April 03, 2008

Online Business,Is it as Easy as it Seems?

In today society a regular 9 to 5 is almost obsolete. New age society are finding easier and quicker ways to make the "o mighty dollar".
The Internet is our new found solution to business, and many people are now deciding to work-at-home. Rather you are a telecommuter or running your own Internet business, there is always a high command for freelancers in just about any field. Nevertheless, the Internet is risky business. There are millions of get rich scams and it seems that everyone is trying to take advantage of unaware visitors. So how does one avoid being scammed?

Clues You are Being Scammed

Clue #1- What do your instincts tell you? Follow your gut instincts. If the company sounds to good to be true, then it usually is.
Clue #2- Is the company asking for a start up cost? If the company is legit and seeking freelance employees, there should not be a cost to you. The only time companies should charge is if they are offering you service. However, if they are requiring your service there should not be a charge to you.
Clue #3- Is the company reputable? In order to find out if a company is reputable you will have to do some research. Search online and find out what others may have to say about the company. You can do this by reviewing forums and blogs, Google company name, check for any reviews. If the company is reputable there will be information online for your review.

Starting Your Own Online Business

Many of us make the mistake of believing that starting an online business is easy as cutting pie.
You have a product or service that you want to offer
You have a website
You have a bank account to start collecting the dough

However, you will soon learn that the pie your cutting is as hard as a brick. The strategy to a successful online business requires much more than a product and a website.

Basic Elements to a Successful Online Business

1. Business Plan- Your Business Plan should include: The product and or service that your company will solicit, target audience, marketing strategy, finances and start up cost, and prediction of expected revenue for the first year.
2. Product or Service- Is your product a well sought after product? You want to offer the public a product that is needed. Your product must practically sell itself. The same with any service that you offer. If the product or service that you offer to consumers is useless, then of course, it want be profitable. Research products and competitors. Answer three questions during your research.
a. Is the product or service in high demand
b. What makes the product or service needed
c. How can you make the product or service unique
3. Website- Most first time Internet entrepreneurs assume that a fancy website is enough. However, your website can be cool, elegant, or professional. Without great written, interesting and informative content it might as well be blank.
Your content should be engaging and informative. You want your visitors to stay and buy.
4. Marketing- It is well advised that website owners should use a professional advertising management company to solicit the website and products online. This is a factor to get high rankings on search engines and to build traffic to your website. However, there are programs available to allow a website owner to lead their own marketing campaign. Leading your own campaign can be challenging if you are new to online marketing. A great marketing campaign is vital to the success of an online business. Without marketing your website you are unable to reach your target audience. This is the main factor for most failures in the online business world.

Running a successful online business is not as easy as one may assume; but, with proper preparation and time it can be a lucrative and successful venture.

John Elton owns and operates a Best Penny Stocks Picks website to help other investors with their stock decisions. He also operates a Home Based Business earn money online site to help entrepreneurs gain experience and wealth."

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