March 14, 2008

How to Use Affiliate Programs to Make Money Online

Find out the "real" secret to earning top dollar on the internet using affiliate programs. The answer may surprise you...

All it takes to make money online using affiliate programs is...hard work. This should be no surprise, but to some it is quite a shock. Some people believe that the internet is a free ticket to ride the money train, and the fact that you actually have to apply yourself and work hard for your money is absolutely unbelievable. If you want to make money online, treat it like you would a real job and work your butt off!

Not having money to invest in certain tools and/or advertising will make your job that much more difficult also. I understand that not everyone has money to put into their business and that is okay. It is not impossible to make money without having money to invest. What this means is you are going to have to work harder and longer to make affiliate programs pay out for you.

Take article marketing for example. I pay a monthly fee for a distribution service that will submit my article to hundreds of article directories at the click of a button. It is possible to manually submit my articles to each directory that my distribution service does, but that would literally take me days to do. That being said, the service provided is worth well more than the small fee I pay.

This holds true for the entire internet marketing arena. There are a plethora of different services that will make your job easier and make the affiliate programs pay out a lot sooner and much more than they would without paying for certain services.

There is a popular myth going around about the internet and what you 'should' make when using it to make money. Business is business anyway you look at it, whether on or off line. If you want to make money using the internet, you have to apply real business methods. If you want your home based business to be successful, it is imperative to set up a budget and there will be costs involved. Off line, would you ever go into a business without some money to invest? Same applies to the internet.

There is quite a bit of a difference between costs in the 'real world' and on line. Compared to what it would cost to start up a brick and mortar business, a home based business on the internet will cost just a fraction of that. But you are still going to have to work hard, money or no money, to get visitors to your website. You must make sure your visitors are clicking on your affiliate links once you get to the point where you are receiving visitors on a regular basis.

That being said, you can make money and even a living from affiliate based programs without having money to invest. What you don't invest immediately out of pocket, you will pay in time that you put in. The second you start making any money online I would strongly suggest you use that money to invest in services that will make your life and efforts much easier.

The internet is providing many people with the ends to live their lives very comfortably. Once you put in the effort and really push yourself to succeed, these affiliate programs can and will put money in your pockets month after month for years to come, all in auto drive. Work hard now and enjoy the fruits of your labor after the work is done, that is the secret to making real money online with affiliate programs. Once you see all your hard work begin to pay off and the money rolling inFree Reprint Articles, success will feel soooo good.

Source: Free Articles from

Matt Helphrey is the owner and webmaster of He uses Internet Based Affiliate Marketing to make money online. Use this website to research the many programs available or sign up for free money making tips and tricks.

Effective Affiliate Marketing: Only Do What Matters

Use this affiliate marketing trick to start seeing affiliate commissions faster and more consistently. And the great thing is, you don't even need to create a website or blog to make a great income online.

Let's start focusing on the ONE thing that really matters in affiliate marketing, shall we?

As you're probably already aware, affiliate marketing is a tremendous opportunity to make money online... or at least it should be. Unfortunately, a lot of affiliate marketers miss the boat on what affiliate marketing really is. They end up spending time on secondary activities that don't directly lead to affiliate sales, instead of focusing on the ONE activity that boosts their affiliate income to new heights.

I'm about to show you why you need to get your affiliate offer up as fast as possible so you can concentrate on what really matters. If you follow my advice, you'll see your affiliate checks pouring in faster and more consistently. Plus, in my resource box I'll send you to place that teaches you how you can get started doing the ONE thing necessary for affiliate marketing success TODAY... not days, weeks or months from now.

So let's get started...

Let's not make things difficult. There are only TWO things you need to do to be successful at affiliate marketing:

#1 : Creating The "Offer"

By "offer" I mean where you are going to recommend, presell or otherwise present your affiliate link to your visitors and subscribers. Obviously, you are trying to match the RIGHT solutions to your target market's problems. Your offer can take on many forms such as blog posts, web pages, articles, reviews, ads, free reports, mini courses, etc.

#2 : Sending Targeted Traffic To Your Offer

Once you have your offer in place, you need to spend time getting your offer in front of the eyes of people who can use what it is you are recommending. This is where you attract targeted visitors to see the solution you are recommending. Traffic generation can take on many forms such as blogging, article marketing, participating in forums, pay-per-click advertising, creating videos on YouTube, etc.

And that's about it!

So, what's the trick to get the affiliate commissions rolling in as fast as possible?

The trick is to follow a PROVEN PLAN for creating your offer and getting it set up AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, and then spending the bulk of your time driving TARGETED TRAFFIC to your offer. (Read this again to make sure you get it.)

Sounds simple right? But you'd be surprised at just how many affiliate marketers miss this trick completely.

They either...

- Don't set up the offer following a proven plan - Take too long to set up the offer correctly - Spend no time sending targeted traffic to their offer - Or spend too little time working on traffic generation

... or a combination of these actions which lead to affiliate marketing failure.

So, if you want to see your affiliate income skyrocket with faster, more consistent affiliate commissionsFeature Articles, get your EFFECTIVE offer set up super fast and then settle in for the long haul of doing what really matters... sending targeted traffic to your offer.

