May 11, 2008

Liberty League Exposed - Find Out if it is a Scam in this Review?

Is Liberty League a Scam or Legitimate Business? My answer will surprise you. Discover what I have found out about Liberty League.

The word scam is defined in the dictionary as a scheme for making money in a dishonest fashion. So, how would someone be able to tell if an online business was a scam or not? Many online companies have flashy websites to divert your attention away from this matter, so how you you really get to the truth about all of these companies? In this honest Liberty League review I hope to offer some answers so that you can make up your own mind.

Personal development programs abound on the internet and Liberty League is another company that is looking to be a huge competitor. They have developed products that they believe will help people to really change their lives.

Their DVD's and workbooks offer four main ways to teach people:

1. How to build self-confidence

2. How to love life

3. How to set goals and then work to reach them

4. How to approach your day differently so that you have a more positive outlook

These are just a few of the many lessons that they promise to teach so that their customers will live a better life. The products sound so wonderful when you read about them. Hearing about these great products almost makes you sign up right then and there, because you have this euphoric state of mind and a wonderful sense that you can really help people with this.

Then curiosity sets in and you begin to wonder about the price of the program. Their products are great, but when you look at what it will cost to sell them and learn from them, it might be out of reach for some people. Here are the basic costs that I found:

1. Entry Fee: $1495

2. Commissions paid to sponser: $2000

3. Required Conferences: $6000 each

Total: $9495

Also, take into consideration that there may be lots of conferences to attend. The more of them that they require you to go to, the more your costs will rise. Can I really call this business a scam? I would have to say, no, because they are upfront about the membership costs, so they are not hiding anything. A word of caution when investigating any company, ask lots of questions. Do your research because this will let you know if it is worth it or not. When trying to find the best home based opportunity or the one that is right for you research is the key. If it is truly worth your invested moneyFree Reprint Articles, then I say go for it.

Source: Free Articles from

Take a look at one of Holli's proven Money Making System. Holli Diel is a proven leader and has a Sales and Marketing background that spans over 20 years. She devotes her time, energy, and efforts to member's financial success.

Do your materials scream "This has nothing to do with you!"?

How to get the client interested in your product by appealing to them

Just today, I received an invitation in my email announcing an open house, from a lady that helps you find your life destiny.

Moving to a new location is always exciting for you the owner... but what does it mean to your customers?

What is in it for them? Why should they care?

When you have an announcement like this to share make sure you tell them how it impacts them.

Look at the wording on their invite:

Please join us... in celebrating our new training facility Clients, family, and friends please drop by to enjoy our open house

Date: Time: Location:


Please RSVP by

WOW! I can barely contain my excitement. Where in there does it say the magic word? From the customer's perspective, they open this invite and all it says (to them) is "SO WHAT?"

So they have a new facility good for them.

NOT ONCE in this invite is the magic word, YOU, mentioned.

So this invite is not about the customer it is all about the company.

Surprise, surprise... ok, maybe not that much of a surprise as this is the most common mistake small, medium and large businesses make assuming the customers "get it". They assume the customer should be excited about their announcement... even though it really means very little to them.

My suggestion: anytime you have a new event or announcement to make create a theme party to it! Make it exciting and make it ALL about the customer. Give them compelling reasons to perk up and listen. Give them real reasons why they should care and attend or take action.

Show them you actually care about them (the paying customer) not about your new building or new website or new brochure.

I would have done something like this (this is quick off the top investing a couple hours and you can make this shine):


With your generous support, encouragement and feedback we have listened and acted. Starting on ____ you finally get access to the tools you asked for.

Announcing the Pirate Pete's Customer Appreciate Party (or whatever theme party you create).

Because we love you, our devoted customer, we have a present waiting for you.

Join us at the Pirate Pete's Customer Appreciation party:

Date: Time: Location:

FREE Door prizes, FREE treasure maps to some big surprises, FREE Spiced Parrot Juice

And FREE Early bird RSVP prizes for those who act the fastest.

Don't be a scurrrvy dog... be there on time... or walk the plank (bring this invite with you and the secret code will be revealed that may make you a winner)

NOTE: The pirate idea could be used for any business pirates are HOT right now.

You can find darned near anything you want on the net! There was an entire site dedicated to "Pirate Talk how to talk like a pirate"

Make any event or announcement about the customer and you will see a huge difference in response you get. In this case they got so caught up in the excitement about their new move they forgot who actually paid for the move THE CUSTOMERS!

Without them, there is no doors to open... never forget.

Source: Free Articles from

Troy White, The Marketing Results Mentor and Expert Copywriter helps clients achieve HUGE growth surges in their business in very short periods of time. If you're an entrepreneur in need of quick cash flow surges ' here is the quick-hit solution to put money in your bank.... The Wild West Wealth Summit! Make sure you visit or sign up for the Free Cash Flow Surge Newsletter at

May 07, 2008

Inexpensive Jewelry boxes - What to Look Out For

Inexpensive Jewelry Boxes - What to Look Out ForWhen shopping for a new jewelry box, you could spend a fortune. Fortunately, you don't have to! It's possible to find high quality, attractive, inexpensive jewelry boxes if you know what to look for and, more importantly, what to look out for. When you begin your search, you're likely to find some women's jewelry boxes that are gorgeous but expensive and some that are ugly but super cheap. The middle ground is the place you want to be.
Inexpensive Jewelry Boxes - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

