November 27, 2007

How to Market a Small Business

When you are launching a small business, there are many things which could potentially stand in your way. A small business can be a difficult thing to market. There are situations in which you will be competing with people who have a larger monetary base, and who in turn will be able to reach more of the population. However, do not be discouraged, marketing a small business can be difficult but is not impossible, and there are several ways to make sure that your marketing efforts are on the right track.

First off, identify your customer base. The biggest mistake that you can make in marketing a small business is trying to reach everyone at once. Money and resources can be depleted quickly. Focus on your customer base, and expand as needed from that target audience.

There are several ways that you can ensure that you have chosen the best customer base for your company’s products or services. Conduct primary and secondary research to determine who your customer base is and where they live. Spend time narrowing down who you should be targeting, and once the research is concluded, you should have a group that is listed by age, gender, and even ethnicity, depending on what your small business is offering. Also, several tests are available that you can run on the products that you sell or the services that you provide

Once you have your target group in mind, the next step towards marketing a small business successfully is to reach that unique group. Don't place ads in places that will not catch their eye. For instance, if your target group is above 65, putting ads on a social networking site for teenagers would not make sense. Determine where your own customer base goes, what publications they read, what websites they frequent, and do what you can to advertise there.

Part of this requires figuring out where your potential customers come from. This is usually an easy thing to discover. Are you providing a service that you can do online – such as an online store or another business where your customers can be from all over? If the answer to this question is yes, then you can focus on doing online advertising and targeting other sites where your customers are going to visit. However, if your customer base is located locally, and you are relying on your local customers to market your small business, then you want to focus your marketing strategies on these local places, in order to make the most of the funds that you have.

The last thing that you want to remember when you are marketing a small business is that even if your competition has much more money than you do and is a much bigger corporation, you have the upper hand in the very fact that you are a small business. There are lots of people out there who are ready and willing to turn away from the larger corporations, and who are ready to focus on the smaller, local business. Stick with the things that make small businesses unique, such as quality customer service. These aspects are what usually set small businesses apart from the larger ones, and so it is there where a differentiation can be illustrated. You can gain customers by focusing on the advantages of working with a smaller company.

No matter what type of business you are providing, or whether you are seeking men, women or children to be your customers, you are going to find that you are up against a lot of competition. However, if you focus on your customer base, and the ways that you can bring your ideas directly to those people, you are going to be able to market your small business and be just as successful as those that are marketing large corporations with bigger budgets. There are many small businesses that are extremely profitable, and, by taking careful steps to market your company correctly, your business can be successful as well.

About Author:
Grant Eckert is a freelance writer who writes about business topics, similar to what consumers read in The Economist

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