April 09, 2008

Accounts Receivable Factoring as a Business Loan Alternative

Read this article to learn about accounts receivable funding, an effective alternative to conventional business loans.
Wondering whether you'll be able to get a loan for your business? Getting a business loan is one of the toughest tasks to accomplish for a company owner. Although banks represent a very cost effective source of funds, they are very selective about the customers they take. This is especially true nowadays were commercial credit at banks is very tight. Most banks will only provide business loans to companies that have a solid track record and substantial assets. But, what if your company does not meet the banks criteria? What is you are a startup or if your company does not have traditional assets such as real estate? One business financing alternative that has been recently gaining traction could be the right solution for you. It's called accounts receivable financing. Accounts receivable financing, commonly called factoring, is a type of financing that helps companies that need to wait 30 to 60 days to get their invoices paid. It provides funds to pay employees and suppliers while you wait to get paid by your commercial clients. Accounts receivable factoring is different than a business loan because the factoring company does not lend you money. Rather, the factoring company advances you money based on your open invoices and gets paid once your customer pays. A typical transaction would work as follows. Once you deliver your product and send the invoice to the client, you submit a copy of the invoice for financing. Within one to two business days, the factoring company advances you about 80% of the invoice. Once your client submits the payment in full for the invoice, you get the remaining 20% less a small fee charged for the service. Costs are usually determined based on the size of the financing line and can go from 2% to 5% for 30 days depending on the specific details of the transaction. One of the major benefits of receivables factoring is the flexibility that it provides. Your maximum financing line is determined by the invoices you submit and is tied directly to your monthly sales. This means that your financing line increases dynamically, as your business grows. This provides the liquidity you need to stay current on your obligations and enables you to maximize sales opportunities. Another benefit of factoring invoices is that it's relatively easy to obtain. The biggest requirement is that you do business with reliable companies (or government agencies) that pay in 30 to 60 days. This is critical because your invoice is the collateral, for lack of a better term, that the factoring company is financing. Aside from thatBusiness Management Articles, your business needs to be properly organized and well managed. Invoice factoring has been around for quite a while and has been gaining traction in recent times as a flexible solution to finance business growth. Due to its structure it's the ideal source of financing for startup and growing companies alike.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

About Commercial Capital LLCMarco Terry is the Managing Director of Commercial Capital LLC, a leading accounts receivable financing company. For more information on accounts receivable factoring and receivables factoring, please call (877) 300 3258.

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Unknown said...

Prevously I had used cash advances or just overdrawn my bank accounts to cover my payables when I was having a slow quarter. I didn't even know that options like receivables factoring existed, let alone that I wouldn't actually have to PAY ANYTHING BACK with these options. I will definitely approach it as a solution next time, though!

Unknown said...

Factoring your invoices for your business is easier than getting a business line of credit or bank loan. That’s because qualification is based on the creditworthiness of your customers, not your business’s assets or credit history.

Source: http://www.accutraccapital.ca/