November 27, 2007

Your Mother Could Make Money In Forex Trading

The question would be not whether she could but rather would she enter the Forex trading market. The Forex day trading arena is a veritable snake pit ripe for scam artists to bilk money out of unwary investors. On the other hand, it is a forum for educated traders with the correct education, tools, and trading strategy to make a handsome income.

Becoming a successful Forex trader basically comes down to four things; 1) attaining the correct education, 2) using Forex tools which 3) use your own personal trading strategy, and 4) finding the correct Forex broker to fulfill your requirements. Let's look at these individually:

1) Attaining the correct education. Your Mother may not know the difference between a Forex PIP and one of the backup singers for Gladys Knight. So would you send her to one of those infomercial Forex riches classes to find out? We hope not! There are literally hundreds of training courses and materials out there for proper training. Word of mouth recommendations might be the best path to follow here.

2) Forex tools can also do many things like send trading signals and various buy/sell alerts to your desktop or mobile device based on what your personal trading philosophy dictates. Many of these tools are software based and some are provided via your favorite Forex trading sites. Not all people base decisions based on these signals though and use things like technical and fundamental analysis to determine when to buy or sell.

3) It also is essential to develop your own personal trading strategy. Your ability to assume certain risks might not exactly be what other traders or your broker recommends. A Forex trading strategy is not something generic and involves your personal game plan.

4) Before trading FOREX you need to set up an account with a FOREX broker. You may feel overwhelmed by the number of brokers who offer their services online. Deciding on a broker requires a little bit of research on your part, but the time spent will give you insight into the services that are available and fees charged by various brokers.

One of the most important ways to make the greatest return (and, also carry a greater loss risk) in Forex trading is with the use of a margin account. These accounts may let you trade as much as $100k in currency for as little as $1000. Margin accounts are the lifeblood of FOREX trading, so be sure you understand the broker's margin terms before setting up an account. You need to know the margin requirements and how margin is calculated. Does margin change according to the currency traded? Is it the same every day of the week? Some brokers may offer different margins for mini and standard accounts.

Used correctly and together, the above items can lead to a comfortable part or full time income. If you don't use all the information available to you, though, you may as well let Mom take the weekend visit to Vegas with her money to see Gladys Knight. Make sure that she has developed her own Forex trading strategy and has used "paper trades" many times before actually beginning trading for real. Better that ole Mom is equipped to make some real money rather than throwing it away on the gaming tables.

Wayne Watson is editor and publisher of Forex Market Explained, a site dedicated to beginning Forex traders. This site is one of many development projects that he has created or contributed to in the past.

How to Market a Small Business

When you are launching a small business, there are many things which could potentially stand in your way. A small business can be a difficult thing to market. There are situations in which you will be competing with people who have a larger monetary base, and who in turn will be able to reach more of the population. However, do not be discouraged, marketing a small business can be difficult but is not impossible, and there are several ways to make sure that your marketing efforts are on the right track.

First off, identify your customer base. The biggest mistake that you can make in marketing a small business is trying to reach everyone at once. Money and resources can be depleted quickly. Focus on your customer base, and expand as needed from that target audience.

There are several ways that you can ensure that you have chosen the best customer base for your company’s products or services. Conduct primary and secondary research to determine who your customer base is and where they live. Spend time narrowing down who you should be targeting, and once the research is concluded, you should have a group that is listed by age, gender, and even ethnicity, depending on what your small business is offering. Also, several tests are available that you can run on the products that you sell or the services that you provide

Once you have your target group in mind, the next step towards marketing a small business successfully is to reach that unique group. Don't place ads in places that will not catch their eye. For instance, if your target group is above 65, putting ads on a social networking site for teenagers would not make sense. Determine where your own customer base goes, what publications they read, what websites they frequent, and do what you can to advertise there.

Part of this requires figuring out where your potential customers come from. This is usually an easy thing to discover. Are you providing a service that you can do online – such as an online store or another business where your customers can be from all over? If the answer to this question is yes, then you can focus on doing online advertising and targeting other sites where your customers are going to visit. However, if your customer base is located locally, and you are relying on your local customers to market your small business, then you want to focus your marketing strategies on these local places, in order to make the most of the funds that you have.

The last thing that you want to remember when you are marketing a small business is that even if your competition has much more money than you do and is a much bigger corporation, you have the upper hand in the very fact that you are a small business. There are lots of people out there who are ready and willing to turn away from the larger corporations, and who are ready to focus on the smaller, local business. Stick with the things that make small businesses unique, such as quality customer service. These aspects are what usually set small businesses apart from the larger ones, and so it is there where a differentiation can be illustrated. You can gain customers by focusing on the advantages of working with a smaller company.

No matter what type of business you are providing, or whether you are seeking men, women or children to be your customers, you are going to find that you are up against a lot of competition. However, if you focus on your customer base, and the ways that you can bring your ideas directly to those people, you are going to be able to market your small business and be just as successful as those that are marketing large corporations with bigger budgets. There are many small businesses that are extremely profitable, and, by taking careful steps to market your company correctly, your business can be successful as well.

About Author:
Grant Eckert is a freelance writer who writes about business topics, similar to what consumers read in The Economist

How To Advertise Online

For everyone that decides to start their own web site online, advertising isn't as easy as it seems and many people end up paying others to do their dirty work. Face it, hours and hours of boredom. So how can you get your name out there successfully? Below is a list of some useful advertising tools that can help you lift your web site off the ground!

1. Put your web site in the big search engines (Google, Yahoo, Live, etc). Everyone uses search engines, so that is always a help.

2. Pay to get visitors using Google AdWords. You pay Google a certain amount of money per click that is made on your Ad which is placed on someone's web site. Their site would be related to yours so it's targeted traffic, and they receive money for the clicks so everyone's happy.

3. Exchange links between other web sites. This is a great way to get traffic. Whether you contact web site owners personally and see if they wish to do a link exchange or you just sign up for a "paid" link or "reciprocal" link, which is where you post their link on your web site as well. These links help you get visitors, backlinks, and improve your Google Page Rank.

4. Purchase advertisement spots on other web sites. Make sure that they are popular, receiving a decent amount of unique visitors every day. You could purchase a banner which is very noticed to help optimize the visitors you get from the web site.

5. Contact customers by e-mail advertising your web site. You can set up a mailing list of only people that would be interested in this so people don't consider it "spam".

6. Submit your web sites URL's in as many free directories as you can. Even try to submit your web site in DMOZ!

7. Use Digg! Submit articles on their web site to help get traffic to your web site. This is a great method and if you pick very good topics for your articles, even topics that trick the readers to click, you can get a decent amount of traffic.

8. Become an active member on forums related to your web site and put your web site link in your signature. Make sure you confirm with staff at the forum that it is alright with them first because you don't want to waste your time for nothing!

9. Buy signature links from active members so they can post and get traffic for you.

10. Advertise on MySpace! Yes, that is right, MySpace! Get yourself thousands of friends, real people, not other advertisers like you and put up bulletins advertising your web site.

11. As usual, we saved the best for last. This is definitely one of the best ways you can get traffic to your web site, guaranteed. Put up a video on YouTube with the displayed picture of a naked girl, then trick them to watch and get them to your web site.

Those were just some of the basic methods that you can advertise for free, or at little cost. Good luck getting some traffic!

David operates the Website Joint. Get more Free Advertising ideas at FreeAdsBoard.

November 25, 2007

Incorporating SEO with the Little Guy Network Opportunity

As part of the Little Guy Network opportunity, you can take full advantage of products that have resell rights. What that means for you is that ultimately, you already have a way to drive traffic to your website right at your fingertips. When you incorporate an SEO strategy into those e-books and other resell products, your Internet marketing strategy will be primed to deliver the qualified prospects that you desire.

Most people wouldn't even attempt to write their own e-book much less their own article, so you can imagine that the resell products you have in your hands are a gold mine! Let's talk a little bit more about using SEO.

Driving traffic to your site using SEO techniques is great, but don't overdo it. Your keyword usage should look natural in your articles, blog posts and advertisements. Many people have a tendency to overuse keywords, thinking that the more these words show up, the better their chances of ranking higher on the search engines. One article says that 15 to 20 percent density is acceptable, but another report will tell you that only 1 to 4 percent is what is actually necessary. Just remember that the key is to have your keyword density look natural in your written web media.

Here's the real problem with overusing keywords. If your web page is over-stuffed with keywords, it will have a tendency to look unprofessional and "spammy" to your audience. This, by the way, will also get you penalized by Google be having your website removed from the search engine.

What should a good site look like? Here are some tips.

1. Don't overuse keywords in title tags and meta description tags. You don't have to stuff in as many keywords as possible to get good results. A few keywords used in your tags and descriptions will go a long way.