When shopping for a new jewelry box, you could spend a fortune. Fortunately, you don't have to! It's possible to find high quality, attractive, inexpensive jewelry boxes if you know what to look for and, more importantly, what to look out for. When you begin your search, you're likely to find some women's jewelry boxes that are gorgeous but expensive and some that are ugly but super cheap. The middle ground is the place you want to be.
Determining Your Jewelry Box Needs

Cheap jewelry boxes quickly become expensive if they don't suit your needs or are so poorly made that you have to replace them a few months later. When shopping for jewelry boxes, first consider the sort of jewelry you like to wear. Do you tend to wear more earrings than rings or do you like to stack multiple rings? Are your necklaces chunky strands or delicate chains? If you're looking for men's jewelry boxes, does he own several watches or does he need a place to store cuff links? Determine the number and types of compartments you need before beginning your search. Next consider the amount of space you have for the jewelry box. Gorgeous jewelry boxes are also decorative items, so allot them more space than you would a collection of cardboard gift boxes or unattractive stacking trays. If your dresser is low, you might want something tall to add a sense of height to the room. If your dresser is high, select something low and wide so you can easily see the jewelry inside it.
Signs of Quality in an Inexpensive Jewelry boxes

When comparing jewelry boxes, study them carefully to determine whether they will last a long time. First consider the compartments and lining. Compartments should be large enough to comfortably fit several sizes of jewelry or be arranged in a variety of sizes. The lining of the compartments should be velvet, satin, or something similarly soft. This will prevent your jewelry from becoming scratched and may prevent tarnishing. Second, look at the wood or fabric. Wood should be solid, smooth, and not chipped. Fabric boxes should be well padded and have no signs of puckering on the sides or edges. Boxes with pressboard interiors and wood veneer exteriors are not as durable as solid wood jewelry boxes or fabric jewelry boxes. The finish of wooden boxes is also important. Lacquered finishes are more attractive and easier to dust, but bubbles in the lacquer are signs of poor quality. Steer clear! Third, examine the hinges and drawer sliders. Drawers should slide out smoothly and not catch or show signs of splintering. Hinges should be solid, not wiggly. Squeaking or creaking is a sure sign that the box will not stand up to daily openings and closings.
The Jewelry Box as Family Heirloom

Jewelry boxes, even if they're not expensive, often become family heirlooms because of the warm memories associated with them. Poor quality boxes will not survive a second generation, but high qualityArticle Submission, inexpensive jewelry boxes can be enjoyed for many years to come.

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You might also find these jewelry box articles useful:
# How to buy a jewelry box: A practicle guide
# Jewelry Box 101: Learn the basics
# How to take care of wood jewelry box Still have questions? Email us! We're the jewelry box experts!

Source: Free Articles from

Lisa Becker is an avid jewelry box collector and writes for Jewelry Boxes 123: Shop For Your Perfect Jewelry Box. Her expertise regarding jewelry boxes provides insight into the world of jewelry boxes and armoires. For more articles, visit Jewelry Boxes 123 Articles.

Your Small Business is Big Enough to Accept Credit Cards

Small online businesses can get the benefit of credit card processing.

The Internet has become a great place for those people who have always nurtured the dream of owning their own business. Instead of having to rent our buy space all one has to do is secure a domain name and sign on with a hosting service. And with drop shipping, e-store owners don't even have to maintain inventory.

Indeed, the low overhead that comes with having one's business online also makes it easier to turn a profit. And that has made the virtual world even more enticing for the entrepreneur as the financial risks and rewards are much more easy to juggle.

However, no successful business can become static or things start to erode. That is why most online business people keep an eye out for anything that will help their business grow. Perhaps a fancier site design or maybe switching some items being sold to see if that kicks some fresh energy into the mix.

One avenue they might pursue is the idea of credit card online processing services. Some might just like the idea while others have heard about all the good things that merchant services could bring. Several studies have shown that an Internet business with merchant services will see increases in traffic, repeat business, sales and profits. All great things to help anyone's business grow to the next level and beyond.

However, here is where many online shopkeepers scuttle their own efforts. They let their assumptions carry more weight than any facts they may come across as they research the ability to accept payments online.

They assume credit card processing is for bigger businesses.

They assume credit card processing costs will outweigh any financial benefit.

They assume that there isn't a plan that is structured for a business like theirs.

And they get wrapped in up in their assumptions that they start to treat them as facts and they forget about merchant services as a way to build their bottom line. And that's too bad because assumptions are hardly ever factual if any research has been added to the mix.

This is why it is so vital, no matter what size business you have that you are willing to drill down and get some facts before you make any decision that will affect your business.

It is true that there will be several merchant services providers that might think you are too small for credit card services - and most banks fall into this category - but keep in mind that any company that says you aren't big enough usually means you aren't big enough for them to offer services to and make a profit.

And that means you have to stay active and keep looking because there are a lot of great merchant account companies out there who can let you accept credit cards at a price you can live with. But it's up to you as the business owner not to be easily dissuaded, because that can mean your business might not reach the profitability that it potentially could realize.

So the key things to remember are don't confuse your assumptions with factsBusiness Management Articles, and that credit card online processing services can help your small business become a big business.

Source: Free Articles from

Jim Osterman is a Web content developer with, a leading credit card processing company that helps businesses grow by setting them up to accept payments online.