Source: Free Articles from

Edward Lomax, as promised, reveals his method for affiliate marketing success as fast as possible without even having to create a website or blog. This is the fastest way to get your affiliate offer set up following a proven system so you can start driving traffic and collecting those affiliate check. Read about it here: Fast Affiliate Marketing Without A Website

Why Keywords, Back Links and Link Exchanges can Improve the Bottom Line of Your Online Home Business

There are lots of techniques that can be used to improve the ranking of your online home business on the major search engines. It remains true that most internet searches start with a check of one of the major search sites. Therefore, it is a worthy goal to try to make sure that your site comes up when potential customers are looking for what you have to offer in your home business.

There are a wide variety of techniques that can be used to improve the general ranking of your online home based business on the major search engine sites, including Google, MSN, Yahoo, Ask, and a number of others. Why do you want to improve your website's ranking? It holds true that the majority of the internet searchers start their search with a visit to one of the major search sites. Therefore, it is good to try to make sure that your own site pops up when potential customers are searching for what you have to offer in your home business endeavor. If search sites can deliver up your website to the computer screen in front of your potential customer, you could be on your way to make the sale-and with absolutely zero spent out of your own pocket for additional advertising. Cutting expense is always a good thing for any business--and online business at home is no exception to this rule. (And advertising can be expensive.) What you would need to have done to attain this free advertising would have been to make small changes to your the content of your website in ways that the search engines see and appreciate, and have your site float up to the top of the listings.

But how show you do this? Search engine logarithms (formulas that that search sites use of determine what is relevant and what is not) have become more and more complex as the internet has matured. This is necessary so that the Google and the other search sites can render precisely what the searcher is seeking, with little duplication or irrelevant content. It is no longer sufficient to simply list your site in a few online directories to achieve good ranking. The more successful the Google searcher is in finding what he/she is looking for, the more likely it is that that individual will return to that search engine for their needs the next time.

One way that search engines use to find relevant content is through keywords. A keyword is just a word or phrase that identifies what you are promoting. Search engines initially go about the task of determining a precise match for the term that the searcher has typed into the search box. If it is a popular search, there will be a vast number of web pages that have some relation to the search term used. If the search was placed in quotations, then the exact phrase will be pursued (if not in quotes, the search site simply looks for the individual words no matter where they may appear on a page.

So then, it is important to use the proper keywordsones that prospects for your product might use when looking for what you have to offer. If your product or service is very unique, it may be easier to select key words that are very specific, and therefore probably used less often, which results in a smaller number of results. Your market is then more targeted. This can be a positive thing because then you are sure that the prospects who search that term desire specifically what you have to offer in your online home business--for instance, "crossword puzzles for children" is a rather specific category.

If you are selling to the business opportunity seeker, however, you'll find that the search terms can be very popular and therefore harder to specify. Definitely, if there is something particular or unique about your product, this should be reflected in your choice of keywords. What benefits does your product offer that the prospect is looking for? Also, you can use keyword popularity tools to determine what other terms searchers are using to find the type of product you have.

Make sure that your key words appear in the proper place on the webpage. By editing your HTML source code, you can find the correct location of your keywords and specify the keywords you prefer. Some search engines look for keywords in a specific place, while others can spider sites to get a sense of overall use of specific terms on a webpage. It is good to learn more about the preferences of the various search engines so that you can optimize your webpage for the search they are conducting. Formatting such as bolding, placement of keywords within a page title, or keywords appearing as a hyperlink can achieve greater significance in search engine page rank, also.

Link exchanges are very popular among webmasters because search engines recognize and still reward a site that is linked to another one, preferably related in subject matter. Having multiple mutual search links with other sites is not only a factor in achieving page ranking, but will likely render much additional traffic in and of itself.

But what is really more preferred by the search engines are backlinks. Backlinks are those one-way links from another site not related to your own. Detection of a backlink "tells" the search engine that there is another site on the web that considers the content of your site to be so valuable that they wish to direct their own traffic there, with no reciprocal link required.

But beyond the backlinks that may come as others recognize the value of your site over time, you can create backlinks yourself. How? One method is to post comments regularly on large website forums, preferably on sites that are somehow related to your own. At the conclusion of your posts, at the bottom, you may place a "signature" which includes a line about your site and gives its URL. Presumably, if you have posted interesting or valuable comments, readers will want to visit your web site to see what other insights or valuable products you have to offer them. Using your posts to "advertise" the site itself is generally considered a no-no. It is better to write interesting posts related to the thread of the forum topic, and then allow the reader to find you via your website link in the signature if they wish to do so.

Another very often used method of achieving backlinks is to write articles and post them on internet article directories. Articles tend to stay published for a very long time, so a good article can provide some additional traffic flow for yearsso long as your topic is interesting and still relevant. Still another way is to submit your web site to online web directoriessome charge for this, even though many are free.

One thing that the internet does very well is to remember. It remembers forum posts. It remembers articles. It remembers links and backlinks. It remembers your listing in web directories. It is this inherent memory that can serve to greatly improve your bottom line. Do the work once to optimize keywords, and to achieve some one-way and two-way linkingFree Web Content, and you may financially benefit for a very long time to come.

Source: Free Articles from

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