2. Tell your audience what you want them to do. If there are too many links or keywords all over the page, your audience might have a hard time figuring out what you want them to do.

3. Avoid misspellings. What professional do you know who would purposefully misspell? It not only looks unprofessional, it looks like you don't care enough about your business to ensure that these types of mistakes didn't happen.

4. Make your page easy to read. This means you'll need compelling titles and easy to read content in order to get them interested in reading what you have to say.

The Little Guy Network opportunity gives you the resources you need to become a success. Just know that a little education in SEO will help you to understand other types of Internet marketing available that can also enhance your marketing strategies. Lastly, your professional approach to employing your SEO strategy will bring you credibility and ensure that you develop a loyal audience.

Easy Daily Cash Reality?

People's access to Internet has been increasing tremendously and it will be remaining so on an increasing trend in the next few years to come. This also means there are many opportunities that are genuine as well as scams; and people become rich with the genuine ones and get burned out with the scams disguised as opportunities.

Anyone with an Internet access system can sit at home and run business of his/her own. However, having said so making money online is not an easy task as a lot of people make it sound! There are some important aspects one needs to be appraised in order to really make it happen.

Easy Daily Cash has been present as an opportunity since 2006 and seems to be growing in terms of people embracing it. However, one has to do diligence and research on the easy daily cash as a business opportunity and learn facts before signing up. Learn all aspects on how this easy daily cash marketing system work and whether it is offering any worthwhile products or services that are in demand and will be used by people. Easy Daily Cash offers products which can be used inside the program and outside the system as well. Remember the value of products can be rated high if the using customers recommend to others.

Easydailycash was founded by Craig Garcia and Michael Corcoran in the year 2006 and they have combined aspects of an MLM as well as direct sales company. An aussie 2up is what may sound like the MLM and marketing digital products appears to have been taken from a direct sales company. Additionally, training through webinars is offered by the sponsors to the members and this will enable the members to attend from anywhere and make use of the facility.

For those who would comment on 2up compensation system, here is the answer. The plan offers strong motivation to the members and the sponsors alike because everyone entering into the program should pass 2 sales up. The training to members is specifically directed to generate leads and drive traffic to the websites. It is by adopting newer advertizing strategies and tactics. Article marketing secrets are one that helps the members quite well. Even a novice will start writing articles and advertize about his website. The products are digital e-books and software. Some of them include Automated Hits Machine, WebAudio Plus, Scripts2Sell and Traffic, Signups & Sales. The given list of products is only a sample and there are several premium and in-demand products. The program comes with products and they can be retailed by the members on sites such as e-bay and make money outside of the program.

However, genuine marketing programs including Easy Daily Cash should be taken as serious businesses and strived hard to make money. Time wasters cannot make money especially with Easy Daily Cash. Commitment and perseverance will put the members up on a platform to make money from Easy Daily Cash.

November 23, 2007

Trends And Profitable Trading In The Forex Market

The basis behind using technical analysis is to find trends when looking at the forex charts and be aware of when they first develop so you can ride the trend until it ends. The foreign exchange market is a very strong trending market, lots of ups and downs in short periods of time, and is, therefore, a place where technical analysis can be very effective.

But even considering the great amount of indicators available, there are still many traders every week who still end up buying (being "long") while the currency pair is in a basic downtrend, or selling short when a market is in a uptrend. This is, they end doing things backwards.

If you want to become a profitable forex trader you will need to use as many technical indicators as you want, or create a personalized trading strategy based off a combination of indicators, to recognize the trend. In other words, professional Forex traders try to identify the major trend, the intermediate trend, and the short-term trend and then construct their trades in that direction, based on how long their rules allow them to hold a position. More information here;

If the action of the market shows your judgment to be correct, the successful trader 'stays with the market' and endeavors to make the maximum profit on each trade, according to his/her risk-to-reward / equity management rules. If and when the market goes against him/her, the smart trader will take profits and get out. In a narrow market, when prices are not going anywhere to speak of, but move within a narrow range, there is no sense in trying to anticipate when the next BIG movement is going to be - up or down.

In short, if you want to be in good profitable terms with the forex markets you must follow this words of wisdom: "Never argue with the market, or ask it for reasons or explanations".

Adrian Pablo
Forex Trader and Freelance Writer

How To Make The Most Of Your Passport To Wealth Internet Home Business

Passport to Wealth is an internet home business that has great potential and is already making thousands of people rich. While there is tremendous upside to what the business has to offer, there is still a lot that weighs on your shoulders. Because of this, there are some things that you can do to make the most of this internet home business.

The first thing you must have is some kind of plan. If you talk with your leaders and directors, they will be able to assist you in coming up with a plan to begin with. Even with this, it is up to you to decide where to go to market the product, who to target, and how to go about getting those first few sales.

Along with this, your leaders cannot set goals for you. Sit down and write out goals for when you want to have your first sale, when you want to be earning commission, and where you want Passport to Wealth to take you.

The next thing is to research and learn as much about the product as possible. The easiest way to have success on the internet is to be an expert in what you are selling. There is nothing more embarrassing than having a prospect ask you a question that you cannot answer. You can save yourself the trouble of having to deal with this if you research, talk to your leaders, and become an expert on your product.

One of the most crucial things you will learn with having an internet home business is the importance of caring for your customers. If you want to generate sells and build up a positive aura, you have to take the time to talk with customers. Show them that you care about them more than making the sale. If you can do this, you will be amazed at how many sells you create.

You have to understand that this does take time and a lot of effort. While it is possible to make $1,000 to $7,000 in the first week with this, it will take you a lot of time to do this. But do not get discouraged if you do not have immediate success. The last thing you want to do is get down on yourself and quit. This is too good of an opportunity to give up on.

Lastly, try not to stress yourself out with the Passport to Wealth internet home business. While it is essential that you put in the time and effort, it is equally important that you do not burn yourself out. Make sure to step away from work and relieve any stress you may have building up. This will allow you to be fresh when you come back while also enjoying your life at the same time.

Would you like to have real financial security? Cary Martin invites you to visit his profitable business opportunity website for everything you need to start and run your own online business. His services include advertising, mentoring, and a full service training and support package to help guarantee your success. Learn more here:

Four Advantages to Creating and Selling Ebooks

Have you ever purchased a hard cover book only to discover that it is outdated in a couple of years? Enter the ebook. The format of an ebook is such that you can purchase it one day and when you are reading it again sometime in the future, all you need to do is click a button and you get the updated version in a matter of seconds. This is one of the main reasons that ebooks have become the digital item of choice for marketers.


There are several advantages to publishing ebooks. Rather than go through the process of having a hardcopy book produced through a printer, you can do it yourself on your computer. Speed is one greatest advantages of digital media. You can have your book written, compiled into its final file format and uploaded to the internet or to ebay in days instead of the weeks or months that a "normal" book requires for a paper edition.


Cost is another of the advantages of the electronic format. The cost of printing ten thousand copies of a hardcover book can be extremely expensive. This is true whether your book is being done through a publishing house or a small printer. This doesn't even include the costs of shipping the product to retailers and marketing in any manner.

The only cost involved in creating an ebook is the value that you place on your time. Of course there is the cost of the electricity your computer uses, but that is negligible.


Your ebook will be created in a readable format, typically a .pdf file. The advantage of using this format is that you will potentially have an unlimited number of copies of your ebook. By having to only transfer a digital file you have in effect created another copy of your work at virtually no extra cost. Whether your book is copied a dozen times or a million, your cost to produce them is the same.

Ebooks can be stored on your computer for use and access at any time that you please. With catalogs, you can update the products and prices as often as you wish and you do not have the loss of thousands of outdated back issues filling your warehouse space or having to recycle them. Your information is always available for your customers in the most up to date version.


Typically when you produce an ebook your end product is not in the hundreds of pages. This is another cost advantage compared to using a publisher and having to pay for the cost of the paper to print it on. If your book does end up being large; 50-100 pages or larger; you can then break it up into volumes and you have two or three ebooks to offer for sale effectively doubling or tripling your profits.

Finally realize that you do not need to fear you are not good enough to write your own book. Write it as thought you were telling a friend about something. Feel comfortable. Once you are done you can run the copy through a spelling and grammar checking program to hone off any rough spots there. Everyone has a book in them somewhere. It is time to let yours out on the world.


Ron Barrett is the owner of 5 Star Ebook Diary, , where he documents each step that he takes in the launching of his internet marketing ebook business.

