April 12, 2008

ADSL Lines - Explained

If you are a small home business owner, you have already recognised that you have needs that simply cannot be met by simple end user services, and this is where an ADSL line can step in to pick up the slack. Whether you are running a small business from your home, or you are a business that is looking to upgrade its equipment and to become more connected to the world at large, you'll find that you have many needs that cannot be adequately serviced by normal internet service, and through learning a little bit about an ADSL line, you will quickly see why this is such an important investment for you to consider.

The first point that you should be aware of is that an ADSL is a high-speed internet connection which links to the outside world through the use of a British Telecom analogue phone line. This internet connection is permanent and unlike dial-up, will not be interrupted by the use of the phone. You'll find upon installation into a home environment, a splitter will be provided to you by BT and you will connect the splitter to the telephone connection on your premises. Then your phone goes into one connection on the splitter and your internet line goes into the other, allowing you to use both devices easily.

There are several advantages when it comes to seeing what kind of a difference this line can make. You'll find that this is 24 hour business-quality internet connection and rather than being paid for by the amount of usage you put in, you'll simply need to pay a fixed monthly cost.
You will also find that the speed with which this operates is far superior to anything that you might find in other services and that there are many different advantages to this speed. You'll be able to log onto your sites and onto your work programs with zero effective delay and you'll also find that you can work much more quickly than you could without it. At your request, you can take advantage of an excellent firewall that can be provided to you, as well as a static IP address, which is essential if you want to think about doing office networking.

It is important to understand that if you go with an ADSL line that you will be going with a contended service, that is, you'll be sharing the bandwidth with other customers. What this means to you is that you will be sharing your connection, and that if there are many people online, your own data transfers might be a little slower. It is important, however, to remember that this is something that has been planned for, and the amount of bandwidth that has been allocated is specifically meant to account for the maximum amount of users that will be online at any given time.

If you are looking for a network and internet solution that will provide you with faster and more efficient service than you could get as a normal end user, it is time to see what a permanent ADSL line can do for you!

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who writes for a number of UK businesses. For Business Internet Services and ADSL Broadband, he recommends Iconnyx.

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