May 06, 2008

How Can You Find The Right Work At Home Business Opportunity That Fits You

Do you want to start your own home business but you need to know some ideas to help you find the right one for you? If you do than you need to know the best ways to find a work at home business opportunity that fits you and why it is important to do this. Find out more now.

Do you want to start your own home business? If you do than you need to know how to choose the right business opportunity for you. There are some things that you can do to get ideas for an internet business.

There are many places to look to find opportunities that you can start checking into. One thing that you need to know is that the most important thing you can do before starting a business is the research to find the right one. This is important because the more you like what you are doing the more success you will achieve.

When you find a work at home business opportunity that you are interested in, you want to save it somewhere that you can find it later. You need to make sure that you take the time and check out each opportunity thoroughly.

This is a very important step in finding the right home business for you, if you don't do this than you will find yourself jumping from one opportunity to another and never making any money.

Here are some of the ways that you can use to find a work at home business opportunity that is right for you.

One: Forums, This is a great place to go because a lot of people go to forums to talk about home business and to promote their own business. You can go search through the forums to find out what other people are doing to make money online.

One other good thing about using forums to find a work at home business opportunity is because if you don't find something that interests youScience Articles, you can always ask others their opinion about the best opportunity.

Two: Search engines: This is an obvious one but it is still effective for finding a work at home business opportunity. It will take time so you want to make sure that you set aside enough time to really research all of the different opportunities that you find.

Three: Blogs: These are a great way to find an opportunity that you can use to find your own home business. You can even find review blogs that has reviewed different opportunities.

These are just a few ways that you can use to find a work at home business opportunity. You just need to start looking and you will soon find that you have found more opportunities than you can ever look at. Just remember to choose the home business you will start very carefully because this will definitely impact your future success with your business.

Source: Free Articles from

Mark Molina is a husband and father of two who never gave up on his dream to find the perfect home based business of Time Freedom. Now he can show you how to work at home on the internet too! To see the business that Mark found after three years of research, go to

Everyone Is All A-Twitter About Twitter

According to the Twitter FAQ, "Twitter is for staying in touch and keeping up with friends no matter where you are or what you're doing." But it's not only for social purposes ' there can be many benefits to your business as well. Follow a few simple rules and you can stay "top of mind" with your customers and potential customers.

I personally have been Tweeting for a few months. But I use the phrase "tweeting for a few months" loosely. I haven't been all that consistent with it, and I definitely didn't have a strategy. I just thought it was kind of cool.

Recently I've started paying more attention to it for a few reasons; my mother-in-law was at a librarian conference recently and attended a session on Twitter. I got into a conversation with her about it, and then the next day I saw John Reese's email about Twitter. It seems like there is a lot of twittering about Twitter going on. What is Twitter?

According to the Twitter FAQ, "Twitter is for staying in touch and keeping up with friends no matter where you are or what you're doing."

Wikipedia says, "Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to send updates via SMS, instant messaging, email, to the Twitter website, or any one of the multitude of Twitter applications now available".

Basically Twitter asks the question, "What are you doing?" and allows you to send a short update (your tweets are limited to 140 characters) to your followers (family, friends, colleagues, customers, potential customers etc).

Twitter allows you to send and receive updates (also called tweets) via your browser, email, instant messaging clients and SMS (using your cell phone). No matter where you are, you can tweet!

I haven't been following Twitter since day 1, so I'm not going to comment on it's evolution but I will speculate that as its popularity grows, as more and more marketers use it, 2 things are inevitable:

1. Rules on Twitter etiquette will continue to evolve as we learn what we like and dislike about it, and as we respond to the inevitable abuse of Twitter (don't mean to sound negative but it happens with each exciting new opportunity ' people end up abusing it).

2. More and more companies will jump on board and try to get in on the conversation.

Start Twittering, (or is it Tweeting?)

Remember, when you first join Twitter, it can feel like a lonely place. When you aren't following anyone and no one is following you, you may find yourself asking "what is the point?" I've heard so many people say they just don't get it. In fact, I've said that myself.

The key is to find the Tweets you want to follow so you can keep your finger on the pulse of your niche. The next key is to start building your followers. More on that in a minute.

How can Twitter help your business?

The more contact you have with a potential customer, the more likely you are to get their business. You can stay "top of mind" through Twitter. Let them know what's new in your industry, in your company etc. You become a source of quick news flashes for them.

Here are just a few of the benefits of Twitter: - It reminds people that you exist

- It shows people you have something to say

- It shows them that you are human

- It allows you to mention new offers, sales and breaking news immediately

- It allows you to form a more casual relationship

- You can use Twitter to promote your social bookmarking submissions.

- You can ask for referrals, suggestions, feedback and help, and people will respond.

Twitter is also fun and is contributing to the new language we are constantly developing. For example "Twitterference" ' the intrusion of twitter updates on your phone making it hard to have a conversation on your phone.

Finding Followers:

Start by reaching out to your friends, family, mailing list etc. You can also add your Twitter link to your email signature line; add links to your website and Blog. Mention your Twitter account in your newsletter.

Twitter Rules

One cardinal rule (that is in your best interest to follow): if you use Twitter as a pure sales tool, you will lose followers quickly. As with all forms of social media, it is about creating a conversation and sharing news ' it's not all about you shoving your sales message down their throats.