November 20, 2007

The Big Lies of Internet Marketing

Are you tired of the Internet marketers taking money out of your wallet? Learn about the Internet marketing lies and how the Internet marketers use them to make themselves richer at your expense. Knowledge is power and the more you know the more power you will have to resist the Internet marketing lies.
If you have been trying to make money on the Internet, then you have seen the Internet marketing lies. You may even know they are lies, but you still keep falling for them time after time. It is time for someone to lay out the truth so you can see past the lies and stop bleeding money from your wallet. Here are the typical Internet marketing lies.The One Time OfferSometimes this one is true, but most of the time all you need to do is bookmark the page and come back days, weeks or months later and you can still get the supposed one time offer. It's a sales gimmick designed to get you to act right away before you have time to reconsider the purchase.The Price is Only Good for the first 100 PurchasesThis one is also sometimes true, but most of the time if they can sell to hundreds or thousands at the original price they will. I don't know how many times I have seen a supposed counter of how many are sold or how many are left that is noting but a static graphic. It's just another gimmick to get you to part with your money before you put too much thought into the purchase.Anyone can Make Money with this ProductThis Internet marketing lie is crafted to make you believe that you can't lose if you buy the product. Don't worry about the money you are spending because you can easily make it back and much more. The unfortunate truth is that most of these products sound much easier to apply than they are. The Internet marketer is skilled at building hype and not revealing what the product is all about or how much work it is going to take to make any money with it.I'm a Millionaire -- just do what I did and you can be a Millionaire tooIf I had a hundred dollars for every form of this one I have seen I'd be a millionaire too. The fact is -- everyone who has become successful at Internet marketing has done it by forging their own trails and working long hard hours finding out what works for them. The expensive e-books, the costly membership sites and the high dollar courses will not allow you to duplicate their successes. If you want to succeed in making money on the Internet you need to work at it and find the things that play on your strengths.Great Benefits for FreeEveryone knows that offering something for free is the surest way to get more attention to a product or service. Unfortunately, most Internet marketers will give you very little of value for free. They are focused on getting the most money they can from your wallet. Once they get you to put your energy and your time into trying to use the free product or service they have you hooked. You then become a prime target for their up-sell pitch where the product or service becomes a lot less free.If you really want to make money on the Internet instead of losing itFeature Articles, you need to see past the Internet marketing lies and find your own way. There is plenty of good information out there and most of it is totally free. Look for honest advice from people who wish to share their knowledge instead of empty your wallet.

Source: Free Articles from

There is lots of free and honest information on the Internet to help you on your quest to make money on the Internet. Visit the authors blog to learn more: Best Internet Marketing Tips

November 17, 2007

The Uses in Forex Trading of Moving Averages and MACD

Moving Averages: If you consider the "trend-is-your-friend" statement of technical analysis as a true sentence, the moving averages will be very helpful. Moving averages tell the average price in a given point of time over a defined period of time. They are called moving because they reflect the latest average, while adhering to the same time measure.

A weakness of moving averages is that they lag the market, so they do not necessarily signal a change in trends. To address this issue, using a shorter period, such as 5 or 10 day moving average, would be more reflective of the recent price action than the 40 or 150-day moving averages.

Alternatively, moving averages may be used by combining two averages of distinct time- frames. Whether using 5 and 20-day MA, or 40 and 150-day MA, buy signals are usually detected when the shorter-term average crosses above the longer-term average, i.e. price will likely go up. Conversely, sell signals are suggested when the shorter average falls below the longer one, i.e. price will likely go down.

There are three kind of mathematically distinct moving averages: Simple MA; Linearly Weighted MA; and Exponentially Smoothed. The latter choice is the preferred one because it assigns greater weight for the most recent data, and considers data in the entire life of the instrument making of it a more accurate indicator. More information here;

MACD: Moving Average Convergence Divergence: MACD is a more detailed method of using moving averages to find trading signals from price charts. Developed by Gerald Appel, the MACD plots the difference between a 26-day exponential moving average and a 12-day exponential moving average. A 9- day moving average is generally used as a trigger line, meaning when the MACD crosses below this trigger it is a bearish signal and when it crosses above it, it's a bullish signal, with the corresponding implications for the currency's price in each particular situation.

As with other studies, traders will look to MACD studies to provide early signals or divergences between market prices and a technical indicator. If the MACD turns positive and makes higher lows while prices are still tanking, this could be a strong buy signal. Conversely, if the MACD makes lower highs while prices are making new highs, this could be a strong bearish divergence and a sell signal.

Adrian Pablo
Forex Trader and Freelance Writer

Forex and Futures Trading: Are You Really Prepared to Trade?

So you have some speculative funds and believe you can master the Forex or Futures Trading markets. Hang on for the reality and do yourself a favor by considering this.

Before you blindly believe the hype about Forex and Futures Trading.

Before you spend money on the greatest futures trading system ever.

Before you put any real money in a futures trading account.

Just consider the reality of the statistics and answer the following questions because they apply to you and your pocketbook.

Do you have $20,000 or more in speculative funds? I am talking about money that means nothing to your current standard of living. Can you look at it as money that you would be willing to start a fire with? The studies indicate this to be a very realistic expectation of the capital needed to learn the ropes of futures trading.

Have you spent 3 to 5 years studying and learning how futures trading works? Most futures trading veterans agree that buying 1 or 2 books or trading courses is not enough. The education is part learning from the success of others and part developing your own trading style. This education comes at a heavy price. Plan on purchasing several educational works. Are you willing to pay the price?

Are you sure that you have the mental discipline required to be a successful futures trader? In my opinion this is the major unknown to futures trading. Many professional traders express that their trading success is 80-90% mental discipline. Paper trading does not account for the emotional aspects and effects of a position moving against you. Now what if you had 3, 4 or 5 losing trades in a row? Do you have the discipline to stick with your trading system?

If your honest answer to any of the above is No, then you should consider putting yourself into a holding pattern until all conditions can be accomplished. Failure to effectively overcome any one of the above obstacles will almost certainly spell futures trading disaster.

Forex and futures trading can be a highly rewarding activity. The rewards are earned at a price. Do not believe the offers that claim how incredibly easy it is to make a fortune. It is not true. Any futures trading book or course you purchase should be viewed as a tool to learn by. It will be one step of many on your path to trading success.

Merv Thompson Author and operator of a website providing tools, resources and reviews for todays trader.

Find out about an exciting alternative to Forex and Futures Trading at E-currency Trading

The Benefits Of Working For Yourself With A Home Based Business

Like most people, you've undoubtedly thought about how great it would be to work from home. Just imagine, working for yourself with no one to answer to.

What would it feel like to rise in the morning and plan your day according to what works for you. You could take the day off when you want to, not when it works for your company. You can give up the stress of being an employee to begin working from home.

If you're ready for a career advancement in becoming your own boss, here are some of the perks that you can expect to enjoy.

10 Second Commute

Just think of all the extra time that you will have when you can give up your daily commute. Your commute will now involve a 10 second walk to your home office. Instead of wasting 8-10 hours a week commuting to work, you will receive the benefit of a full extra workday a week to devote to building your business.

Write Your Own Paycheck

When you work for someone else, you are increasing their bottom line with your hard work. However, you are probably not receiving the compensation that you deserve. That's all a distance memory now. The profits that you earn from your efforts will go into your pocket.

Decreased Expenses

When you stop leaving the house to work, you start putting money back into your pocket. You will be amazed at how quickly things like gas for your car, clothing costs, and eating meals out really add up. An added benefit are all of the tax benefits that you can take advantage of by working from home.

Time Freedom

The truly remarkable benefit of creating a profitable work at home business is that it gives you the flexibility to work when you want. You are accountable only to yourself. So the more you work, the more money you can expect to make. You also won't need special permission to attend your daughter's afternoon school play or your son's baseball practice.

Are you ready to take a leap of faith and start signing your own paycheck? Once you choose your business to build, you can create a steady stream of income and take control of your time and your life. It will require hard work and persistence, but if you don't give up, you will be pleased with the results that you can achieve.


If you are looking to start working from home, visit Brian's Wealthy Marketer website.

Brian McCoy is a six figure earner and one of the top income earners in the home business industry. Brian works with entrepreneurs around the world. He devotes the time, energy, and effort into his team and works with them to ensure their success.

You Can Find the Best Home Based Internet Business Opportunity

The dream of becoming a successful home based business entrepreneur is alive and well in millions of people. Far fewer actually take the leap and make a go of it. Most just dream big dreams and let it go at that. If you're one of those who actually wants to find the best Internet home based business, congratulations! You're in the minority that is actually taking an active role in their own success.

Now that you're really looking for success, how can you go about finding a good home based business you can run from the Internet? First, you should know what makes a great home based business.

Premise or Business Model - The business should be based on a sound premise. There should be a strong demand for your products and/or services, and a realistic expectation that you will be able to make money from your business. Unlike many of the dot-com businesses of the last decade, it should make money right from the start, not burn your precious cash building a customer base.

Scalability - It should be a business that you can run by yourself at first, then easily grow larger. Your business should have the potential to scale up to what ever size business you desire by simply adding the appropriate resources.

