information And Tools About Successful Tactics From My Internet Business Site.

Getting Your New Home Based Business Ideas Going Today

If you are looking for a new home based business idea, choosing a home based internet marketing activity could be your best opportunity.

If you are looking for new home based business ideas, choosing a home based internet marketing activity could be your best opportunity. Literally thousands are making this choice for themselves and their financial future each day.

Having made this decision, most small home based marketers opt to at least start out on their ventures by themselves, without the expense or obligation of involving a professional marketing firm. That is where the beauty of online internet marketing comes in. It is possible to start out yourself and give it a try, without spending a ton of money. However, there are a few issues you must carefully consider.

First and foremost, always read as much of the fine print as possible. Sometimes free, is not what it seems. Having said that, use free web page sites when possible. Personally, I think it is a great idea to create and manage several free web page sites for some fun hobby/social type activity as a first start. Doing this gives you invaluable experience at what it takes to maintain and utilize an internet marketing web space for your future, financially lucrative new home based business idea activities.

You will quickly gain experience with customizing and personalizing web pages, marketing yourself, your ideas, and using the websites for free flow exchange of information. All perfect knowledge for use later with blog sites as well.

Blog websites can themselves be an extension of your typical home business activity. In effect, they are an online diary with frequent entries which can be used for not only exchanges of ideas among members but revenue producing opportunities as well. Well placed advertisements for programs such as Google Adsense or other affiliate links of your own can be added to blog websites as well.

Least we forget that the blogging sites can be used for free advertisements for your own additional web pages which contain promotional home based business opportunity ideas which you have put in place.

Beyond the basic do-it-yourself ideas, most of us will at some point seek professional help for adding higher quality to our websites. This might include such things as banner ads, graphic layouts, or higher quality logo designs. This does not have to be the high priced professional marketing companies. In fact, my personal preference is to look around at various online forums for individuals with incredible capabilities for very affordable prices. Many are highly capable and willing to take on even the smallest web design and graphic work projects for pennies compared to the large marketing firms.

Having gained an initial sense and flavor of what it takes from having free websites up and running, you will be ready to advance your knowledge into establishing your very own profitable new home based business idea ventures. As a word of advice, continue to seek as much "free" information and literature on home based internet marketing as possible. Read everything you can. Learn as much as possible from other people's experiences. After all, the greatest lessons are those learned from the failures of others, rather than those of our own. Before you know it, you will be an expert at home based business opportunities.

Source: Free Articles from

Stephen Wright is President & CEO of You can own your very own work at home business opportunity website! Or perhaps you already have a website and need more traffic and revenues? Visit InternetMarketingUSA today. Get free information and techniques proven to make you successful. Get started now at: