December 03, 2007

8 Things You Should Look For In An Internet Marketing Membership Site

If you're looking for a way to grab all the latest online marketing strategies to increase your business productivity, innovation and sales then a good Internet marketing membership site is your answer.

A decent member site offers many advantages for you.

First, you will avoid wasting time searching for and purchasing individual products on the Internet that may be outdated or useless.

Second, you can get all the marketing strategy you'll ever need in one easy-to-access website.

And third, you can use the member site to train and educate your employees with proven marketing strategy.

Overall, it is a smart, efficient way for any business to stay informed on the latest marketing trends, and boost sales and profits.

To get the biggest bang for your buck, here's eight things you should look for when choosing any membership site:

1) Do they offer a free or low-cost trial period?

This really is a no-brainer. If they don't let you take a peek at what they offer then what are they trying to hide? A decent membership site should overwhelm you with benefits and information. These days most sites offer a free trial… the ones who didn't went by the wayside or had to clean up their act.

2) Is the site well organized?

Nothing is more aggravating then not being able to find your way around, or worse, having everything crammed on one page. Besides this, a well organized website is a sure sign that the company running it cares about their customers.

3) Is the content current and is new content added regularly?

You'll know right away during your trial period if the content is current. The whole point to a membership site is getting unique content. If you find material that is easily accessible all over the Internet then it's obvious the owner's running the site aren't going to deliver useful information in the future.

4) Does the site offer great resources?

Here again is a sign that the owners care about their customers. I'm sure you'd agree, having a site full of resources you and your employees can tap into is a sales and productivity booster. No resources? Then no sale if you ask me…

5) Do they regularly interview experts and offer audio on their site?

A good quality site will do regular interviews with Internet Marketing experts. Also, look to see if there is more than one expert offering instruction. If you find only a few people giving advice it's an indication that the site owners aren't serious about finding exclusive, valuable content.

6) Do they give you free software and popular ebooks?

Here again is a sign of customer care. A decent site wants to keep you on board, and the best way to do it is by offering quality bonuses - the more the better.

7) Do they offer discounts on popular Internet Marketing products?

A good membership site will joint venture with fellow Internet marketing businesses to offer you great deals on popular software and products. Again, if they don't take the time to offer you, their important customers, great deals they really aren't trying too hard.

8) Do you get access to software and products with resale rights.

This isn't really critical, but it sure is a big plus. Most of the time these products are good training material for your employees. Also, depending on your business, they can be used as bonuses to enhance lead generation and create goodwill among your customers.

I'm sure you would agree if you find an Internet marketing membership site with all these items you're getting a great deal. Of course, pricing can vary greatly. You'll find some sites asking $100 or more per month and others around $20 with little difference in the information provided.

The best advice is to shop around first. If you find what you think is a winner then try the free trial and investigate. Look closely to see if your employees will benefit from the material. If you ask me, this is critical in your decision. A well educated, informed employee ultimately translates into creativity and increased sales.

If you find a site with all these important factors you have a winner… and you'll have a competitive edge in today's fierce competition.

Quality Internet Marketing Membership Site: Online Marketing Product Reviews and Resources:

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