Potential - It should have the potential to achieve whatever success goals you've set for yourself. Weather you're striving for a little extra income, a replacement for your current job, or to become wealthy, your choice of home based business should be able to deliver you to that level of success. If you want to earn money, while being able to have more freedom and flexibility, make sure your chosen endeavor can help you achieve that as well.

Even if some of the home based business opportunities you find seem to be exactly what you're looking for, there are many opportunities that simply fail to deliver on their promise. It's been a hallmark of home based business that there are many opportunities that simply fail to deliver anything close to the success promised. If you treat your new business as a real business, rather than a hobby, with all that that entails, you should be able to make a profit from it.

There are ways to find out weather or not the opportunity you're looking at has the potential to make you wealthy, or simply cost you money you don't have. Here are some ways to discover if an opportunity is real, or just another pipe dream.

1) Does the company or product have a solid history? If they can point to other successes, a promising history, or the product has been sold by other successful entrepreneurs, you may be onto something.

2) Bad reports about the company and/or product(s) from users or other business owners typically mean you should find another opportunity.

3) Is the company making claims that seem too good to be true? If they promise you that you can make a fortune with little or no work for instance, you should take that with a grain of salt. In the event they do make such claims, you should be able to verify (with 100% certainty) they are, in fact, true.

4) See if the company can show you recent success storied from satisfied business owners and/or customers. If the latest testimonials are from 2004, you might want to investigate something a bit more current. This is especially in the case of an Internet business. Time is compressed in Internet business. What was great 3 or 4 years ago may not be so good today.

5) If the company wants to make you pay to become a dealer, look elsewhere. This is not to be confused with a franchise fee, where you are buying a proven business system. On the other hand when the company makes a good percentage of their revenue from dealer or distributor fees, instead of actual product sales, you have to wonder why.

This should get you started on finding the right vehicle to carry you to the world of home based business success. Remember, no two people are alike. Just because an opportunity was right or wrong for one person, doesn't mean the same will hold true for you. Look at each opportunity as it will apply to you. Here's to your success.

There are so many Internet business opportunities available to you. It can be daunting. Choose the right Internet business, you could be a multi-millionaire in a few years. Choose the wrong one and you could wallow in debt induced despair for an eternity. Don't choose the wrong home based business, especially when there are some great ones. One of them could be perfect for you. Discover how you can be on the right Internet business track at the Home Based Business Opportunities Guide.

November 16, 2007

Learn Forex Trading - a Guide for Beginners

One can learn forex trading as easily as one would like to learn other subjects or train in other professions. The criteria for learning forex trading is an analytical / logical bent of mind and some number crunching abilities. Reading specialized books on the subject matter, enrolling for college and other programs, which specifically teach one to do forex dealing, one can understand Forex trading. Still other ways are through the Internet and training under a forex dealer / professional. Essentially the forex market comprises of currencies, which are bought and sold according to certain parameters.

There are major currencies in the market, which are trade and are the most liquid. These are US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar. Then there are other currencies, which are not so liquid. However currency trade is done in almost all currencies across the world. The forex market is truly a twenty-four market with only a minor break during the weekend. It opens in Sydney, then in Tokyo and then in London and New York in that order according to the way that the Earth rotates and the sun rises. Therefore forex brokers and investors can choose their time of operation.

Essentially it's a matter of selling and buying the currencies. The goal is very simple, that of making a profit in the currency transactions that you participate in. The currency market operates like most other markets and therefore for many traders 'migrating ' form other trades such as stock market can be quite simple.

Essentially one can learn forex transactions by creating a virtual account. The first lesson is that currency trade is done in pairs only like Euros / US$, Japanese Yen/ Canadian Dollars etc. When you have set up a virtual account with the amount of initial investment, keep the following pointers in mind

· According to your investment strategy and time frame, choose the currency pair best suited to your needs. Some currency pairs can be very aggressive and the changes can be quite volatile. While others may not show any movement. Therefore choose the currency pair with care.

· Decide the time frame. Do you want to spend a few minutes on the forex trade or you want to go the whole hog and devote the entire week to the forex trade (swing trade)

· Have an exit plan ready before you start the currency transactions. Know when to place your 'stops' and do so accordingly.

· No risk no gain. Be willing to take risk. You can take calculated risks in order to earn good profits. Know whether you want to be an aggressive trader or are you happy being a safe trader.

· Read and analyze the news and the technical data that is generated on the currencies that you deal in to understand the market conditions better.

Of course you can grasp the modus operandi of the forex trade. But for doing the real thing, you need to be in the forex transaction market for real.

One can learn forex trading as easily as one would like to learn other subjects or train in other professions. For in depth information visit

7 Tips for Success With Your Internet Business

Achieving success in this or any business is a matter of developing a proven plan of action and working toward that goal every day. By doing that you are well on your way to achieving success with your Internet business. Following are my 7 tips for success.

Create and follow short/long term goals for your business. The short goals can create early success and instant profits while the long term goals will ensure future success.

Do not get too comfortable with your income or life. If you meet your goal for the year in September, set new goals for the fourth quarter of the year. I always review my goals toward the end of June. By that time, half the year is gone and I can make adjustments to push myself for the remainder of the year.

Save time and money by using technology to do routine chores. Using ad, or articles submission software can save you an incredible amount of time. And it may allow to reach a far wider audience than if you did those tasks manually.

Do not become so obsessed with your business that you become a workaholic. You will actually be more productive and creative if you take time away from your business and relax. It helps clear your head and invigorates you when you return to work.

Don't procrastinate. If a job needs to be done, just do it. If it is a huge project that you are dreading, do a little bit each day until you finally complete it. Rome wasn't built in a day, you know.

Investigate ways to improve your business or product. This doesn't mean that you should invent a new technique (although you can if it's within your capabilities). Look for successful strategies that you have not used before, such as testimonials, audio, or video.

Create a good first impression. Make sure visitors to your site are presented with a professional looking business. Don't use that purple and black background just because they are your daughter's favorite colors. However, if you have reason to believe that purple and black background would work well, look good, and increase sales; go for it (you can always change it back).

Each of the rules above represents a very small part of your business. Individually, none of them has a big impact on your company. However, when you follow all of them, each and every day, you can make great strides toward success and profits with your Internet business.

Easily develop Your Own Product!

FREE Ebooks! FREE Downloads!

3 Steps to Choosing the Right Online Home Business

When looking for a Online Home Based Business to join
you should follow these 3 basic steps.

1) Check out the companies compensation plan.
Some companies will offer a $10 commission,while
others offer commissions of $1500 a sale.
It's just as easy to promote the $1500 product
then it is to promote the $10 product.

Example: You sell 100,000 ($10 products) and your a millionaire.
You sell 667 ($1500 products) and your a millionaire.

Now would you rather make 667 sales or 100,000 sales. It's a No - Brainer.

2) Make sure the company offers you training and support. The problem with
most online companies, is after you sign up , they leave you high and dry.
So make sure the company offers training on marketing, advertising, and
following up with potential sales.

3) Make sure you think about your retirement. A company that offers Residual Income
is a Big Bonus. An example of a company that offers Residual Income is

Make Money Online Through Automation

If you have made the decision to start a home based business, you should take advantage of the internet to make money online. Just picture how you could make money online with the internet using the process of automation.

You wake up in the morning when you feel like it, grab some hot chocolate and turn on your pc. You check your Google inbox and see several $900 sales that were made while you were asleep. The process of automation allows you to make money online with a proven marketing system closing sales for you.

Once you have completed the setup process of automation, the technology does all of the work for you. We can thank the several truly bright and imaginative internet marketers who have come before us and spent the necessary time in the trenches completing all of the research and testing of proven systems to make money online through automation.

Whether it be a new start up MLM (network marketing) or another proven system, using the internet allows you to automate several of the money making online business processes right from the comfort of your home. Even offline businesses are starting to grasp the concept of internet marketing and make money online through the process of automation. From delivering products and services, to depositing money in your bank account. Automation allows you to make money online easily. How easy?

There is actually an automated system that will call your prospect for you. Once the prospect has opted in, they receive a pre-recorded voice message from you thanking them for visiting your website. This automated option does two things really well.

1. It distinguishes you from all of your competitors. Picture your lead spending the day searching for a way to make money online. They have just opted-in to three other websites before reaching yours for more information. As soon as they opt in to your website, they receive a phone call from YOU. While your competitor's autoresponder emails are reaching spam folders, you are reaching an interested, excited lead in person with your warm and friendly voice via automation.

2. It builds trust instantly. Your new lead receives an automated call from you verifying that you are indeed a real person looking forward to helping them make money online. They can call you immediately and get started right now.

Can you start to see and feel the power of using automated systems to make money online for you?

There is actually a proven marketing system that will make money online for you through a 99% automated proven marketing system. It runs 24/7/365 closing your sales for you with the ability to integrate voice broadcasting.

