March 16, 2008

Manage Your Time Because Life Happens

This article will help you to focus on managing your time and your life with your home business.

For some reason, when someone opens a home computer business they believe that suddenly their days will have more hours in them than they did when they worked for somebody else. But, it doesn't take long for them to realize that there are not only the same hours in the day, but those hours may fly by quicker, and seem like minutes. This makes us realize that one commodity that nearly everyone runs out of is time.

Time management is not a skill that can be taught, it is a behavior that has to be learned. Many tools are available to help people manage their time, but they have to take the initial step in getting started before they can make better use of the time they have. Time management will also help them balance their work and home life, commonly referred to as creating a work-life balance and to start they need to realize how closely they are related.

Too many people have a calendar for their work and a separate calendar for their family life. With the two so closely connected, they only need one calendar. Instead of having to consult with two pieces of paper before determining if you can make a meeting or not, pulling out one calendar can make the decision an easy one. It does not matter what brand is considered the best or the most expensive. The only thing that matters is that you get a planner with a calendar and use it regularly.

Before you fill out the calendar you will need to make sure you have your priorities in order. Every day, new priorities will pop up based on emergencies and customer demands. One thing to consider is that when a customer emergency comes up and is direct conflict with a scheduled family event, you will have to decide on where your priorities are on that specific date and time. If you have a helper who can take care of the customer issue, without conflicting with their family calendar, that's a plus. If not, the customer may have to wait until you get done.

Setting daily priorities should always begin with a block of time being set aside as contingency time. That is time set aside to handle unexpected issues and can be as little as 15 minutes. If nothing happens, you have an extra 15 minutes unclaimed at the end of the day. When it doesFree Articles, handle it without throwing your schedule totally out of whack.

Possibly the best thing you can do to better manage your home computer business and time is to establish a minimum of 10 minutes every morning to reprioritize any items that did not get done from yesterday's list. This planning session can be the very first task you do when you have your daily cup of coffee. The bottom line is you need to get into the habit to review your daily plans and then stick to the plan throughout the day.

Source: Free Articles from

William is the owner of and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic and others William recommends you visit and sign up for his newsletter on home computer business ideas and opportunities. Also go to

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