Tweets are limited to 140 characters. This is to allow them to be easily sent over mobile SMS systems.

You aren't able to embed HTML with the exception of hyperlinks. (But they are no-follow links, so they won't help you in your SEO quest for backlinks) Bonus: Twitter automatically uses the TinyURL service to shorten links.

Don't tweet too much, or too little. There is no magic number and it varies according to your audience. Some people say don't update more than once per hour. Others say not more than once or twice a day. I tend to be in the once or twice a day camp. If there is breaking news and some days you just have to update more often then it's OK. If your tweets are valuable information people will be more tolerant of frequent updates.

On the other hand if you are too quiet, people have nothing to follow so make sure you find that balance and tweet just enough to keep people informed but not annoyed.

Don't forget that your profile shows a history of all your tweets, so if a new person comes along and sees that you don't have many tweets they may decide you aren't worthy of following. Also if your past tweets aren't informative or interesting, you lose some potential followers.

You'll find that sometimes you get involved in personal conversation with someone. Try to avoid doing too much of this. Not everyone will be interested in your personal communications. If you do need to do this, put the @ symbol in front of somebody's name ' this indicates that this message is for them.

One thing to keep in mind about personal conversation tweets - some people who are following you may not be following the person you are talking to. This means they get only one half of the conversation. One suggestion is to word your tweet so that spectators have an idea of what you are talking about. That way, they can feel more included in the conversation.

Trust and Twitter

With so much hype in marketing, people are really looking for a company that can trust. You can build trust with prospects by allowing them to get to know you, and by providing them with information. Twitter allows you to do just that.

A great tip: look at your own Tweet history ' is the information valuable, does it build trust? Would you want to follow yourself?

Get tweeting!

It may take some trial and errorFree Reprint Articles, and you probably want to check out what others are tweeting about to get a feel for the style. But don't spend too long lurking ' check it out and then jump on in.

Source: Free Articles from

Jennifer Horowitz is the Director of Marketing and co-owner of Since 1998, her expertise in online marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has helped clients increase revenue and achieve their business goals. Jennifer has written a downloadable book on Search Engine Optimization and has been published in many SEO and marketing publications.

May 05, 2008

Not Investing in Merchant Services Can Cost You

Online business people must invest in their business

The decision on whether or not to add credit card processing services to an online business' site is driven by several factors, one way to make the decision is by playing the "what if" game.

As in: "What if I (the Internet retailer) decide against the investment in credit card online processing? What will it cost me?"

Those are worthwhile questions. It is hard to put a hard-dollar figure on what the lack of merchant account services will mean to a business, but there are some facts that need to be weighed carefully.

Internet access into people's homes grows by the day. As does their access at work. Not to mention from their mobile phone. And we're talking about some form of high-speed access, which allows users to get the most from their browsing experience.

Not only are kids growing up with the Internet, as well as online shopping, but seniors are getting acclimated as well, meaning that 'net usage is touching every demographic segment of society.

And the shopping patterns on the Internet have come mainstream. There was a time when it might have been a novelty, then morphed into a way to get hard-to-find or specialty items, but now people are procuring all kinds of everyday items from their computers.

The cumulative affect of all of the above is that the potential audience for online shopping is enormous and only gaining users by the day.

Fold into this the fact that when people shop online they want to use their credit cards. Paying that way offers speed and convenience, as well as a measure of buyer protection from most of the major card companies. People shopping with their credit card in hand are the majority.

And here is where the lack of credit card processing is going to cost a company. With all those people going online, with more and more people shopping online and with the majority using their credit cards to shop online any site that does not have a merchant account is going to stand out like a sore thumb.

Loyal customers become loyal customers because they get what they want from a retail entity - whether it be real-world or virtual. And one thing they are going to want in increasing numbers is the option to use their credit card. They want it so much that if you don't have merchant services they are going assume something is less than trustworthy with your site.

So we're back to the initial question - do you really want to have your site seen as less that legitimate because you don't have credit card online processing. And what is it going to cost you when a shopper hits your site, only to realize after they have filled their shopping cart that you don't accept cards?

Two things are likely to happen. One, they will zip to a site that gives them the payment options they want. TwoFree Articles, they will never be back.

And what does that cost? Still think you can't afford credit card processing?

Source: Free Articles from

Jim Osterman is a Web content developer with, a leading credit card processing company that provides innovative merchant services solutions.

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What a Scam or Review Looks Like in Network Marketing

Finding a network marketing program that will straightforwardly assist you is not as difficult when you know which questions to ask. Forewarned is forearmed when in comes to examining and evaluating which programs are best and which are mere scams looking for victims.

You've found the perfect network marketing program to bring more money your way, or at least you hope you have. But how can you know whether the information you have found is reliable? You need to discern if it is a scam or review. Read between the lines and ask questions to find out whether what you are being told is covering up a suspicious scheme or giving you a real first-hand review.

1. What exactly are we selling here? If there's not a clear answer here, look elsewhere. You need to be selling the real product that you and others can believe in. Do you really want to make your money just from taking the money of people who sign up under you? Make sure there is a demand for your product so that the program has a customer base that will draw real income.

2. Where and how are we advertising and selling it? Avoid a program that resorts to preying upon unsuspecting souls that are desperate for cash or some other miracle. "Too good to be true" means you are probably looking at a scam. You should also receive a response in a timely manner when you contact the program with questions or marketing support issues.