Wealthy Marketer is the system that has proven to be very successful and make money online through automation.

Making money online through automation is something that even a beginner can achieve. So when you work from home, make sure you choose a proven marketing system that is not only easy, but allows you to make money online through automation.


To learn how to Make Money Online an easy process through the power of automation, you can visit Don's Wealthy Marketer site:

November 15, 2007

Intrenet Marketing VS Forex Currency Trading

Have you noticed that when someone's trying to sell you something - such as a system for making money - they always make it look far easier than it is? Let's look at two Internet businesses, almost as diametrically opposed as it's possible to be - Internet Marketing and Forex Currency Trading.

You've probably heard the old Internet adage - build a better website and they will come. Well it ain't true! You could put up a site advertising dollars for a dime and they still wouldn't come - because they wouldn't know where to look!

Let's look at what you need to have in place in order to build a successful Internet marketing business.

First of all, you need a product. If you've been reading the recent Internet marketing blurb you'll know you need a niche product. Actually, the new thing is sub-niche but whatever they call it, you need a product for which there is high demand but low supply.

Finding a suitable niche is the hardest part of the whole process but let's say you have a killer product, what else do you need?

The List.

Ask any Internet marketeer and they will say that the most important part of your business is your opt-in list. For people to join your list you usually have to give them something of value such as a free eBook or report on a subject related to your main product line. To keep them interested, you need to keep in touch with them offering them additional information, advice and tips.


To promote your opt-in list you need a website (although there are other ways of promoting your list, too) with features that will encourage people to sign up to your list.

You also need a killer website with killer copy to describe - and sell - your killer product. This may or may not be the same as the one you use for your opt-in list.

Killer copy.

Maybe you're not a good copywriter. There are many eBooks on the subject that can help you or you can pay someone to write copy for you.

You need a domain name, preferably one with some relation to the product but good domain names are becoming increasing difficult to find.


To get people to visit your website in the first place you need to register it with the search engines.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is an art in itself. You can mug up on the subject or pay someone to do the job for you (but be aware that not all experts are!).

You might also want to place ads for your list in newsletters and ezines. The better ones will charge you although you might get a free ad in return for an article.


To automate your business you need an autoresponder. These clever devices automatically send emails to everyone on your opt-in list at predetermined intervals, and contain predetermined copy.

For example, you could create a series of emails containing, say, five parts of a free course to be sent one a day over the first five days. Then emails would be sent once a week advertising a different product each time.

Whenever anyone signs up to your list they automatically start at the beginning so everyone gets the full cycle of marketing material.

We haven't even looked at affiliate sales and marketing but I'm sure you get the picture. The basic idea of selling over the Internet sounds good but there's a lot more to it than most people realise.

Forex Currency Trading

Someone said that trading is the last frontier, the last place where men and women can stand up and pit themselves against the world.

It sounds very Wild Westish but most of it is true! You win or lose entirely by your own efforts and if you win, it's like having your very own bank.

However, even owning a bank is a business and you still have to work hard to put the money there - and to keep it!

Unlike Internet marketing where all your efforts, in one form or another, are geared towards making people join your list and then selling them stuff, Currency Trading has no customers. That's worth repeating - with currency trading, you don't need customers.

No customers means you don't need any of the associated accoutrements that go with Internet marketing such as:

Web site
Domain name
Opt-in list
eBooks and reports
Any other marketing aids

So far so good, but what do you have to do and what do you need? Well, you need to know what currency prices are doing.

You can get a list of prices at the close of each trading day free from many web sites. If you want to trade during the day - intraday trading, you can get real-time prices for a nominal fee from several data suppliers. In the foreign exchange currency market, commonly called forex, you can get this data and charting software free from many web sites.

Okay, that's the easy bit. In order to trade currencies, you need to analyse the data and determine which way price is heading. In other words you need a system and this will require study and dedication.

There's lots of other stuff you have to know, too - trading terminology, margin, leverage, money management, order types, trader psychology and more.

But all of this is available in eBooks and courses and on the Net.

You also need some money upfront to fund your trading account. With forex you can begin with as little as $300-500 although you would be advised to start with more.

So while you don't have the ongoing quest for new customers, new products and inventive sales techniques, you do need some sort of education or training before you begin and you need discipline while you're trading.

For more information on getting started with forex currency trading, go to:

Making money takes work whether it's online or off. Make sure you know what's involved before you start and remember that the more you put into a business, the easier it gets.

From the author of the hit Forex book - "Mechanical Discretion", Amin Sadak has created another masterpiece for Business Opportunists. His new teaching manual "The Affluent Desktop Currency Trader" provides an alternative for people looking for online business opportunities.

Amin teaches the method he uses to download $1000 every week with Forex Currency Trading.

You can find more information at

Forex Brokers - Helping to Maximize Your Success

A Forex broker is a broker dealing in foreign exchange, just like real estate broker who deals in real estate and properties. Simply, a Forex broker is an advisor who advises you about the forex market. However, the Forex market is not the perfect place to play with as a novice and beginner as there are many criticalities involved along with much risk bearing capacities. Novices can very quickly get their fingers badly burnt. But inexperience is not the only reason to consider using a Forex broker to trade in the high-risk international currencies market.

So, the Forex broker is an advisor who advises you about the forex market and allows you to work for 24 hours a day with major currencies like EUR, JPY, GBP, CHF etc against the US dollar on the spot, i.e. according to the current prices on the forex international exchange market. But the level of profits depends only on your abilities as well as your timely decision.

Although the role of the Forex broker is relatively redundant as a result of technological advancement and increased awareness, we cannot completely underestimate his role. The new paradigm shift has had something of a democratizing effect on the financial markets, and in the years that have followed a plethora of banks and brokerages have extended the range of their services to a new market by packaging up their online trading systems for the retail market, enabling the more modest investor to trade from their own computer screen - even on the previously out-of-reach currency markets. This is where the real role of Forex broker starts.

PIP is nothing special but Price Interest Points. In the forex market, currencies are always priced in pairs. The quoted price is the level where we, acting as the market maker, are willing to buy/sell the currency pair. In the wholesale market, currencies are quoted out to four decimal places, with the last placeholder called a point or a pip. A pip in most currencies is one /10,000th of an exchange rate (in USD/JPY, it is one /100th, likewise you can find for others).

Let's see some more information about Spread. As with all financial products, forex quotes include terms like 'bid' and 'ask"'. The 'bid', in its simplest terms is the price at which a dealer is willing to buy (and clients can sell) the base currency in exchange for the counter currency. The 'ask' is the price at which dealer will sell (and clients can buy) the base currency in exchange for the counter currency. The difference between the bid and the ask price is referred to as the spread. The spread defines the trader's cost, which can be recovered with a favorable currency move in the market. The value of a pip is determined by the pair of currencies being traded, the rate at which the currency pair is trading and the size of the position being traded.

There are many great Forex brokers, like COESfx, who maintains tight, competitive spreads in the four major currencies against the Dollar, and a total of 17 currency pairs including USD/CAD and AUD/USD. Some of the major features of COESfx are:

Real-time streaming prices

Price certainty on market orders

Competitive pricing

Fixed 3-5 pip spreads

For details, about this forex broker as well as their offerings, please visit:

Anthony Trister is a currency trader and is an owner of OneDayTrades which offers free, mechanical forex signals and an automated trading program for those wanting to trade forex. Free access available here:

Free Traffic For Your Website

ou may need to boost website traffic on a tight budget. Starting a web site can drain your bank account as you pay the necessary fees and expenses. Free traffic may be the very thing you need right now. It may seem too good to be true, but it is not. Your investment may not be monetary, but it will require some of your top assets; your time, energy, and creativity.
? Links
Linking with other sites is a great way to jump start web traffic. Contact similar sites of a size that is comparible with your site. Ask the site owner if they are willing to post your link and offer to post their link on your site. You will both increase your web traffic and increase your search engine rankings. There are many automated methods of link swapping, but I would suggest caution when using them. You need to be aware of your web presence. Also, the routing of the link can impact its benefits.
If you are a writer, you have a great tool for drawing links to your site. By providing content for other sites, you can link back to your own site and increase internet traffic to your site.
Do not hesitate to contact local directory websites, trade associations, or any other web site that may link to your site.
This is not always a ?free' method. You can put a lot of money into an SEO strategy. However, by supplying your site with quality content containing keywords, posting a keyword enhanced blog, and increasing links with other sites, you can boost your rankings and find a vast number of visitors arriving at your web site.
A strategy that cooperates with the search engines and caters to the visitors on your site will provide you with a solid base that can give your ebook business growth for many years to come.

