March 23, 2008

Make Concrete Blocks- Build A Solid Business

Making concrete blocks is one of the easiest,and most profitable,business opportunities.You can start in your garage and make 100 cement blocks per day using hand made molds.You need very little investment since you make the molds yourself using plywood and sheet metal.Portland cement, gravel,sand and water are used to make the appropriate concrete mix.You hand fill the molds,extract the blocks and set them out to dry.

Concrete blocks are a basic commodity of the building trade.They are used to build everything from large buildings to small backyard barbeques. There is always a market for cement blocks.You can count on that.They do not go out of style like a here today,gone tomorrow hula hoop.

Concrete products are heavy and bulky.Transportation costs are therefore quite high. You do not have this cost in selling to local customers.You can supply them at a very competitive price and still make a nice profit.Many building supply stores have to bring their concrete products in from distant suppliers which adds substantially to the cost of the product.You will find them very receptive to the better price you can give them.

You can start your concrete products business as a part time project while continuing to work at your job.This makes it very easy since there is no loss of income while you build your business from a small start.Give up your job when you have sufficient business to make this a profitable full time occupation.Working evenings and weekends can be quite profitable and full time work can earn you a wonderful living.

When you become a full time concrete block maker you will need more space to store and dry your blocks.You will also need a concrete block making machine which can turn out hundreds of blocks per day.You will need business premises to accomodate the drying racks for your concrete blocks.You can buy a machine capable of turning out all the blocks you can sell.It is quite an expensive tool.The less costly way is to build your own machine.

From available plans you can build an excellent concrete block making machine from used auto parts,sheet metal and a few odds and ends.It works as well as any commercial model.If you can't do the necessary welding a local welding shop will do it for you at reasonable cost.This fine machine can turn out 800 concrete blocks per day with ease.You can build it for a fraction of the cost of a commecial model.You will probably require a helper to move the blocks from the machine to the drying racks.You will need an employee or perhaps a business partner for this.

Besides making cement blocks you can manufacture patio slabs, garden ornaments,garden furniture,bird baths and many other items. Plans are available for these very profitable sidelines. You can also go into the business of building with concrete blocks and build everything from garages,sheds and other buildings to small backyard projects such as compost boxes and barbeques.Since you manufacture the concrete products this can be very profitable.

Making concrete blocks and other concrete products is a good way to make a living.You can build,from scratch,a business which will bring you a wonderful income.Sufficient in fact to afford the things you can only dream of while working at most jobs.

John Mowatt is retired from the family concrete block manufacturing business.As a freelance writer he writes on making concrete blocks for a living.He also writes about health and fitness related issues.For more information and resources go to

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