3. How soon will I be getting my checks? Whatever money you have to invest you should be able to earn back in a relatively short time ' a month or less. Scams might insist you wait for much longer before you earn anything. Or they might promise you amazing amounts of money in an unbelievably short timejust long enough to take your money and run.

4. How is the company looking to sign me up? Don't rush to join a networking program that focuses almost exclusively on getting you to become a sales affiliate without mentioning the product. It is much more likely to be a legitimate opportunity if the company is trying to win you as a customer first. Happy customers make the best product representatives. Respectable companies know this and recruit their customers.

Asking enough questions and getting answers that add up are what you must pursue if you want a legitimate network marketing opportunity. What you come across on the internet may be a dishonest scam or review from a well-meaning personFree Web Content, depending on what information you are and are not given. You should be able to find reports somewhere on the internet from people who list the pros and/or cons of a particular program they have joined. Combine those reviews with how the program is marketing itself. Ethical marketers do not mislead prospects or conceal how they are actually set up to many money. Find a network marketing program that clearly reveals what they are marketing and tells exactly how they are designed to help people who sign up earn commissions and turn a profit by selling products via their network marketing system.

Source: Free Articles from

Richard van Beek invites you to visit his Healthy Chocolate website for one of the most exciting opportunities you will ever find. People from all walks of life are making money online without internet experience. Please click here now to learn more.

May 04, 2008

How To Make Money With Social Networking

Making money with social networking is kind of like various other forms of getting traffic. Depending on who you talk to, you will get different opinions of whether they like it or not. n this article we want to take a look at how you can combine making money and social networking.

Getting traffic via social networking could be a great way of making money. Different people like different things and social networking is no different.

In this article we want to take a look at how you can combine making money and social networking.

It is hard to believe that as an industry Internet marketing is less than 15 years old. Social networking itself is really only a couple of years old and the first large social network was MySpace. Now today Facebook and many others, rival MySpace for members and opportunities to promote your business.

If they are trying to build an Internet business many people that join social networks also blog. This makes sense because you can piggyback the two easily together. Depending on the industry that you are in you can get new blog readers via joining a social network.

It is important that the social network you join relates back to the theme of your business. There are social networks that are available on almost anything. If you want to join a more broad social networks such as Facebook you can join or start a specific group the relates to the theme of your website as well.

Another thing you want to do is control who you let be your friend. Again using face book as an exampleFind Article, you can only have 5000 friends. If you let anybody and everybody join you will quickly fill up your guestbook and it may contain friends that really have no interest in what you're trying to accomplish with your business.

If you would like to eventually create business partners via social networking it is important that you participate in discussions and be helpful. You cannot always just be selling and in that way it's much like discussion forums.

If you are the type of person who is naturally curious you may be able to offer new ideas to your group that they are not aware of. This is an actual way for you to develop your own credibility as well as for you to build relationships.

People naturally become curious about what you do to make money and this really is where the benefit of social networking comes in. You are passively soft selling your friends without really ever selling at all.

This is the best way to combine social networking and making money. You will be great at this and a great opportunity awaits you in the future if you're the type of person that is naturally social.

Source: Free Articles from

Mark Molina is a husband and father of two who never gave up on his dream to find the perfect home based business of Time Freedom. Now he can show you how to work at home on the internet too! To see the business that Mark found after three years of research, go to

See This Before You Join Liberty League for Personal Development!

Discover the world of the online business Liberty League. Can it really help you to become a better person and also makes you lots of money?

Don't you think that it would be incredible to find an online career that could not only bring in the kind of money that we would all like to earn, but that would also give us the tools to become a better person as well? We will see what is possible with the online business opportunity offered by Liberty League in this review. This company offers two ways to grow with their business. Liberty League has a personal development program if that is of interest to you and they also offer a way to get into the Internet personal development industry as well.

Liberty League provides DVDs and workbooks that are geared toward assisting their customers in the pursuit of a better life. They claim to teach new ways that make people feel better about themselves and their discs and workbooks are there to show how to get this work done.

These are just a few of the many lessons that are included:

1. Seeing your day in a new way.

2. Lose weight if you want to.

3. Set goals and then achieve them.

4. Build self-confidence and a love for life.

There are several success stories that you can find in doing some research. The success stories from from other people might help you in your evaluation of the companies products and also to see if it is a good fit for you and your own personal development?

If you are just looking at this opportunity from a personal development perspective, then the products look very good.

The program seems easy to follow and is written well so that it is easy to understand as well. This might not come easy for some because every new undertaking comes with an learning curve, but rest assured that you are getting a program that is all nicely laid out for each new member.

If this sounds good to you, then you have 2 options.

1. You have the option of purchasing the program for a membership fee of $1495 simply to better yourself with. With this option you can choose to not go into the business of selling the program and just keep it for your own purposes.

2. Or, if you wish to go into this business, then Liberty League offers a program of selling and commissions for you to take a look at.

So, in a nut shell, investigate any online opportunity thoroughly, to find out what they are offering, to make sure that it is right for you.

I sincerely hope that you can take a look at this personal development program, research many othersFind Article, and honestly find what you are looking for. Programs such as these can and do work if an individual is willing and able to commit their time and energy.