Good, old networking can still pay off. Of course, it has taken on a new feel since you may meet a lot of your contacts through forums. Regardless of whether you are doing business face to face, or chatting online, use the opportunity to network. Infiltrate your local and your online community and get to know your competition as well as your clients or buyers. The online community may not have an ?old boy network', but it is a great place to meet people, learn about what is new, and get the news out about your ebook web site.
Free traffic may not be free in the true sense of the word, in that you still need to invest time and energy. As an entrepreneur, you may feel that your time is too valuable for some of these methods, but the pay off can be VERY BIG. Put together a strategy and chip away at it as you can. Over time you will see that you have built a thriving money making ebook business.

November 13, 2007

Forex Brokers - Helping to Maximize Your Success

A Forex broker is a broker dealing in foreign exchange, just like real estate broker who deals in real estate and properties. Simply, a Forex broker is an advisor who advises you about the forex market. However, the Forex market is not the perfect place to play with as a novice and beginner as there are many criticalities involved along with much risk bearing capacities. Novices can very quickly get their fingers badly burnt. But inexperience is not the only reason to consider using a Forex broker to trade in the high-risk international currencies market.
So, the Forex broker is an advisor who advises you about the forex market and allows you to work for 24 hours a day with major currencies like EUR, JPY, GBP, CHF etc against the US dollar on the spot, i.e. according to the current prices on the forex international exchange market. But the level of profits depends only on your abilities as well as your timely decision.
Although the role of the Forex broker is relatively redundant as a result of technological advancement and increased awareness, we cannot completely underestimate his role. The new paradigm shift has had something of a democratizing effect on the financial markets, and in the years that have followed a plethora of banks and brokerages have extended the range of their services to a new market by packaging up their online trading systems for the retail market, enabling the more modest investor to trade from their own computer screen - even on the previously out-of-reach currency markets. This is where the real role of Forex broker starts.
PIP is nothing special but Price Interest Points. In the forex market, currencies are always priced in pairs. The quoted price is the level where we, acting as the market maker, are willing to buy/sell the currency pair. In the wholesale market, currencies are quoted out to four decimal places, with the last placeholder called a point or a pip. A pip in most currencies is one /10,000th of an exchange rate (in USD/JPY, it is one /100th, likewise you can find for others).
Let's see some more information about Spread. As with all financial products, forex quotes include terms like 'bid' and 'ask"'. The 'bid', in its simplest terms is the price at which a dealer is willing to buy (and clients can sell) the base currency in exchange for the counter currency. The 'ask' is the price at which dealer will sell (and clients can buy) the base currency in exchange for the counter currency. The difference between the bid and the ask price is referred to as the spread. The spread defines the trader's cost, which can be recovered with a favorable currency move in the market. The value of a pip is determined by the pair of currencies being traded, the rate at which the currency pair is trading and the size of the position being traded.
There are many great Forex brokers, like COESfx, who maintains tight, competitive spreads in the four major currencies against the Dollar, and a total of 17 currency pairs including USD/CAD and AUD/USD. Some of the major features of COESfx are:
Real-time streaming prices
Price certainty on market orders
Competitive pricing
Fixed 3-5 pip spreads
For details, about this forex broker as well as their offerings, please visit: Trister is a currency trader and is an owner of OneDayTrades which offers free, mechanical forex signals and an automated trading program for those wanting to trade forex. Free access available here:

Three Advertising Secrets That Will Save You $$$$

It was a pretty humble beginning for an aspiring leader, working on a crew at a termite and pest control company.
In California, where I lived, a home cannot be bought or sold without a clean bill of health from a termite and pest control company. As they look for these wood eating insects, termite inspectors also report any dry rot and structural flaws in the property.
Which is how I spent a month one summer in Redwood City.
Our company had inspected an imposing turn-of-the-century home that was being put on the real estate market for the very first time in its storied history. The home rested, not on a foundation, but on a dozen or so stacks of concrete block. We had been contracted to bring this building into the 20th century by putting a suitable foundation underneath it.
The crew I worked on jacked up the house with a house jack, cut the floor joists from the posts that rested on the concrete blocks, dug a trench around the circumference of the house, poured concrete, and lowered the house onto its new foundation. What an ordeal!
It is far easier and less time consuming, to put a foundation in first, and then build a house.
When it comes to advertising, most small businesses are like this old house. Instead of working hard and laying a solid foundation, they just slap up a building: advertising here, advertising there, with varying degrees of success. Thousands and thousands of dollars later, most small business owners have no idea if any of this expensive advertising had any impact at all.
Time spent on your foundation can solve this problem. Here are three questions to answer BEFORE you spend one cent on advertising:
1. Who is your target audience?
Who is the person most likely to use your products or services? This is a counterintuitive practice called narrowcasting. Instead of trying to reach everybody, narrowcasting aims at a very specific, identifiable group of people. Narrowcasting is essential for success in today's crowded marketplace. If you are everything to everyone, you are nothing to no one.
Take the time to know EXACTLY who you want to reach and learn everything about him or her.
One of my small business clients did this by tracking all the people who came into his store during a typical week. From that exercise he was able to determine the age range and gender of his primary target, professional women in their late 30's and early 40's. This group comprised almost two-thirds of everyone who came into his store. He also gained some additional information, that young males 18-30 comprised less than 5% of his customer base and were NOT his primary target.
Then he went one step further. This small business owner took 10-15 minutes with 25 of the women in his target and asked them a dozen questions. From their responses he was able to craft a profile of his target complete with likes, dislikes, buying motives, children's ages, daily habits and shaped his advertising by it.
2. What does your target audience read, listen to, or watch?
One of the questions you MUST ask your target audience is what media outlets they read, listen to, or watch. Without knowing this information, your advertising odds are no better that the lottery's.
The dirty little secret in advertising sales is that most buys are ego buys and have nothing to do with targeting. A business owner likes the radio station, or drinks beers after work with the ad rep, or wants to be a TV star in a funny commercial.
If you want to be a star, go to open mic night and the nearest comedy club. Don't gamble away your hard-earned dollars on speculative advertising. Again, find out EXACTLY what your target audience reads, listens to, or watches and place your advertising ONLY on those mediums.
Here too, though, you must be strategic. Don't do something one month in the newspaper and switch to the radio the next month and then try a direct mail coupon book. When you find the medium that connects with your target, dominate it.
If there is one secret to successful advertising, it is this: repetition.
This means having your advertising run and run and run on one medium so that it appears like you own that medium. When you are sick of seeing or hearing your ad, GREAT, your prospects are just now noticing it. Once you have dominated a medium in this way, add a new advertising medium only when you can dominate it as well.
3. What is your compelling benefit?
What do you say in your advertising now that you've defined your target and are ready to dominate a medium that speaks directly to them? Here, too, is where small businesses go awry.
Recognize any of these words?
- Quality service - Lowest price - Serving the state since 1982
These slogans, and hundreds like them, mean nothing because they don't say anything. A compelling benefit, however, grabs your prospects by the throat and demands their attention.
To craft your compelling benefit, you must first know your competitive advantage. What do you do better than anyone else in the business? Focus on that one thing and state it in a powerful, succinct way. Sure you do other things, and people will get to know that in time, but first you need a clear, simple focus to your messaging.
Now take your competitive advantage and state specifically how you will make a person's life different when they experience it. Will you make them money? Keep them safe? Bring greater health? Increase quality of life?
Here are two examples:
The Kingston Training Group specializes in teaching sales people how to set first appointments. Their six word slogan, all beginning with the letter M, is this: Make More Meetings, Make More Money. Note the competitive advantage, setting appointments, and the compelling benefit, increasing income, stated in a memorable way. Perfect!
The benefit statement I have for my business is this: A BETTER Business, A BETTER Life. I specialize in helping small business owners build their business in a systematic way that allows them to live the life they wanted when they started it in the first place. Again, stated in just six words.
This best part about this tool is that it is absolutely free because words are free. Work on your words. Make them simple, short, and powerful. Then build all your advertising around them.
Bill Zipp, President of Leadership Link, Inc., is a seasoned small business specialist. Bill has spent thousands of hours working with hundreds of business leaders, and his proven program, The Business Fitness™ System, provides a step-by-step plan for building a strong, self-sustaining small business. For a FREE Special Report, The 3 Biggest Killers of Small Businesses Today (And What YOU Can Do About Them!) visit .

