April 16, 2008

What makes you get up in the morning?

What makes you get up in the morning? Is it the challenge of doing good business or possibly making a positive impact on someone's life? Maybe it's the idea that today, like every other day, will bring opportunities to learn something new or overcome a fresh challenge.

Well, that's what gets us up in the morning, too. We here at The Editing Service begin each day looking forward to what it will bring in the way of doing a good job for someone. It's our "marching orders," the reason we do what we do, our mission.

What we do, in a nutshell, is words. We make them, we fix them, we move them around. In short--we make them make sense.

Like you, I'm sure, we read a lot of documents, reports, news stories and entertainment articles on a daily basis. Also, like you, we constantly find problems large and small in what we read. Maybe the language is unclear, or maybe it's poorly structured with all sorts of grammatical and punctuation errors. And, as often as not, it's more than a little confusing, especially in documents translated from other languages, and almost anything written by computer professionals. Now, to be fair, folks who speak different languages from the bulk of us, like computer and IT pros, don't realize they're using language most of us can't understand.

That's what gets us out of bed, the idea that we can help people like you who don't have the time or assets to do your own writing, editing and interpretation. Your time is better spent doing what it is you do to make your business run, not dealing with your writing issues. And, most likely, you really don't enjoy having to do it, either.

Well, my friends, we do. I mean we take time to get out of bed, brush our teeth and look for those challenges you face, so we must enjoy doing it. (We really do.)

Take a few moments to see what we offer you through our various services. See how we can make your life easier, and your business more effective. And don't be shy—if you don't see what you need, contact me personally. One way or another, I'll see you are well cared for by us or one of our associated businesses.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
We provide these and other services:

Copy Writing : Effectively communicating your story and information to your potential and existing customers is paramount to doing good business. Often times, a business person will know what he or she wants to say, but not how to say it in the most effective manner. Also, knowing the audience is important to how business documents are written. -The Editing Service will write your documents for you. We understand the nuances of written communication and how how write for an audience, even when you may not know who that audience is.

Copy Editing : Editing ensures a document complies with proper grammar, usage and spelling. Very simply put: it ensures that what is in the document is what the author intended, and meets the audience's expectations.-The Editing Service can edit your original copy to ensure it is properly structured and spelled, and grammatically correct.

Brochures, Pamphlets, Flyers and etc.... Sales are driven by the information you provide your customers, and those who would be your customers. Often times, an attractive, visual representation of what you offer is more effective than words alone. What you need are sales sheets, flyers, brochures and other marketing products to establish yourself in the mind of your customers and, just as importantly, those who you want as customers.-The Editing Service can provide a full range of brochures, pamphlets and flyers for your business, organization or group. We can do everything from writing the copy for you to developing and delivering the completed product to your location, or even mailing them for you.

Rewriting/Restating : A document can be given a new lease on life to reach a new audience. Your audience may have changed since you developed the document, and you now need to change it to fit that new demand. Often times a document that is readily understood by a professional audience is too technical for a general audience and needs to be rewritten for that purpose.-The Editing Service can rewrite documents so they fit the new applications you have in mind for them. This effectively extends the life of a document and helps maintain your communications continuity.

Product Instructions: Instructions tell users of your product how to use it properly and safely. If your customer is confused about how to properly use your product, you open yourself to the prospect of losing that and other customers, or, in worst-case scenarios, you can be held liable for the failure of the product.-The Editing Service will ensure your instructions are accurate and readily understandable. In many cases, we will also run tests to ensure their accuracy and edit or rewrite them accordingly.

Interpretive Editing : The modern economy has provided myriad opportunities for companies to provide services on a global scale. Regardless of where a business is based, the Internet has provided unfettered access to customers world wide who speak many different languages. While this access and freedom of communications has empowered even the smallest companies to compete in any marketFree Reprint Articles, it has not solved the problem of how to effectively communicate in a foreign language.-The Editing Service will ensure your translated documents are understandable by English speakers all over the world.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Edward Maurer is president of The Editing Service, which provides an extensive range of editing, copy writing and product development services for foreign and domestic companies and individuals.

Home Based Internet Business: Your Sucess Depends on Your Attitude

It has been proven repeatedly that with the wrong attitude, one will not stay successful in their business very long. Unbelievably, attitude is the strongest determinant of your personal financial success.

Having the right skills is important to be successful in home based business online. However, having the right skills alone will not be enough to hold your success for very long. Unbelievably, attitude is the strongest determinant of your personal financial success.

Business structure, compensation plan, products and training systems are all important factors of your business. Nevertheless, they are just useless tools in the toolbox without the right attitude. They will not do anything in building your success. As an Internet marketer, I learn that attitude holds important role in home-based Internet business. I believe that your attitude can make or break you.

Being coach able is very crucial. There is no faster way to fail in this business than stepping into the business assuming that one's already know what is going to work and what would not. It is true that each one of us have our own strengths and weakness. It is also true that different methods would give different results to their users. However, it is important to remember that if some methods work in the past, it can work again.

It is wise to seek advice from people who is already successful in the business. You can then follow through their suggestions. When something does not seem to be working, instead of assuming that the concept itself is flawed, you might want to ask for advice what to do differently.

Another important thing I learn is: understanding your purpose. Ask yourself what is the purpose for you of doing this line of business. Like many others, I believe that there is a potential to generate steady income in online home-based business. A big part of motivating people to put their efforts to achieve their goal is by keeping the original purpose alive in their minds. It is important to find your own purpose that inspired you to get involved in online business.

You will find ups and downs in your business along the process. When things are not so promising, I learn it is important to stay positive. It would not only make you more successful in the end, but also make life more enjoyable while you are getting there. Achieving your goal is important, but you can also learn important lessons from your journey.

Being said that your attitude can determine your success, the good news is: attitude is the one thing that you have control over. You might not be able to do anything to change your company's business structure, compensation plan, products or training systemsScience Articles, but you can always change your attitude. Make commitment to learn what you need to change because your financial success depends on it.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

Lily Boynton is a full time internet marketer. She provides tips and ideas on home based business opportunities at: http://www.plug-in-4-profit.com