Source: Free Articles from

Take a look at one of Holli's proven Money Making System. Holli Diel is a proven leader and has a Sales and Marketing background that spans over 20 years. She devotes her time, energy, and efforts to member's financial success.

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How To Get Recognized In Affiliate Marketing
When it comes to a career in affiliate marketing it can be easy to get lost in the competition. Her...

May 03, 2008

Managing Your Costs

How to manage your expenses
Even the most simplistic of looking advertisements will have had a lot of thought put into it. The well-done ads, even what appears to be a basic design, are made that way for a very specific reason.Everything about an ad should be important to the person designing it. If you are about to design one for your company, here are some tips for making your ads as effective, and as cost efficient, as possible.It should be noted that there are a wide variety of advertisements out there. Take the time to consider what style of advertisement is going to be the best fit for your company. Each type of business will likely have particular strategies that are best for their markets. Perhaps a direct mail, postcard-marketing strategy is going to be the preeminent form of advertising for your company, or a well-detailed catalog.No matter what you settle on a concern for many will certainly be how much the cost is going to be. Most businesses, especially smaller ones, do not have a massive budget.Color printing itself is not a very expensive method of advertising, but there are additional ways to help costs. For placing ads in newspapers, remember that you pay per word or line depending on the publication. This means efficiency is the most important factor. Each word needs to be carefully considered to ensure it is absolutely necessary.This forced efficiency should be considered a blessing in disguise. The more to the point and concise an ad is the more effective it will be in any medium. Even outside of newspapers or magazines, paying careful attention to the amount of words used can help reduce the end all cost. Even if costs were not an issue, you do not want to bog a person down with a lengthy description.Another angle you should consider is where you are placing your ads. Because newspapers charge more depending on the size of your ad, if you simply cannot cut it down that much a flyer acts as an effective alternative.While you reach a smaller audience with a flyer than a newspaper ad, you are also able to focus more on a set market rather than a general one. Focused marketing saves greatly on cost and allows a business to know they are targeting the precise market they want to draw in.For those with smaller budgets considering all the details of your marketing strategy becomes considerably more important. There are so many forms of effective marketing that all businesses should be aware of.A large array of strategies work, but some will always be cheaper than others. Consider your budget, and consider the different options you haveFind Article, and once you have a clear understanding pick what works best for you.

Source: Free Articles from

Kaye Z. Marks is an avid writer and follower of developments in commercial color printing industry and how these improvements can benefit small to medium-scale business.

It’s time we woke up to the fact that Sir Martin Sorrell does immense damage the advertising business!Now the accountant is turning to Hollywood at a time when people are beginning to wake up to the fact that one way passive advertising is no longer working. Therefore the Accountant is turning to passive one-way product placement! The Accountant, not understanding the process of communications, (he epitomizes Top-Down-Management) ignores interpersonal communication, together with the need for accountability.
Let's face it he is an accountant turned adman. He may possibly have been a very good accountant but as an adman he is turning into a disaster!As some of his recent pronouncements will serve to confirm.He was quoted as saying that London and New York were no longer the creative centers of the advertising world.So what?By now nearly anyone who's anyone in advertising knows full well that creativity is no longer the sole criteria for the success of an advertising campaign and the selling of products.Now the accountant is turning to Hollywood at a time when people are beginning to wake up to the fact that one way passive advertising is no longer working. Therefore the Accountant is turning to passive one-way product placement!The Accountant, not understanding the process of communications, (he epitomizes Top-Down-Management) ignores interpersonal communication, together with the need for accountability.Thus he will end up leading Clients and the advertising industry up a dead end street together with another colossal waste of money! So here is a very simple lesson as to what constitutes good marketing communication. Simply put it is the human desire for interaction, If this had been taught and the lesson put into everyday practice then billions of pounds and dollars would never have been poured down the black hole of television advertising! And none at all wasted on Hollywood!So let's review that desire in terms of the marketing of products and, at the same time, hope that those people working in or with advertising agencies read this simple lesson and learn a little of what they should have already known and been doing on behalf of their clients.All advertising is a form of learning whereby the advertiser is asking people to change their behavior after learning the benefits of the products or services on offer. However, we all tend to filter out information, which we do not want to hear. This clearly alters the effectiveness of conventional advertising in quite a dramatic way.The final purchase decision is invariably a compromise and this leads to a certain amount of anxiety; the worry that perhaps the decision was not the best or the right one. In order to minimize this anxiety the purchaser seeks to reinforce their choice and begins to take more notice of their chosen product's marketing communications.Due to a lack of understanding of the communication process we have created a media society during the past 40 or 50 years, where the whole process has been de-humanized. There is now an extraordinary reduction in interaction because conventional advertising and marketing have become a one-way practice whereby information is disseminated in a passive form.But, people still have this desire to be taken account of. To affect change, to learn and personalize their relationship with their environment. There are a phenomenal number of reasons that cause people to interact, going far beyond just giving them things.When people agree to participate in truly interactive marketing programs they are told that their efforts and feedback are of positive help to the advertisers. And most important to the advertisers, by participating and becoming involvedScience Articles, they then learn and understand the advertising message and do so at their own pace and to fit in with their schedule. And no need at all for Hollywood and expensive Directors…thus saving Clients a great deal of money!