Imagine... You Can Build A Money Site In Just 30 Days

Your website is the keystone for your virtual Business.
If you have a desire to make good money online, we need to expand your sphere of knowledge. On the surface, it may appear that, all you need is a splashy website and a link to your Paypal account. I wish it were actually that simple, besides your sales page you will need to understand the dynamics of a Hosting account, plus some web pages combining everything into a seamless smooth flowing experience for your customer... bottom line you need Business Automation, a powerful business engine that will drive your site efficiently, creating your Virtual ATM Machine.
Your website is your virtual sales force, in essence, your store, it is where your prospective customers can come in and look around hoping to find that product or service they desire to buy.
So how do we achieve business automation and build this virtual ATM?
To achieve this goal we must combine a lot more technology, adding expensive software applications to manage and run our website, develop our sales pages and to add video and audio to display our products in a true virtual commercial state. We need software to track and monitor our advertising performance, and our sales, to collect and process credit cards, shipping data and the total administrative functions necessary to manage any business.
This is discouraging, and the reason over 90% of all online ventures fail within their first year.
Therefore, what do you need to do to ensure success and build this virtual ATM Machine...? You have two choices:
1. You can hire a very expensive webmaster to identify, incorporate and manage all the technical issues, purchasing and implementing them for you, or.
2. Spend the 12 - 18 months learning the technology and doing it yourself.
If you decide to pursue this task on your own you will need to make sure you have the following items at a minimum to hope for success:
1. A quality Hosting account.
2. High quality web-builder software.
3. A substantial knowledge of HTML.
4. A good autoresponder.
5. Traffic tracking software application.
6. Split Testing software application.
7. Your all important Merchant Account.
8. A web business centered statistical package to monitor your revenue and statistics.
This is your minimum requirements to implement a successful online business; you can easily add many more bells and whistles, but hold on to your wallet the price tags rolls up quickly.
If you do decide to venture out on your own, be prepared to spend a good 12 - 18 months learning the required technology, and software applications. Remember that this time spent is time taken away from your ultimate goal... making money.
This is a critical point - your goal from the outset should be spending no more than 10% of your time on technology and 90% on driving traffic, and converting customers into buyers... in order to succeed.
Alex Mandossian, a legend in online marketing said it best:
"There's no money to be made in learning technologies... unless you want to be a webmaster."
So my advice... mentor success and do not fall into the technology trap, find one of the hosted programs that provides all the money making services and technologies you will require to have your business up and operational in days instead of months.
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As Alex said, your key to success is having someone else handle the technology requirements, so hire a webmaster, or get one of the integrated website programs available so you can focus on your primary goal; driving traffic, converting customers, and making money.
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November 11, 2007

What Would You Rather Do: Read About Someone Elses Forex Success or Experience Your Own

You can draw some useful parallels between running a business and Forex trading. For instance, most successful businesses keep statistics on everything from their conversion rate, to their average dollar sale, to the number of people that come in the door. Businesses do this to keep on top of how they are doing on a day-to-day basis and businesses must first take score before begining to improve on that score. Using a Forex back testing plan in your trading works exactly the same way.
Now that you`re looking at Forex trading as a business, you need to learn some valuable statistics about your system so you can improve it`s performance. You would use a Forex back testing method. You can`t improve your system unless you have something to measure it against. How could you expect to improve your trading unless you knew what it was you were looking to improve? You can discover these measurements and other valuable information about your trading system, by using a Forex back testing plan.
There are two ways that you can use a Forex back testing plan to back test a system. You can do it manually, which can be a drawn-out and labour-intensive process, or you can do it with the aid of some software packages. Unfortunately, I recommend you do it by hand when you first start out. You`ll get a much better feel for your system, and you`ll understand exactly how using a Forex back testing plan works in all its intricacies. Once you have the Forex back testing plan and the in-depth knowledge, you could look at finding a software package that does it for you.
There are a few major statistics on your Forex back testing plan that you need that you will uncover through back testing. The first statistic you need to become familiar with is the R multiple principal. R stands for risk, the risk you take on any trade when you enter the market. The R multiple of a trade is the ratio of the profit or loss compared to the amount of money risked to make the profit or loss.
Therefore, if you risk $200 dollars in your initial purchase, and you make a profit of $1,000, you have made five times the amount you risked in the trade. You have an R multiple of five. This statistic gives you a good idea of the relative size of your profits to your losses. You can compare the average size of your winning trades with the average size of your losing trades.
The next statistic you`ll find useful is your win to loss ratio. This is how many times you get a winning trade in proportion to how many times you get a losing trade. For example, if you had ten trades, four of those trades were winners, and six were losers, your win to loss ratio is simply four to six. This is your hit rate; you`ll get 40% of your trades correct.
With these two simple statistics, you can calculate the average size of your profits and of your losses, multiply these figures with your win to loss ratio, and calculate on average how much money you make with every dollar you risk.
For those of you who think this sounds like a too much work, particularly using a Forex back testing plan that you need to do to uncover these statistics, consider this scenario: Imagine yourself trading a system that you knew had a win to loss ratio of 60/40. You made profit on every six trades and lost one out of every four. How do you think you would feel, where would your confidence level be, after you traded the system for a little while and you received a string of 11 losses in a row?
Now, you know that this system has a win to loss ratio of six to four. Would you have the confidence to open another trade if your system brought up another buy signal after getting 11 trades wrong?
Unless you use Forex back testing plan to back tested your system, I doubt that your confidence level will remain high. That trading system may be a fantastic profitable system. However, since you didn`t use your Forex back testing plan to back test it, you don`t know that historically this system received up to 13 losses in a row, but was still profitable.
Here`s another point you may not have picked up unless you used your Forex back testing plan. Once you`ve set your money management rules and you begin to trade, you will likely experience a string of losses. Countless times, I`ve had clients who get disheartened by this fact because they don`t understand the nature of setting good management. If you`re adhering to the rules of cutting your losses short and letting your profits run, because you`re cutting your losses short, those trades are going to last for a shorter amount of time.
This means once you begin trading the odds of getting losses early in the game are much higher than getting a winning trade. This is particularly true when you consider that many successful trading systems run on a 40/60 win to loss ratio. However, you will never know the intricacies of your system unless you use a Forex back testing plan and back test it.
Using a Forex back testing plan, will help you to understand what works and what doesn`t. It will give you the statistics to gauge the effectiveness of your trades. It fills in your scorecard, and allows you to make improvements. But, you shouldn`t simply believe everything I`ve told you. Instead, you need to prove it to yourself by using some Forex back testing plans and back test your system.-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- David Jenyns is recognized as the leading expert when it comes to designing profitable forex trading systems.Discover the "secret formula" of trading that anyone can useto consistently generate BIG profits from the market by downloading your FREE copy of David's new UltimateForex Trading Systems course.Click Here To Download ==> Forex Trading Systems

November 09, 2007

What Would You Rather Do: Read About Someone Elses Forex Success or Experience Your Own

You can draw some useful parallels between running a business and Forex trading. For instance, most successful businesses keep statistics on everything from their conversion rate, to their average dollar sale, to the number of people that come in the door. Businesses do this to keep on top of how they are doing on a day-to-day basis and businesses must first take score before begining to improve on that score. Using a Forex back testing plan in your trading works exactly the same way.
Now that you`re looking at Forex trading as a business, you need to learn some valuable statistics about your system so you can improve it`s performance. You would use a Forex back testing method. You can`t improve your system unless you have something to measure it against. How could you expect to improve your trading unless you knew what it was you were looking to improve? You can discover these measurements and other valuable information about your trading system, by using a Forex back testing plan.
There are two ways that you can use a Forex back testing plan to back test a system. You can do it manually, which can be a drawn-out and labour-intensive process, or you can do it with the aid of some software packages. Unfortunately, I recommend you do it by hand when you first start out. You`ll get a much better feel for your system, and you`ll understand exactly how using a Forex back testing plan works in all its intricacies. Once you have the Forex back testing plan and the in-depth knowledge, you could look at finding a software package that does it for you.
There are a few major statistics on your Forex back testing plan that you need that you will uncover through back testing. The first statistic you need to become familiar with is the R multiple principal. R stands for risk, the risk you take on any trade when you enter the market. The R multiple of a trade is the ratio of the profit or loss compared to the amount of money risked to make the profit or loss.
Therefore, if you risk $200 dollars in your initial purchase, and you make a profit of $1,000, you have made five times the amount you risked in the trade. You have an R multiple of five. This statistic gives you a good idea of the relative size of your profits to your losses. You can compare the average size of your winning trades with the average size of your losing trades.
The next statistic you`ll find useful is your win to loss ratio. This is how many times you get a winning trade in proportion to how many times you get a losing trade. For example, if you had ten trades, four of those trades were winners, and six were losers, your win to loss ratio is simply four to six. This is your hit rate; you`ll get 40% of your trades correct.
With these two simple statistics, you can calculate the average size of your profits and of your losses, multiply these figures with your win to loss ratio, and calculate on average how much money you make with every dollar you risk.
For those of you who think this sounds like a too much work, particularly using a Forex back testing plan that you need to do to uncover these statistics, consider this scenario: Imagine yourself trading a system that you knew had a win to loss ratio of 60/40. You made profit on every six trades and lost one out of every four. How do you think you would feel, where would your confidence level be, after you traded the system for a little while and you received a string of 11 losses in a row?
Now, you know that this system has a win to loss ratio of six to four. Would you have the confidence to open another trade if your system brought up another buy signal after getting 11 trades wrong?
Unless you use Forex back testing plan to back tested your system, I doubt that your confidence level will remain high. That trading system may be a fantastic profitable system. However, since you didn`t use your Forex back testing plan to back test it, you don`t know that historically this system received up to 13 losses in a row, but was still profitable.
Here`s another point you may not have picked up unless you used your Forex back testing plan. Once you`ve set your money management rules and you begin to trade, you will likely experience a string of losses. Countless times, I`ve had clients who get disheartened by this fact because they don`t understand the nature of setting good management. If you`re adhering to the rules of cutting your losses short and letting your profits run, because you`re cutting your losses short, those trades are going to last for a shorter amount of time.
This means once you begin trading the odds of getting losses early in the game are much higher than getting a winning trade. This is particularly true when you consider that many successful trading systems run on a 40/60 win to loss ratio. However, you will never know the intricacies of your system unless you use a Forex back testing plan and back test it.
Using a Forex back testing plan, will help you to understand what works and what doesn`t. It will give you the statistics to gauge the effectiveness of your trades. It fills in your scorecard, and allows you to make improvements. But, you shouldn`t simply believe everything I`ve told you. Instead, you need to prove it to yourself by using some Forex back testing plans and back test your system.-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- David Jenyns is recognized as the leading expert when it comes to designing profitable forex trading systems.Discover the "secret formula" of trading that anyone can useto consistently generate BIG profits from the market by downloading your FREE copy of David's new UltimateForex Trading Systems course.Click Here To Download ==> Forex Trading Systems

How To Be a Successful Internet Marketer

The savvy internet marketer knows what is hot from month to month. They know what is selling at the time and what they should be concentrating on. You, on the other hand, might not have your nose as close to the trough as the rest so might not know what is going on. If you do then you have a head start.
If you are new to internet marketing you will have a lot to learn before you can call yourself an internet marketer. There is a great deal to learn, and if you are looking to learn then you either need a few empty credit cards, a very deep wallet or follow the advice you are about to get here.
Many start off full of hope but end up full of despair, simply because they are unfamiliar with the way the internet works, and how those that are completely at ease with it can use it to their own advantage. Most people who purchase information books online never use them to any effect. That is a proven fact. There are more people with their computer directories full of unused and now useless information for which they have paid a great deal of money than there are that have made anything from them.
Sometimes the only people who actually make money from online software and ebooks are the writers and the copywriters they employed to write their adverts and sales pages. The purchasers often have no idea what they are reading about, and having read the books are still as clueless as when they started. That is no way to enter the very cut-throat arena that is the internet. Here you take no prisoners, and have to know your subject from start to finish in order to be successful.
That is why those inexperienced in internet marketing should start off with the type of income sources that were not available to those of us who started our internet careers some years ago. It is strange that concepts such as MLM marketing took so long to go online to the extent that it now has, although perhaps that is largely due to the fact that the way it worked was not fully understood, other than by those involved in the high profile offline network marketing organizations.
MLM marketing is ideally suited to the internet, and works far better online that it ever could offline, although some companies such as Amway did OK with it. That should be one of your initial income streams if you are a new internet marketer. You can run with the MLM company of your choice for a while and then switch if it doesn't work. However, network marketing takes time to get going so don't give up too early. It is the major online earner of a very large number of people, and many run three or four MLM projects at one time to bring them five figure incomes each and every month.
Another aspect of internet marketing suitable for a beginner is affiliate marketing. This is where most newbies to online marketing start. It takes away the need for a product and a sales page, cart and payment system and dealing with queries, complaints and refunds. You will likely need a website, but there are affiliate programs available that provide you with a website and with a wide choice of affiliate products to offer on it.
Basically what you are doing with affiliate marketing is drumming up prospects for others. You send the prospects to the merchant's sales page, and it is taken out of your hands from there. If somebody makes a purchase you get an average of 50% of the sales price for electronically deliverable goods such as ebooks and software. If you are selling hard goods, that could drop to as low as 2%. So don't specialize in selling hard goods!
There are many other ways in which you can make money online using internet marketing, but those detailed above are probably the best for a beginner to start with. Try one at a time and don't attempt to go too far too fast. What that means in practical terms is to try one MLM program and see how you get on with it. In the meantime find an affiliate program that provides you with a website and try that.
If you can get your own website and are comfortable with that, then that is even better. It is ultimately what you will need in any case, so it's the way to go. Every successful online marketer has at least one website, but usually several, and the sooner you can get yours the better.
If you are nervous about becoming an internet marketer, don't be. Get yourself together, open your eyes and go for it - with your eyes wide open and looking forward to the adventure that is facing you. You won't regret it.
Mike Littles is an expert internet marketer who specializes in running a successful home business. You can view his personal website at

November 07, 2007

Your Guide to Learning a Forex Trading System

There are a great number of people in America that are interested in investing in order to make a tidy profit. There are many ways to invest and many ways to make profits by investing. One method that has been gaining in popularity is that of the Forex trading system. If you are unsure of what this is, let me explain. Forex stands for foreign exchange. A Forex trading system is defined as the simultaneous exchange of one countries currency for another countries currency. If you would like more information, please let this be your guide to learning a Forex trading system.
The Forex trading system involves trading some of the world's most major currencies. These are: the dollar, yen, British pound, Swiss franc, and the Euro. The way the exchange rates of these types of currencies change is based on economic growth. An example: Sometimes the Dollar is worth more than the British pound because the United States was in a period of economic growth while Britain was on the decline. This can be because the unemployment rate was declining in the United States, while on the rise in Britain. Another example: the export rate is up in Asia so the yen is worth more than the Swiss franc where the export rate is down. Economic growth changes daily, so the value of these currencies changes daily. You need to learn to watch for these changes in order to make any money with the Forex trading system.
The Forex Trading system is much larger than that of all U.S. stock markets combined. In fact, the Forex Trading system makes about 1.9 trillion dollars each year. This is 30 times larger than the U.S. stock markets. Also, Forex trading is done throughout the entire world, so it is available 24 hours a day, unlike the U.S. stock markets.
You can learn the Forex trading system for free online at various websites. Many websites offer a free demo account and free Forex trading System training. This way you can practice everything you learn for free, without investing or losing any real money. Then when you get a feel for the Forex trading system, many websites offer a free 30 day trial or free trades to new investors. It is best to utilize some of this free training and the free demo accounts before you start investing your own money.
Now that you understand the Forex trading system a little better, you may wish to get out there and start investing. There is a lot of money to be made, or lost. Be careful and make sure you get the proper training first. With the right frame of mind, you may be able to make some healthy sums of cash through the Forex trading system!Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Forex Trading. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Forex Trading System

November 05, 2007

Your Guide to Learning a Forex Trading System

There are a great number of people in America that are interested in investing in order to make a tidy profit. There are many ways to invest and many ways to make profits by investing. One method that has been gaining in popularity is that of the Forex trading system. If you are unsure of what this is, let me explain. Forex stands for foreign exchange. A Forex trading system is defined as the simultaneous exchange of one countries currency for another countries currency. If you would like more information, please let this be your guide to learning a Forex trading system.
The Forex trading system involves trading some of the world's most major currencies. These are: the dollar, yen, British pound, Swiss franc, and the Euro. The way the exchange rates of these types of currencies change is based on economic growth. An example: Sometimes the Dollar is worth more than the British pound because the United States was in a period of economic growth while Britain was on the decline. This can be because the unemployment rate was declining in the United States, while on the rise in Britain. Another example: the export rate is up in Asia so the yen is worth more than the Swiss franc where the export rate is down. Economic growth changes daily, so the value of these currencies changes daily. You need to learn to watch for these changes in order to make any money with the Forex trading system.
The Forex Trading system is much larger than that of all U.S. stock markets combined. In fact, the Forex Trading system makes about 1.9 trillion dollars each year. This is 30 times larger than the U.S. stock markets. Also, Forex trading is done throughout the entire world, so it is available 24 hours a day, unlike the U.S. stock markets.
You can learn the Forex trading system for free online at various websites. Many websites offer a free demo account and free Forex trading System training. This way you can practice everything you learn for free, without investing or losing any real money. Then when you get a feel for the Forex trading system, many websites offer a free 30 day trial or free trades to new investors. It is best to utilize some of this free training and the free demo accounts before you start investing your own money.
Now that you understand the Forex trading system a little better, you may wish to get out there and start investing. There is a lot of money to be made, or lost. Be careful and make sure you get the proper training first. With the right frame of mind, you may be able to make some healthy sums of cash through the Forex trading system!Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Forex Trading. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Forex Trading System