Source: Free Articles from

Having invested over $10 million in independent research, Paul Ashby is ideally suited to present the case for the widespread use of interactive marketing communication. The research investment has proved conclusively that one exposure to an interactive "event" is far more effective in all key measurements, than traditional advertising. Paul made this investment because his company, Effective . Accountable . Communication is predicated on being totally accountable to its Clients. You can contact Paul at: Discover more on

May 02, 2008

Starting Right from the Beginning

Marketing efforts are impacted more by the conversion of records from the source than many companies realize. Many companies don't even know how their provider's convert works.

For many years the direct marketing industry has accepted the fact that when converting incoming files from one layout to another only a certain percentage of the information will be successfully captured. It may be the result of a human error when entering the data to begin with or it may be a result of an error when processing the data at its source. Even with today's modern technology, the 90-10 rule still holds true. Many companies that receive files the blame the provider, some go the extra mile to make corrections, and some fall in between. This portion of the overall solution is not glamorous and does not appear significant but upon further review the impact of a proper conversion is exponential. Moving data from one layout to another is mostly a manual process, dependant on human examination of the layout generated from the source company providing the list. But even the cleanest lists have instances where data doesn't match the layout exactly; street directionals can easily be omitted, titles can be misidentified, and personal names and business names can be transposed. Small inaccuracies may not seem unimportant on the surface but a deeper look at traditional processing exposes the truth.

Inaccurate information at the source affects all aspects of traditional data preparation. Data that is not in the proper field or is missing completely affects the match rates to postal and proprietary hygiene services. The National Change of Address file is strictly supervised, the matching logic utilized follows rigid regulations. A small deviation will cause a record to be classified as a NIXIE, a "likely" but unconfirmed match to the NCOA database. Most companies drop NIXIE's from their prospecting efforts. If an NCOA match had been returned the record could have been mailed.

Additionally, these inaccuracies will impact how the mail files match each other in a merge purge environment and how they match demographic databases in append processes. Mailing duplicates or not properly recognizing a household can damage response rates. Without proper demographics, model scoring can be impacted and basic targeting decisions are made without proper information.

Finally, postal savings are lost when records cannot be sorted to the proper levels due to missing or inaccurate information. Carrier route walk sequence discounts or saturation discounts can be lost as a result. These costs along with the loss in revenue from lower response rates are much greater than any additional cost for properly loading and converting a file. Furthermore, this attitude cuts against the spirit of one to one marketing. If a mailer doesn't care enough to properly identify who they are mailing at the outset, the financial impact can be significant. HoweverHealth Fitness Articles, the psychological impact can be much greater if a customer or prospect doesn't feel the company is invested in a one to one marketing strategy. Taking this first step at the beginning of a project is more significant that many businesses realize.

Source: Free Articles from

Justin Jackson is an Account Executive with Donnelley Marketing with over 10 years of experience in consultative sales in the multi-channel arena. Email any questions to or check out the website: Sign up for a free e-newsletter and you can be entered into a drawing for a free business profile.

5 Tips to Improve Your Affiliate Marketing Website

So are you looking to improve your affiliate marketing? It is always a good idea. You can never make too much money and with these affiliate marketing website tips, you can be on your way to more money fast.

If you are looking to improve your affiliate marketing business it is always a good idea. With these affiliate marketing website tips you can begin to make money fast because you never can have too much money.

1. Websites look much more attractive when they have an overall theme to their pages. If you have a good theme and have it set throughout your entire site you will catch the eye of those surfing through pages. What that means is you will need to have the logo and all the graphics blend well to give your site a professional look.

2. One of the best things you can do to make people continue to come back to your affiliate marketing website in the future is to have good content. If you place good, unique content, that is targeted to help others, you will hook them in and keep them coming back for more. Posting relevant articles on your site is one of the best ways to add a fresh content.

3. Your site should have website links pasted onto it and it is important to make sure that these links are clickable. One thing that can cost you businesses broken links on your site for you need to go through and make sure that everything is working properly.

4. People not only want to view the content on your website, but they also want to be able to get hold of you if they have any questions or need answered. Many websites do not want to be bothered, so you can pass them up by providing the contact page, which provides a more personal connection to your visitors.

5. One way to get a rate more traffic to your site is to exchange links with other quality websites. If you put someone's link on your site and they place yours on theirsFree Web Content, you are getting traffic to your site that you normally would not get. As long as the site you link with is good you will get good traffic to your site.

If you have an affiliate marketing business it makes no sense to sit back and hope you make money. Looking for ways to improve your affiliate marketing business is always a good idea. With the five tips listed in this article you should be able to improve your affiliate marketing website which will ultimately improve your business and make you more money.

Source: Free Articles from

William Hutchinson invites you to visit his internet affiliate marketing website for the top affiliate programs online today. Yes you can make money and he can show you how. If you need help starting your own business at home or a few work from home ideas please visit his website here now:===>

May 01, 2008

How to Earn Money Online in 7 Easy Steps - Is it Really That Simple?

Turning the potential of the internet into actual cash in hand means you have to know what to do; research, reading, writing, and reviewing are among the keys. To make your dream of easier money a reality, follow these steps to build your online business.

If earning money online is easy, why isn't everyone doing it? Perhaps they have never seriously considered how to earn money online in 7 easy steps. Maybe they tried one or two ideas that are mentioned here, but never discovered how, by implementing these points, they could set up a growing business and reputation.

1. Research what you will sell and to whom. What you sell should match your interests and expertise. It can be your own product or someone else's (affiliate marketing). Whatever you choose, you will need to understand it well so you can market it effectively. You also need to understand your target market. What do they want? What might they be willing to spend money to get? Where do they look online for information on their interests?

2. Read and educate yourself about the ins and outs of internet marketing. There is a vast store of helpful information that is available free of charge on the internet. The savvier and more knowledgeable you become, the more likely you will be to implement what works and avoid what doesn't. You may not have to suffer through the same mistakes that others have made if you follow sound advice. You also need to stay on top of current trends online that will affect your business.

3. Write a blog. Use a relevant blog to attract your target audience and offer them a chance to sign up for a newsletter or other free offer. Blogs are a great way to offer updated content to a specific audience. They also have the advantage of giving an instant way to share your expertise. You don't have to wait for your website and its content to be perfected. From day one a blog can get you lots of free publicity.

4. Raise up your website. The first part of your website to develop is your sign up box, which should be on the first page people see. You can create a lead capture page, also called a squeeze page, to get a list of contacts for e-mail marketing. Then work on developing the rest of your site. Some people also put sign up boxes on other pages of their websites in order to give visitors more chances to sign up for the mailing list and receive something free and valuable. A free guide or a newsletter where you share your expertise are examples of incentives to offer people so that they will join your mailing list.

5. Rely on several income sources. Obviously, your main focus for turning a profit is by selling your product. But there are also other ways to make money online. By offering advertising spots for other companies on your site or blog, you can receive anywhere from 5 cents to 50 cents or more each time a person clicks on an ad. Affiliate marketing can be even more lucrative. This involves promoting someone else's product, for which you receive a portion of the sales revenue.

6. Write articles to drive traffic to your website or lead capture page. Articles have incredible potential to draw people to your site if you give helpful information that people are seeking. Articles are a way to share your expertise and build credibility with those who have an interest in your field. At the end of your article, a bio box tells readers a little about you and how they can link to your website for more information. If they click on the link and make it to your site, you have successfully attracted someone in your targeted area of interest.

7. Review what is working well and what isn't. It is important to look at the numbers on a weekly or monthly basis and see how well each of your strategies are working. Trends and patterns should emerge as you examine your traffic and conversion statistics. From there you can begin to refine and focus your efforts on what works best for reaching your target audience and getting them to buy from you.

To earn money onlineFind Article, you have to know where to start and how to keep the positive momentum going. Almost anyone can discover how to earn money online in 7 easy steps. Putting these steps into action is all it really takes to begin bringing in a growing income from your website.

Source: Free Articles from

Richard van Beek invites you to visit his Healthy Chocolate website for one of the most exciting opportunities you will ever find. People from all walks of life are making money online with this Healthy Chocolate Business. Please click here to take the FREE tour now.

Explode Your Website Traffic With Expired Domains

Getting the amount of traffic you want can really be difficult at times. It seems that you've tried everything you know, from submitting your articles and site content to the search engines, to participating in blogs and forums just to get your site more exposure. On the other side of the coin, there are millions of hits being wasted on expired domains.

For most website owners, getting enough traffic is often the biggest problem you will ever face. If it seems to you like there is nothing else left or you to try, then you are not alone. The truth is that there are an almost limitless number of ways to generate traffic and it's possible to tap into a source of traffic that would otherwise be wasted.

Now, you can make use of these expired domains to get that traffic for yourself, but it can be a bit difficult, so make sure that it's done right or your efforts will just be for nothing. You can make use of expired domains by buying one that was previously used by another company, for example. Depending on how effective your techniques are, you can save a lot of money and bring more attention to your work using expired domains.

The reason this works so well is that many older domain names have been left to expire, but still remain very popular and active with users. These expired domains keep getting hits that usually average around 3 million per day. What are the reasons people get rid of such an asset to begin with? There could be several reasons for it, one being that the webmaster quit due to lack of funds to keep it going. One reason could be that the owner of the domain simply forget to re-register. Anyhow, one man's loss is another man's gain.

Your link popularity will be a major beneficiary when you use expired domains. The number of other websites that actively link to you will give an indication of the link popularity. Using expired domains, therefore, allows you to pick up and immediately exploit the link popularity it already has. Expired domains are inexpensive, and registering it can cost you less than what you would pay if you're registering a brand new domain. Usually it would cost around $10.00 or even less.

If you want a quick profit, you can just resell the domain to another company or webmaster. By marketing correctly, you can even turn a large profit, often getting much more in return than you invested initially. Companies are always looking for domains with catchy titles and the right connotation to what they are trying to market.

One thing to remember, though ' you should always check the history of the expired domain you're interested in, just to be safe. Sometimes the expired domain you want might have belonged to an adult site in the past, so there's a good chance that it could be blocked by some computers. Dangerous factors like these could severely damage your site's reputation or at the very least, restrict the amount of traffic you could be getting otherwise. You can use the "Wayback Machine" to view any of the domains that interest you and actually see what the site used to look like. This Internet tool is free, so there's no reason not to use it to check out your domains before making a decision.

Expired domains can be very effective for driving traffic to your site. Your link popularity also gets a welcome boost, and those wasted hits will be put to good use for you. As you can see, by using the power and existing potency of expired domains you could be taking a very profitable stepBusiness Management Articles, one that may generate a lot of income for your business.

Source: Free Articles from

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